8:01 We Need to Talk About Kevin
We're back to talk about SPN Season 8, Episode 1 "We Need to Talk about Kevin." Liz hates on Sam's Season 8 hair a lot. Kevin Tran is the shiznet. Also Diana has to match the CW 2012 line-up promo with the show. Is it Gossip Girl? Vampire Diaries? Play along and find out.
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Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast. I'm Diana.
And we are back after a short break to talk about season eight, episode one. We need to talk about Kevin.
Bitch (:Tran. So we're trying to make sure that when Diana uses the word Kevin, that she follows it with Tran so we don't get a big lumbering dog running through being like, I'm Kevin.
Jerk (:Thank you.
Jerk (:Yeah, because Kevin is very sweet, but he likes to hear his name. So Kevin Tran.
Bitch (:So yeah, Kevin Tran. So I think that is, you know, one of the things that was happening with you last week was Kevin Tran had an unfortunate adventure, not Kevin Tran, Kevin Tran, Kevin the dog, not Kevin Tran. So, I think that is, you know,
Jerk (:Yeah.
Jerk (:Kevin, yeah. Yeah, we had a little, had to make a little, I say emergency run to the vet. It was emergency, but not like overnight hospital visit, but yeah. So, Kevin, Kevin had a little urinary tract infection, but he's a ginormous, so it was very expensive for his antibiotics, because it has to take multiple at a time for every one dose.
Bitch (:I wonder if it's just like the same, like the horse, like a horse gets the same amount of antibiotics as your dog. They're just like, yeah.
Jerk (:I will say he's actually lost a little bit of weight in the last year and I think it's because he's been more active since he got a new little friend. Being our other dog.
Bitch (:Yeah, so he's trying to, you know, show off for his new friend.
Jerk (:They play more, but yeah. So yeah, that's, yeah. That and then we just been, almost got Dutchess back on the road and otherwise it's been pretty quiet in my little world.
Bitch (:see that post-holiday thing where you were running around and now you get to be quiet it's also getting cold so
Jerk (:Yeah.
Jerk (:It is.
It is. Yeah, we're just looking forward to and I'm going to give a little tiny plug is this, this weekend, if you happen to listen to this and are in the Dallas area. On Saturday, the 13th at trees and deep Elm. There is a show called Aviva Kenny and it is a fundraiser for a friend of ours who was a Dallas firefighter who was hit by a drunk driver while on his motorcycle and they are trying to raise money to cover his expenses
Jerk (:and there's gonna be bands and it will be fun.
Bitch (:Yeah, go support that. And if you're not that, if you are a listener from Zimbabwe, hi, that's awesome. You're in Zimbabwe. What the fuck are you doing listening to us? But I mean, you can get a treat if you want to and look at it. Go donate.
Jerk (:Yes. Well.
Jerk (:Yeah, there you go. Man, so what you got going on, Liz?
Bitch (:I've been watching a lot of 80s movies. So particularly this weekend was I watched big business and that has helped that Midler and Lily Tomlin are fucking national treasures and I'm sure they say to her I don't know like I was like I don't know what their politics are I don't care like I they're just old like all of their like
Jerk (:Oh yeah, you said that.
Bitch (:performance in this was just great. And Bette Midler looks so good. And she was just like, that little pink and black, you know, polka dot dress is just iconic. And then I watched a whole bunch of Steve Martin movies, but like Cheaper by the Dozen and Father of the Bride. The Father of Bride was gonna be kind of emotional, but now I think I wanna go back and watch the, like the, it was Elizabeth Taylor who did the older version of it, the original one. And the,
Jerk (:Oh
Jerk (:Oh yeah, I think so. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah.
Bitch (:Was either her or Katherine Turner or maybe I don't know someone's like screaming at the radio right now But I'm gonna go watch this but disease Martin is just such a like comedic genius and Martin short as Frank Was just loose is so good and BD Wong was in it I forgot BD Wong is in it and he is also a treasure. So it was yeah
Jerk (:Oh, for sure.
Bitch (:Sometimes that is a level of comedy you need. Like I just need something that's kind of slaps physical comedy that is also humorous and somewhat endearing.
Jerk (:Yeah.
Jerk (:I watched part of the jerk a few weeks ago, which is a little different, but in that vein, it's just, ah, this is ridiculous entertaining. But yeah.
Bitch (:Nice.
Bitch (:Uh, so. Alright, so we're in season eight.
Jerk (:Oh, and we are going to be in Shirts, Texas, it sounds like, on the at the end of this month for Paracon.
Bitch (:Lone Star Paracon, I think is the name of that one. But, I don't know. And apparently the investigation the night before, which I never saw advertisers already sold out and was really upset because I wanted to take Diana on an investigation, but I mean, this house is haunted and she's going to stay here, so we'll just investigate here. So, anyway, hopefully we'll see you there. That should be fun. There's going to be a bunch of like a bunch of spooky people will be out there.
Jerk (:Yes. Yeah, that's what it is. 11 Star Paracon.
Bitch (:So season eight, episode one, we need to talk about Kevin. So this was the past two seasons, you know, Sarah Gamble was a show runner. And so she is no longer the show runner and is being taken over by Jeremy Carver, who also wrote this episode, but it was directed by Robert Singer, right? And this first aired in October of 2012.
re gonna go back to the CW in: from the CW lineup of: Jerk (:Oh shit.
Jerk (:sure.
Bitch (:It's interesting looking at this line of like which way like it was turning. This was when they were going away from like the more of the teen shows and starting to bring in more of the supernatural type stuff, right? And kind of targeting the nerd audience more. We still haven't seen like what the lineup was going to like the ones like the assholes that can't cancel the Winchester so they can go in a different direction. Like I didn't even see what they're doing now. So anyways, so.
Jerk (:Mm-mm.
Bitch (:2012 this one aired Monday night so I don't know if you can remember what you're doing Monday nights at it says 8 to 9 p.m but I bet that was eastern so probably your seven o'clock Monday show I'm not going to ask you how old you were in 2012 but here we go
Jerk (:No, don't.
Bitch (:You can't hear it? Oh, I know what I had to do. I had to go out of preview and go to live. All right, let's try this again.
Jerk (:Mm-mm.
Bitch (:Are we doing it? Play! We'll have to edit this part. We will. We'll make it work. What the fuck? Come on, Riverside! Oh, I think...
Bitch (:And then we've made this work before.
Jerk (:Mm-hmm.
Bitch (:Did you hear that?
Jerk (:Mm-mm.
Bitch (:It says live. Okay, what happens if you hit clip one?
Jerk (:Which one I need to hit?
Bitch (:It says clip one.
Jerk (:thinking a lot.
Bitch (:it have live pressed. We tried different.
Jerk (:I do too.
Bitch (:That's what you're supposed to do, right?
Jerk (:I thought so.
Jerk (:Yeah, it's just... No, that's... I hear that for sure. Oh, yeah.
Bitch (:See, okay, so you can hear that one. Is it just, is it the clip? So I wonder if it's because it's a new clip. I'm gonna try a different clip.
Jerk (:It's still trying to load. It won't even give me the option. On my end.
Bitch (:Yeah.
Bitch (:do Alright, so let's see
Bitch (:Oh
Bitch (:I think that'll be too clunky if I try and share it that way.
Jerk (:It's just still thinking on that clip.
Bitch (:This is super bumpy.
Bitch (:see what I can share.
Bitch (:Okay, we don't pay for that one.
Bitch (:other thoughts on how we could do this.
Jerk (:I don't know. I mean, because it only works in here, and mine won't even open any of them. Like, I can't preview it even. I was trying to just have curiosity.
Bitch (:Because like even a preview, if you could listen to it in preview, then we could like go back and just edit it in, right?
Jerk (:Yeah, it all just gives me a spinning wheel.
Bitch (:Okay, so let me do...
Jerk (:Like right next to where the play pause button is just a spinny wheel.
Bitch (:Yeah, hold on, I'm gonna go to Gmail.
Bitch (:Okay. If I was going to send you files to play, what would you rather have them in individual emails or attached to? Like, so you could basically, you can just play and listen to you like, and then we'll just, we'll fake that, you know, I can listen to it while you listen to it. Does he get it?
Jerk (:I'm checking to make sure I have stuff logged in on this computer to do that. Uh, yeah, you can send it to my diana.slick email. In whatever way works best. Oh.
Bitch (:Oh, no fair.
Bitch (:Okay. Oh, damn it! They're not obscured this way! Nooo
Bitch (:This would be a time for Zoom.
Jerk (:Right?
Jerk (:I'm trying to think if there's another way.
Bitch (:Okay, we'll see. What do you hear if I play this way?
Bitch (:Did you hear anything there? Okay. That was all system. Okay, so that didn't work.
Bitch (:Okay, let's do this.
Bitch (:And then you can just get these lined up to go on your side as these go through.
Bitch (:These are MB3s, so they should be small enough to come through pretty fast.
Bitch (:See, and the internet has just slowed down for everybody, so it's because of the lizard people. Lizard people are your biggest problems of 2024, I'm just telling you. Just fucking with everything.
Jerk (:That makes sense.
Jerk (:and lizard people.
Bitch (:back in the user people.
Jerk (:at clip one.
Bitch (:There you go.
Bitch (:Oh.
Jerk (:I'm going to play it to make sure I can.
Bitch (:one.
Jerk (:OK, definitely hear that. Cool. All right, clip two.
Bitch (:Uh.
Jerk (:This is clip two, part one.
Bitch (:Yep, you don't need part two though. You're not going to need part two.
Jerk (:Huh?
Okay, I got clip three.
Jerk (:Whoa. That was a very dramatic intro.
Bitch (:All right, did I say clip four?
Jerk (:If you did, I haven't gotten it yet, but I'm refreshing.
Bitch (:I'll set it again, you may get it twice.
Jerk (:There it is.
Bitch (:Thanks for watching.
Jerk (:and they were into the dramatic intros.
Jerk (:So I've got one through four.
Bitch (:All right.
Bitch (:And then since you're listening to the one, I was gonna spoil a surprise that clip six, which is it really was like, you know, it's like, it's too many of Eclipse six is this the supernatural one. So it was going to be like, now you have to guess which one this is. But if you, if you'll hear it, like you're still gonna see. That's why then it would go directly into
Jerk (:Okay. Right.
Jerk (:episode. Makes sense.
Jerk (:All right, let me see if I've got six. Oh, you're renaming the file type, so I don't. The other ones.
Bitch (:Go ahead.
Bitch (:Well, and also so you have the order that matches my order. So, so we're talking about the same thing. Yeah.
Jerk (:That's helpful, yes. That'd be real weird otherwise. Shit, very confusing.
Jerk (:There it is.
Bitch (:Okay, yep.
Jerk (:That'd be a giveaway anyways. All right.
Jerk (:All right. Whoo, are we ready?
Bitch (:Yep.
Bitch (:So we're just gonna fake like we're both listening at the same time. Okay.
Jerk (:Yeah, you just tell me when to start and I'm like, I'm just noting time here.
Bitch (:When you're ready.
Jerk (:Go for it.
Bitch (:Alright, so our first thing is what were you doing Monday night at 8 to 9 p.m. Eastern 7 standard? So go ahead and play cliff one and listen to the handy dandy promo from cw and tell us what show it was
Jerk (:Uh, I have no idea. The OC or something.
Bitch (:I think the OC was much earlier. No, no, that was 90210, the reboot.
Jerk (:I think so too.
Jerk (:Oh, that's right.
Bitch (:Yeah. And that was actually season five of that show had five seasons. Isn't that insane? Yeah. And yeah, it was just, I don't, but you know, they had a DM with the, with the hell was the, anyways, yeah. So it was, it was a banger. It was a banger promo. All right. All right. Yeah. Okay. So our second one, this was your Tuesday night show.
Jerk (:That is.
Jerk (:Huh.
Jerk (:Yeah, yeah.
Jerk (:Okay.
Bitch (:So it was Tuesday nights, eight to nine Eastern, seven Central. So go ahead and hit that play button.
Jerk (:That was a lot about sex. For CW in 2012. I have no idea. I was not watching a lot of CW in 2012, apparently.
Bitch (:So much fun.
Bitch (:So, you give up? Yeah, so this was Heart of Dixie.
Jerk (:Yeah.
Bitch (:which I have suggested to Diana as a fluff show. It's a show about, you know, where Rachel Bealson plays Dr. Zoe Hart and she moves to the town of Bluebell, Alabama, where apparently, you know, the South never has any racism. And it's all like people have alligators. It's actually a hoot. It's a really sweet show and there's a lot of hot dudes on it. But anyways, and yeah, so it's really like a lot of CW actors in it.
Jerk (:Oh, I did hear about that. You have.
Jerk (:noted.
Bitch (:So it's got, you know, uh, Wilson, like, I don't know, hot dudes. No, this is like this.
Jerk (:Noted. I'll keep that in my back pocket for when I run out of my garbage TV.
Bitch (:Yeah, I think you would enjoy it. All right. Moving along to Wednesday night. Uh, this is the, this is the eight to nine PM slot.
Jerk (:Okay. Ooh, so later Wednesday night.
Bitch (:getting a little raunchy. No, they're already raunchy.
Jerk (:Alright.
Jerk (:a lot of action noises. I'm going to guess arrow. Yay! I got one!
Bitch (:You are correct. Hooray! Yes, this was actually the year the Arrow premiered. So this was like, and this is why I said you can kind of see them going in a new direction. I did enjoy while I was looking at the promo. I forgot how much he took his shirt off, especially in season one. I mean, it's just like...
Jerk (:Okay.
Jerk (:Yeah, yeah.
Bitch (:Look at Oliver doing pull-ups with his shirt off. Look at Oliver doing sit-ups with his shirt off. And like, I know what audience you're going for, CW. And definitely, I think, and definitely that, that will prove true with the same time slot on Thursday. So your Thursday night, I think you'll get this one. So this is your Thursday night at 8 p.m. Go ahead.
Jerk (:All right, here we go.
Jerk (:Yes, Vampire Diaries!
Bitch (:You are correct. I really also like the promo of like that Matrix, like Sonic Boomers. Like, yeah, it's so, so overdramatic for, for Elena kind of that, but God, I just like, I think I'm just going to watch it again. I can, I can watch that show over and over again. I don't know why.
Jerk (:Yeah, there's a lot of that. Very dramatic.
Jerk (:So good.
Bitch (:This is awesome. Yeah, so that was the season where they introduced Klaus and Elijah and all the super hot original dudes All right, so this is this is also I think this may have been Thursday or what either supernatural was there zero miss was but This is the late night. This is what this is nine o'clock slot nine to ten All right, go for it
Jerk (:Yeah.
Jerk (:Ooh, okay, here we go.
Jerk (:I have no idea.
but I'm amused about the slut spiral.
Bitch (:Wow, okay. There is a slut spiral and lots of fucking because it was the final season, the sixth season of Gossip Girl.
Jerk (:Oh...
Bitch (:then you could hear Michelle Drakdenberg in that too.
Jerk (:Oh, OK.
Jerk (:All right.
Bitch (:Yeah, so there's one final one, the final one that'll just take us into, to, I don't know what show it possibly could be from. So, so this was the promo for this thing that we talk about.
Jerk (:What could it be?
Jerk (:Here we go.
Jerk (:Ha ha ha. Supernatural! Yay! Here we go.
There we go.
Bitch (:So here is season eight so that was CW's 2012 lineup with there's a few other things there too like there's America's Next Top Model was on still There is like some show about Emily MD like about the young chick. Who's a doctor like as I But yeah, so I think like again like kind of going more towards like the super like monsters and shit and less
Jerk (:Hmm
Jerk (:Oh yeah.
Bitch (:Girls fucking, I know. So the progress of the CPN, or the CW, I don't know why. I think it is combined because I was thinking about Buffy and how that was on UPN and then that became the CW. So I made a new television station. So maybe that's a new streaming network. So, but now we are here to talk about Supernatural Season Eight, Episode One. Let's talk about Kevin Chan.
Jerk (:Hmm.
Jerk (:Oh yeah. It works, it works.
Jerk (:Ah.
Jerk (:Yeah.
Yeah. So we kick off with our recap. And and it's just really mostly about Leviathan's and recapping what happened in season seven, leading us up to the start of season eight with the song Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull as the background. And then we open the episode in the hundred mile wilderness in Maine one year later and.
as a first time watcher, I should know about her that things like this are gonna happen. But I really wanna flip a table when I see one year later to see. Like are you fucking kidding me? But either way, because we left off with Crowley telling Sam, Sam you're now well and truly alone, boom, and poofed out of there. And Sam's left by himself, right? And then we had Dean in purgatory with Cas, but then Cas fucking disappeared on him and he was being haunted by creepy crawlies.
Bitch (:Heheheheheheh
Bitch (:Thanks for watching.
Bitch (:Yeah.
Jerk (:So now we're a year later kicking it in fucking Maine. I don't know. So we've got some couples sleeping in a camping in Maine and they see a, there's a noise and a light and basically they, they peek out and it's a very bloody Dean that wants to know where the fuck he is. He's pointing a gun at them.
Bitch (:Yeah, just when I thought I was ready to go camping, you know, because I got invited to go camping next month. And but now I'm like, well, shit, because I like you know, the guy when he she was like, go check. And he's like, what the fuck do you think I'm going to do? And and but, you know, it's not it's not a deer. It's dirty Dean. I just start calling it right now. He's just dirty Dean. And he has a gun, though. And he steals from them.
Jerk (:Meh.
Jerk (:Yeah, which is interesting. And he does he steals their bag and goes to find the road 12 miles away from there. Which also like where they they're camping in the middle of nowhere, 12 miles from the road, that's not even that's not even fun.
Bitch (:Where's the road? Y'all hike 12 miles. Like maybe somebody like drop them off though. Like maybe like they have like an outbidder who like drove them. They didn't look that wildernessy. So like somebody like drop them off and like, we'll come get you in like a day.
Jerk (:I guess
Jerk (:now.
Jerk (:People do that, that sounds terrible. Anyways...
Bitch (:I don't know, like I'm just more concerned about like will my cooler have enough snacks. But also like if there's something on the other side of the tent, I'm like I'm not unzipping that zipper. Like it has to come through the tent.
Jerk (:Yeah, she was very ready to investigate this. She was very, very ready to investigate.
Bitch (:Would you unzip it? I think I would just be like, no, it's alright. It's cool. Don't knock.
Jerk (:Yeah. But we get a, we get a clip over to Clayton, Louisiana, four days later, and a yellow truck drugs drops Dean off at some intersection. And he just walks for like a really fucking long time through Louisiana, and then just starts digging near a cemetery by this windmill and his arm hurts. He does look cleaner.
Bitch (:He does look cleaner though. And also like, and he's clearly digging in gray. And that's how you know, Mrs. Dean Winchester and not like a shape shifter. Cause he's like, look at my grave digging skills. That's still here.
Jerk (:but it's great if his thinking skills are off because his arm is bothering him.
Bitch (:They are, but he still like he still work goes through that pretty fast
Jerk (:Yeah, and his arm's glowing, and that's questionable. That's not supposed to do that.
Bitch (:It is. It's not supposed to do that. It's really not. He does keep clutching it.
Jerk (:So he finds some bones because he was digging up a grave.
Bitch (:Do you think it's like, does it just look wormy?
Jerk (:and then he cuts this glowy spot in his arm open and dribbles the glowy goo over the bones and then all of a sudden there's a dude there behind him
Bitch (:Or yeah, well no, he also orders some Italian food and he is like Anomai corporio fiorita corpus totem resurgent and that translates as soul body, whole body shall be raised. I'm just looking at my cabinet full of things just to see like, do I finally have an army? Damn it, I don't know if he's made it yet.
Jerk (:Oh yeah, he did tan and cantation, you're right.
Jerk (:Hmm.
Jerk (:or something happens.
Jerk (:But there's a dude there now.
Bitch (:And he also like, yeah, like, yeah, I think he also pooped a little like he was like really like
Jerk (:It was a lot of straining.
Bitch (:Get off the...
Jerk (:Yeah, and there's a dude there now and he's like a vampire, which is weird because Dean doesn't usually hang out with vampires. And they're just kind of like, OK, we made it. Bye. And they shake hands. They hug it out.
Bitch (:Right?
Bitch (:Well, they had no, they do more of a shake like they had they're having a very intense moment. And so really feel like so you've got Dean and this new character that at first you're kind of not sure like what's going on except that he was carried in his arm, right. And then they're like, kind of like as time rest is shake and then they hug and they say, and they say we made it brother No, no, there's this is gonna
Jerk (:They bro hug and they sweet hug. But then when it well, it starts bro hug. It starts like kind of bro hug and then like bro hug shaky. Yeah.
Bitch (:Yeah, it starts with a handshake and then let them pull it and do that. But they call each other brother. And so like, this is like, okay, this is probably much more intense. Well, I mean, I guess you have a pretty intense relationship with someone riding inside of you.
Jerk (:That's true.
Jerk (:I guess. I mean, I would think so. Yeah. So now.
Bitch (:I mean, I haven't had a lot of intense relationships with everyone who's written inside of me, but...
Jerk (:So, I'm in good old Kermit, Texas.
Bitch (:Oh
Bitch (:You never care about texas's.
Jerk (:I know it's a real city, I can't remember where it is.
Bitch (:It's near it's like up near Midland Lake. Why it's not that far from Carl's bad New Mexico. Like that's the closest thing that's it's very West and very North and no.
Jerk (:Okay.
Jerk (:So it's West.
Jerk (:Yeah, well, Sam's there petting the dog go and sleep in a bag and sneaking out in the middle of the night to leave some chick behind like he does. And she's pretending to be asleep and he drives away and baby and drives really quickly to Whitefish, Montana, which by the way is a very long drive.
Bitch (:It was according to Google Maps a day and one hour to go from Kermit, Texas to Whitefish, Montana. 25 hours and that's straight and also just like what the baby is amazing. She is just she is magical. She is so magical.
Jerk (:So 26, 25 hours. Yeah, that's a long drive.
Jerk (:She is. It's a trooper. So they're back. He's back at the cabin and he walks in and gets ambushed immediately with all the tests by Dean. Holy water, borax and knife to make sure to prove he's not a leviathan. And Dean insists that it's his turn and he has to be tested too. And Sam's like, no, I don't need to test you. It's cool. But Dean's like, no, so he does it all to himself.
Bitch (:It was very efficient.
Jerk (:It was like very snappy. I appreciate that. And Sam's like, I just want to say hello. And they're a hug. So but Dean's trying to look cool, like, yeah, cool. I'm back, bro. And but he looks pretty fucking haunted. And I think that that's understandable after he just spent a year in purgatory, being hunted by whatever. We don't really know what happened yet. This episode kind of talks about it or shows us what happened. But we're really just like, all we know is that like
Bitch (:Yeah.
Jerk (:Being in hell fucked him up. Being in purgatory is probably gonna fuck him up too. Just guessing here. So yeah. But hey, we do get a funny line. It's the, it's too close to, being too close to exploding dick sends your ass straight to purgatory.
Bitch (:Probably. Yeah.
Bitch (:Yeah, you don't want to be around a bunch of exploding dicks.
Jerk (:And so Sam's pretty shocked that he was actually in purgatory for a year, but Dean really doesn't want to talk about it. He's like, mm, yeah, you know, I wasn't really wanted there, but I'm not really going to chat about this. And kind of says that cast that gets asked about casting. He's like, he just let go something happening. Just let go.
Bitch (:No, no, no. So Cas didn't make it, but the direct line, the direct quote is, as I texted it to you because I was cracking up as I was writing it was something happened to him down there. Things got pretty hairy towards the end and he just let go, which to me sounds like Cas got chlamydia, let his or crabs or something. Like you just like let things go around. He just let it go.
Jerk (:You did.
Bitch (:or he started farting, like I thought kind of like, I thought that. Something happened down there. And he just like, and he's like, he doesn't say like, he didn't make it, man. Like I said, I won't talk about it. Like something happened down there.
Jerk (:Something happened down there. Like down there in the cra- like in the talk-
Jerk (:But...
Bitch (:Yeah, but so we don't know. Like we have an implication that Cass is dead.
Jerk (:Yeah, that right. But we also get an interesting side information here too, is that what's Sam been up to the last year? Well, we haven't really gotten that yet, but we know one thing for sure. He has not been hunting. Dean is surprised to see him because his phones don't fucking work and he just doesn't hunt anymore. He's like, y'all were gone. Everybody has been shipped. You know, Dean and Dean and Cass were gone. Bobby's dead. Megan and Kevin Tram were shipped off.
So what else? I don't.
Bitch (:Saucy Gray went legit. Yeah, and Dean's just like, duh, fuck. What do you mean you stopped, honey? Like, you're just like, just a drifter?
Jerk (:Yeah.
Jerk (:And then, and Dean's pretty pissed. He's like, we always agreed not to look for each other if something happened, but we've never followed that rule. Until now, apparently. So he's like, kind of offended and pissed. So, uh, yeah.
Bitch (:Yeah, and he's also like, what the fuck is going on with your hair? Why is it so like flippy? I don't understand. Like, we kind of like we're starting to see more glimpses of it. And he's just like, you're not my brother. Your hair looks stupid.
Jerk (:Oh
Jerk (:I don't think that's a line. I don't think so. It was just you.
Bitch (:I know he didn't say that. That was just me. Okay. No, I think he pretty say it anyway. So Dean gets butt hurt and then he leaves. And then he comes back and he just starts listening to like, he just has like a box of Sam's phones.
Jerk (:And he's just listening to voicemails. And the bad news is that, well, interesting news, and then turns to bad news, is Kevin Tran was trying to reach Sam and left him voicemails saying he escaped from Crowley's warehouse, needs help.
And basically he left four voicemails over a series of six months. So this all happened pretty early on after, um, the shit hit the fan. And, uh, just basically at the final one, he's like, yeah, he just assumes that Sam's dead to don't bother trying to help me or find me or look for me. Bye.
Bitch (:No, no, he does not say, he says, eat me. He says it twice. He calls back, like he calls him five times because he like says, tells him to eat me. And then he hangs up and calls back and says it again. And it's fucking hilarious. I love you, Geventry.
Jerk (:Yeah, that's true.
Jerk (:Well, Dean's passed because Kevin was our fucking responsibility and Sam just was like deuces to everything. Which is true.
Bitch (:Yeah, so weird. Like, you know, like brothers who just like ditch their responsibilities, like when they're supposed to do things. I don't. I was like, yeah, Dean's mad and he's got a right to be mad, but Sam's just like, you know what? Fine. I'm just going to see aside this message.
Jerk (:Right. So he decides to research and like, does some like unrealistic hacking, I guess, up to locate where the phone was by using background sounds and his into Centerville, Michigan, a bus station where Kevin trans high school girlfriend Channing goes to college now. And so they need to go.
Bitch (:Yeah, so they've go but Dean gets the keys to baby and so we have they're reunited and that does feel good.
Jerk (:Yes, but he thinks the car smells like dog. Hmm.
Bitch (:And then he has a very intense moment with the vending machine.
Jerk (:He does. He's very zoned out and he is. It's kind of like a flashback while some kids are playing with pop guns. We got a flashback to him running through the woods, hunting somebody. It's a very flat. It's a very flashback episode.
Bitch (:UUUU
Jerk (:so many flashbacks. Long story short is it's purgatory. No, I don't even want to.
Bitch (:Yeah, no, no. Yeah, and he is fighting with Ichabod Crane.
Jerk (:He's looking, he's asking where the angel is. And then there's a fight and he kills a vamp and then there's another vamp and then the vamp saves him.
Jerk (:That's the summary. Ta-da.
Bitch (:Yep, and the vamp is the one who was riding inside of him earlier. And, and that is bunny. And then, um, yeah. And then like, he just goes back and has a moment with the vending machine again. And he's just like, smoldering Cheez-Its.
Jerk (:That's what it sounds like.
Jerk (:Yeah.
Jerk (:And he's like, Nope, need to get back on the road. And Sam's like, No, it'll be fine for 12 hours. We can sleep. And Dean's pissed. And so but they they're they go stay in the night anyways. And Sam's like, No, I read the news, but I wasn't, you know, I just decided to live life.
Bitch (:And really just went into the, it's not my problem. And Dean's just like, well, what was it? What made you stop? Was it a girl? Was there a girl? There was like, oh fuck, there was a girl. And he seems like,
Jerk (:He's like, no, it's a dog. But yeah, that's important, too. He found something he never had in Amelia. But Dean's like, look, the rules are simple. You don't you don't take a joint from a guy named Dawn and no dogs in the car.
Bitch (:Pretty simple rules.
Jerk (:I didn't I was not aware of either of these rules. I obviously don't ascribe to number two, but
Bitch (:Yeah, yeah, no, but don't take a joint from a guy named Don and Sam is just right just like pointing out the Dean looks like a tweaker and maybe he should sleep
Jerk (:Yeah, yeah, makes sense. And he tries to explain, he's like, it was bloody and messy and combat, but it felt pure.
Bitch (:It was 31 flavors of bottom-dwelling nasties, a title of my next sex tape.
Jerk (:And we go back to our flashback. Hmm. And the vamp that just saved Dean, the one that we've seen in the beginning of the episode, says, hey, I think I found a way out, but it's only good for humans. So if you don't wanna be man meat anymore, let's make a fucking deal. I just wanna hop a ride because only humans can pass through.
Bitch (:UGHH
Bitch (:He doesn't want to hop a ride. He wants to hump his soul onto the other side. And then Dean asked him if he wants to take a soul train and Benny is just like, well, that's if you want. I mean, no surprise that Dean and Benny together, they are called Denny. And fanfic was like, I think before this episode was probably even done airing.
the fanfic of Denny was like already like already out there. But I mean, they made it so easy. Hump his soul. Sorry, Dave. Sorry for how loud that was. But that's just that's a lot. That's the innuendo is a lot. I'm just saying.
Jerk (:Well, I guess. I guess. Well, there is some innuendo. I won't lie.
So at the college in Centerville, Michigan, Channing's like, I haven't seen Kevin Tran in a year. And last time I talked to him, he had stolen his mom's car and said he was on a mission from God. Yeah, done. And Sam's like, no, we're pretty sure he was here. She's like, nope, I hate him. I only was only into him when I thought he was gonna go to Princeton, basically. Brutal.
Bitch (:Yeah, she's super brutal.
Jerk (:But anyways, so Sam and Dean are like, well, now we got to fucking search for this kid. But we get a flashback to good old Channing. Reason she's brutal is because she's a fucking demon.
Bitch (:And she's been shopping the Halloween sale at Home Goods and has gotten an obnoxiously awesome skull bowl.
Jerk (:Yeah, because she's going to make a blood bowl phone with her roommate. Mm hmm. Got calls to make. Gulls to make. So she sliced the throat and makes a call and she's like, I'm.
Bitch (:This is your order of some pizza.
Bitch (:Arrivederci, I would like to talk to the person on the phone. No?
Jerk (:No, and she's like, yeah, you know, looking for the prophet, by the way, Dean's back. There we go.
Bitch (:In my nose I spell profit P-R-O-F-I-T. That's only funny if you're a nerd.
Jerk (:Oh man.
Yeah. So back on the, with Sam and Dean while they're searching around campus for good old Kevin Tran, Sam sees a doggo and he has a flashback to his time, his time away.
Bitch (:UGHH
Jerk (:I mean, it's reasonable.
Jerk (:So we see Sam carrying a very injured dog into the vet with a bloody blanket. He hit it with the car and he's yelling at the vet tech about saving the dog. And like, he's just kind of being rude about it.
Bitch (:So he fucked a baby, like, he ran over a dog with baby. That's messed up.
Jerk (:Yeah. So that's what we know is happening. And so the dog was with the vet that he hit and we cut back to the college campus where Sam and Dean are sitting there. Sam's doing research and basically he finds footage of
Bitch (:This is where the ridiculous hacking is, but he also orders Dean like a delicious burger and fries. Now, this time is where he found Kevin in campus security archives, found the computer in the library he was visiting, then determined where he browsed to, then he found his login, his password, his application on a website. Then he did a reverse IP search and then determined that Kevin has been using the same wireless router at a coffee shop in Iowa.
Jerk (:Well, that's another time. Oh, Bertram. He does.
Jerk (:So ridiculous.
Bitch (:Obviously those things are all very plausible, but like, except for the fact that the computer and the library would have like, there's no way they would have kept like, their, the logging for that. Like they wouldn't either log, there's no way. Like, and how, what did Kevin Tran is like, log in as Kevin Tran? Like how the, whatever, this was stupid.
Jerk (:No, he wasn't even a student there. It made no sense. Yeah.
Bitch (:Anyway, so but now we know he's an Iowa.
Jerk (:Right. So we see we cut to an abandoned church, obviously somewhere in Iowa, because the guy at the coffee shop swears he's seen Kevin Tran there. So Sam and Dean knock, but no one answers. So Dean starts picking the lock. But guess who ambushes them? Kevin Tran with a squirt gun full of borax cleaner and a new haircut.
Bitch (:And his haircut looks awesome. Yep.
Jerk (:It does look good. He wears it well. And and he's like, what's going to happen with them? But so Dean gives him the Cliffs notes. I went to purgatory and Sam got a dog. Hmm. And they're asking like, hey, how did you learn? Like the inside of the church is covered all these sigils. And they're like, how did you where did you learn these? Who taught this to you? He's like, well, technically, God. So that's, you know.
brag, I guess. And they want to know how we escaped Crowley. So we get Kevin's flashback now. Yeah, and he's calling Kevin Tran his young prince because he's been all cleaned up and got his fresh haircut.
Bitch (:UGHH
Bitch (:It gave him a makeover. That's like how a good friendship start. Makeover.
Jerk (:And basically it ends up that Crowley has another tablet that he would like Kevin Tran to translate and interpret for him. And it's everything about demons.
Bitch (:DEMONS!
Jerk (:And Kevin Tran's like, Oh, I can't really do it. This is super hard. There's something about a hell gate in Wisconsin. Here's the ingredients for that. Can you all bring me all the ingredients to open the hell gate in Wisconsin? And so he gets delivered a bunch of ingredients while Crowley goes to Wisconsin. And.
Bitch (:Cheers.
Jerk (:And basically it ends up that Kevin Treyhan tricked them all and instead of opening up a Hell Gate in Wisconsin, he just got rid of Crowley to Wisconsin and killed all the demon guards that were watching him.
Bitch (:Yeah, because he was reading from the chapter on how to destroy demons. This tablet is so fucking cool. And Crowley has goats. So Crowley is just surrounded by all these goats. And so I think he is fine. You can't be mad. You can't, there's no way like you're surrounded by goats. Like, unless like there's a billy goat peeing on you, like you can't be mad. All right. And so, uh, the tablet that was safe. So we've learned that.
Jerk (:Mm-hmm.
Jerk (:That's true.
Jerk (:He's mad. Yeah, baby.
Jerk (:I guess.
Jerk (:Yeah, we don't know where it is, but we do know it's safe. And Kevin Tran's like, but by the way, I learned that there is a way to close the path, or whatever, the doorway to hell and banish all demons from earth forever. Yeah, that's the word I couldn't think of. You can close the gates of hell and banish all demons from earth forever and ever.
Bitch (:Gates of Hell. The Gates of Hell.
Bitch (:And he's like, that seems important, right? And I'm like, I love you, Kevin. You're the best.
Jerk (:very important. I would think that's very important.
Bitch (:But then this is also gets real weird because like at first like heaven looks really like excited about closing the gates of hell. Then we start going into this thing where Sam and Dean have a free will argument. And then Dean is like, wait, so we can close the gates of hell and you have a problem with this? Like, the fuck is wrong with you? Like, I don't understand this. So Kevin was like, he seems very excited about this, but now he's not. Like, I don't get our scene.
Jerk (:Yeah.
Jerk (:in.
Jerk (:I don't know, because Sam's all like, well, he didn't choose this life and he's going to get killed and only Dean gets to have free will. Anyways. Yeah.
Bitch (:But Kevin seemed fine with it until now, like until you said anything. So then like Sam goes in and like he's sitting and like giving Kevin this, like the it gets better speech and Kevin's like, you know, I'm not gay. Right. And. But it's like, did that was this like, I feel like the speech is what turned Kevin, like I think if he hadn't said anything, Kevin would have been fine. But Sam was.
Jerk (:It'd been like, fuck yeah, we're gonna fucking get rid of the demons. Let's do this.
Bitch (:We're gonna fuck you out, we're blowing up the gates of hell, fuck yeah that sounds great, and like, but now you're like, But I'm like, what? Like, this all serious? Like...
Jerk (:And now he's all like, Oh, I can't believe this is my life. Hmm. So anyways, but. Yeah, they're like. Kevin's just like, I don't see, you know, how, you know, how is this really going to get there or what the path is, but I need five minutes. So back, we get another flashback.
Bitch (:Yeah.
Bitch (:So we have five minutes so... UGH!
Jerk (:Of course. So we got a flashback and Sam is flashing back to being at the vet and where he does find out that the dog is hurt, but should pull through. Big relief. But the vet's like, so are you going to take the dog home now? And he's like, no, no. I'm leaving. I did my part. And she like totally mocks and shames him about it. She's like, oh, so, oh, you brought the dog here.
It's not, oh, it's a straight, what do you want us to do? Kind of a thing.
Bitch (:Yeah, I would like no, it's not my fucking dog. It was raining middle street my head it real sucks I'll pay the vet bills find the owner Bye It's a weird thing to shame somebody over like he didn't have to bleak but most people just leave the fucking dog He's a fucking leg. What are you like? He's you wanted to talk to the drifter again is what it was But like otherwise like
Jerk (:Yeah, it was kind of weird. It's kind of weird.
Jerk (:Not everybody's in a way like he didn't live there. He was like living in his car.
Jerk (:Mm hmm. Yeah. So back at the church, the church starts shaking, which is bad. And the floor breaks up, which breaks up some of the sigils. So that's bad. And then Dean starts pulling out all his purgatory weapons, which are real crazy looking.
Bitch (:Yeah, typically, you're mad.
Bitch (:I know I love that you can find like the supernatural like replica blades like purgatory ones pretty good. I like it It looks very handy though. It really does. It kind of looks like I could take you in the jungle I could take you like in the forest. I feel like a versatile like cleaver
Jerk (:That's funny.
Jerk (:I guess...
Jerk (:Sure. But with serration, I guess. I don't know. It's a lot. So there's two demons in. Kevin's got a bunch of holy water. Sam's got the demon blade. And then Crowley and Shaning show up. Uh oh. And they're gonna insult not only insult Dean's appearance, but also inquire about the location of Castiel. And and Ma- Oh, no, no.
Bitch (:they're insulting sans and parents and right and rightful asia
Jerk (:Well, and of course they mocked Sam's chops.
Bitch (:They call them pork chops, just then made me want pork chops because that sounds delicious, but yes, uh, but he should have mocked his hair, whatever you lost it there. Anyways, but there's a demon in you and you're going to your safety school is what Kevin Trant does chanting.
Jerk (:Yeah, because they let's because Crowley does like to let that let her prove that she's alive in there. It's not just a dead meat suit. So and that's what he informs her and she is horrified by this information. Our safety school. I think that tracks with the personalities here for sure. So Kevin's like, Look, I'm gonna make a deal to free Channing. And Dean's like, No, you won't. But Kevin's like, What?
Bitch (:I think more about the fact that she's going to her safety school, not that there's a demon inside of her.
Bitch (:I just keep fixturing Channing too. Like, something free in Magic Mike.
Jerk (:Oh, I wish. Hey. And and so Kevin goes to get his stuff while Crowley is just going to gloat to Sam and Dean because that's what Crowley does. But Kevin's taking a really long time to get his stuff together. So Crowley is going to go look for him. And we figure out that Kevin got real fucking smart, man. I like Kevin Tran.
Bitch (:I love Kevin Chan. He's like, he's developed. He's got street smart. He got wise. He got home alone. He got Kevin from Kevin Chan became Kevin from home alone.
Jerk (:I mean, I guess he's always been smart. He got, what's a good word?
Jerk (:Yes he did.
Jerk (:Kevin McAllister. There we go. Because he's got a holy water bucket prank and trap on him when they walk in the door to find him. But it's so good. So good. So Crowley tells Channing to find another meat suit and to cocksmoke. She cocksmokes out Sam and Dean run. We've got they get Kevin in the car. They're driving away. Crowley's standing on the porch of the church with Channing, who's now demon free.
and he breaks her neck with a flick of a wrist while Kevin watches.
Bitch (:and while like super sad violins play too. But I do also like after like he does it pulls his like holy water on the head trick. He does yell at Sam and Dean to run which makes me feel like he's still like no matter all this like he still feels like they're on the same side at least that much right to run from Crowley.
Jerk (:That was a fun ride.
Jerk (:Mm-hmm. Yes. Oh, for sure.
Bitch (:So I thought that was important also think it's important that because he dumped that That of holy water onto his head Crowley now also has like this wet hair and he's kind of listening and you know Anyways, so, um, this is all of a sudden daylight
Jerk (:Yeah
Jerk (:Yeah. And we're at a gas station with Sam and Dean and Kevin Tran. And they're, you know, getting gas, whatever. And so but Dean gets a phone call and pretends like it's the wrong number. And then they're, you know, just try to chit chat about how the king of hell just snapped Kevin Tran's girlfriend's neck. No big. But Dean's like, oh, you know, you got to accept that you're in this now.
I'm gonna go pee.
Bitch (:Yeah, it's a very weird thing to be like, I like, I don't want anything from you, but here's a lecture, you know, like, here's a lecture I never asked for, but
Jerk (:Very weird.
Yeah. So he goes to pee, but really he's going to go call back the person that called him. And it was not a fucking wrong number. It was his vampire buddy who we figure out his name is Benny. And he is just hanging out at a cemetery. There's a funeral's coming on. And Benny is just kind of venting about how a lot's changed in 50 years. And Dean's like, yeah, look, I don't regret what we did, but.
Bitch (:Don't judge.
Jerk (:We need to adjust and it's probably better we don't talk right now. Um, and Benny's like, yeah, I think you're right. I just purgatory was just so pure. We should have appreciated it more. And Dean's like, call me if there's an emergency.
Bitch (:Ugh, Denny. Yeah, and like, it's very like, D is like, I don't regret what we did. I'm like, what the fuck did you do? Like, I know you're writing, I don't know, I think it's writing, but it's just like, I feel like y'all set this up. Like, there's just no way to not read the innuendo into this. It's just, it's just there. But I mean, I don't know, because we have a Denny, which is.
Jerk (:That's the episode.
Jerk (:I caught that. I caught that. Don't worry.
Jerk (:Oh, there it is.
Bitch (:which is Dean and Benny together. Although, you know, I do think, I think Benny's hot. I think also I dislike Cajun dudes or you guys from Louisiana. So anyways, all right. So do you have things to tell us about the people who were appearing in this episode?
Jerk (:I do. So first we've got Amelia Richardson, who's a veterinarian, not the dog, by the way. It was played by Leanne Balaban and I...
Bitch (:Uhhh, I'm just kidding.
Jerk (:Spoiler, we'll see her again. But she's been in other shows, single episodes of other shows like Charmed and NCIS LA. She was also Kelly in the movie, Definitely Maybe, that's a film with Ryan Reynolds, and was Vivian in the 2022 horror film Lullaby. Benny Lafitte was played by
Bitch (:Lafite!
Jerk (:Of course, Ty Olsen, who we will also see again. He's actually started out doing a bunch of voice work and things like Gundam anime and also G.I. Joe and Transformers. He has pretty extensive credits, single episodes of shows like X-Files, L Word, Smallville, a couple of episodes of V, a couple of episodes of Hell on Wheels, episodes of Once Upon a Time, iZombie, NCIS.
Jerk (:He was Officer Salmon in Willard. He was Mitchell Lorio in X2, a deputy in Walking Tall. He was a merc in Chronicles of Riddick. He was Tim in the film Just Friends, a trucker in Deck the Halls. He was a colonel in The Day the Earth Stood Still.
He was on repeat character named Captain Aaron Kelly in Battlestar Galactica. He was Phil in Twilight Breaking Bad, parts one and, or break, I can't even say it. Phil in Twilight Breaking Dawn, parts one and two. And Mitch Collins in the new Thanksgiving horror film. That just came out. So, yeah, I'm excited to learn more about this character.
Bitch (:Ah, yes he was.
Bitch (:Good for Benny.
Bitch (:So what did you think of your season premiere?
Jerk (:I enjoyed it. I think, you know, I like I said, I was kind of like, God damn it. When they freaking did the one year later, I guess it made sense. I think that it was. I find that a little eye rolling, but other than that, the episode was really good.
Bitch (:Part of it, you know, a part of the reasons for that were just because they've done the boys apart before enough leg and so we've already had them and separated. So I think that was part of the reason why they jumped into this.
Jerk (:Yeah, they didn't want to do that. No, I get that. But overall, the episode was really fun. Kevin Tran being in there, I think Kevin Tran as a character, an ongoing character, I'm really stoked about. I'm excited that we got a new character introduced. I'm assuming at this point, my prediction, I would say, not assuming, my prediction of the big bad is going to be the concept of trying to close the gates of Hell to Demons for this, maybe the season, but at least for this part of the season. And that's pretty fun.
Bitch (:or rescuing that goat that was left in Wisconsin. Spoiler, they had to go get the goats. They're like, God damn it, that's like, Crowley was like, you should have seen how many goats were there. Like, we can't just let them free. It's cold in Wisconsin. They can't have this many goats there. So that's what happens. And the rest of that is the big bad. Spoiler, that is the rest of Supernatural. It's only trying to save cute goats. So, yeah. I...
Jerk (:think they're gonna do that. I don't think that's the mission. I don't think that's the goods.
Jerk (:Okay, spoiler.
Jerk (:Very different show.
Bitch (:I do like, I have a loathing though of the Purgatory Flashback, just because the, and you'll see, you'll start to see it, like the tonality of the film that it's like, it's not grayscale, I know there's a word for it, where it's just like everything is so muted and so it's just like, I don't want to get a muted.
Jerk (:It's muted, yeah.
I also don't understand why it's just a weird forest. Purgatory is just a weird forest. It just doesn't, I would think for Purgatory. Hot, hot tech.
Bitch (:Yeah, purgatory means you have to go to the woods. So I guess that is a pretty scary place. Like I said, I don't know if I want to go into the woods for that long. Like especially with the Ichabod Crane running around.
Jerk (:Vampire, Ikebukurin chasing you.
Bitch (:vampire Ichabod crane just you know try and get back to sleep your hollow and vampire shining right inside of you
Jerk (:Trying to hump your soul.
Bitch (:to all those vampires or something, you're sold. Yep, welcome to season eight, bitches. All right, all right, cheers, jerk.
Jerk (:Oh, yeah. Cheers, bitch.