Episode 1

Published on:

4th Jul 2024

9:01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here

We have started Season 9 with Episode 1 "I think I'm gonna like it Here." There are lies! And non-consensual possessions! And a pop quiz about Angel Radio.


Introduction and Vacation Stories


Sam's Coma and Dean's Prayer


Castiel's Injury and Meeting Hale


Quiz: What's on Angel Radio?


Desperate Measures



Jerk (:

Welcome to Devil's Trap Podcast. I'm Diana. And today we're going to talk season nine, episode one. I think I'm going to like it here.

Bitch (:

And I'm Liz.

Jerk (:

because we're back!

Bitch (:

We are, we are back after a vacation of something, I don't know. It's hard to take a vacation from my, yeah.

Jerk (:

Travels and all the things

travels and moves and stuff.

Yeah. Well, do you want to talk about what you've been up to, Liz? Or I can talk about my little family trips and all the things.

Bitch (:

Well talk about, I don't know, like talk about your vacay.

Jerk (:

I went to Hot Springs, Arkansas with my family and we took a boat out on the prettiest lake I've ever been to, which is Lake Wachita. And as you can see through the water, really is like the water is really clear and it's just a pretty lake. And then we went to the town and I did a traditional bathhouse experience on Bathhouse Row, which was neat. And it's interesting that the bathhouses are managed by the National Park Service. And we went to the Gangster Museum.

which I thought was fucking lame while we were there. And it was could have been way better done. I'm just saying we could set this. We could just rearrange it. And well, so the but I say my but my caveat is, is as much shit as we talked after during and after this, because it's like a guided tour of a museum. It's not like, you know, I have reference things I learned at that fucking museum multiple times since then. So you're like, fuck, it's kind of lame still. But I kind of like this was kind of good.

Bitch (:


What gangsters are in there?

Bitch (:

Because I learned something. Geez, thanks, Gangster Museum.

Jerk (:

But I know, but it was Al Capone actually spent a lot of time in Hot Springs and a lot of the bootleggers were there and Bonnie and Clyde went through there like all of these a lot of the major like the gosh I'm blanking all the names where I also learned that I didn't realize how many rappers use old gangster names and I mean I kind of knew they did but some of the names I didn't realize were old gangster names and I learned that. So

Bitch (:

I'm sorry.

Jerk (:

It was it was kind of a little section on baseball because like apparently spring training is to take place in hot springs I don't know but

Bitch (:

What does that have to do with gangsters?

Jerk (:

The gangsters were into bootlegging and gangsters and there was a casino gambling and horse racing. So gangsters basically ran hot springs for a long, long time. Nothing.

Bitch (:

But what does the baseball have to do with the gangsters? Put that in the baseball museum, not in the gangster museum.

Jerk (:

It was one, it was only one, it was one room out of like five. So I'll let him have it. But anyways, so yeah, it was, it was kind of, kind of neat. So that was neat. Hot Springs, like the drive up there is lovely. It's a lovely city. And I don't know if I'd go out of my way to visit on it a second time, but it was nice to see once.

Bitch (:

No, we would, you know, she would totally go out of her way to visit a second time. Hot Springs is awesome. Yay, Hot Springs. We love all our Hot Springs listeners, whoever you are.

Jerk (:

Of course. Of course. Yay, Hot Springs. Of course. that was lovely. It was beautiful. I'm glad I went. I just don't feel like I missed anything big is my point, I guess, that I need to revisit. And we stopped at the Crater of Diamonds Park on the way up there and dug in the dirt for an hour to find some chunks of Jasper and volcanic rock and no diamonds.

Bitch (:

Sounds like a fun way to spend your time.

Jerk (:

People find diamonds. There was a dude there. There's people that had like full like setups. They like spend all day there. And like this guy had a shirt that says crater head and apparently has found like over 300 small diamonds himself there or something stupid.

Bitch (:

Alrighty then.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it's a thing. But yeah, so now, I was, we were, had a lovely little getaway in on some beautiful mountainous terrain. and we went to the gardens, which are stunning there. The Galvin gardens are so fucking beautiful. Really well maintained. The University of Arkansas architecture department actually maintains them and designs them. There's really famous chapel there. A lot of people get married and it's beautiful. But then there's like,

Bitch (:

So cool.

Jerk (:

really cool tree house and just there's peacocks free roaming. It was neat. It was neat. That was your peacock sound. Appreciate that. But there's a lot of spiders there.

Bitch (:

That was my peacock sound.

Bitch (:

At my mom's house, like where the peacocks are, like you just be there and you hear,

and you're like, who's getting murdered? And then you're like, it's a fucking bird.

Jerk (:

There's peacocks in one of the one neighborhood over from me. Yeah, there's one in one neighborhood over from me. They've got free Roman peacocks to free Roman peacocks.

Jerk (:

That's my main story. I think I've been very, very, very, very, very busy. And that's all I'm going to go touch on for now because I don't know what else I've been doing. I just know I've been busy.

Bitch (:

Alright, cool.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so what's up with you, Les?

Bitch (:

I just moved into a new house and that has been exhausting as as per usual and I will once again make this declaration that it will never ever ever ever ever move again during a Texas summer. I promise that I solemnly swear. It sucks. It is so fucking hot right now and I have a pool that I can't use so I can just like be hot and

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

and stare at the pool and be mad.

Bitch (:

Unpack Yeah, and you know I mean at least I'm on my way to like today's wildlife count has been to I've seen one Fox and one deer and That may have been because I had some stale nuts What that I had when I was unpacking and I said I'm gonna throw these behind my house and see what happens And what happens is I get a fox

Jerk (:

You do.

Bitch (:

So foxes, like I think that was pistachios. So hopefully, hopefully the and the deer was eating it too. So I think there was pistachios and maybe some sunflower seeds. So hopefully they're not, you know, neither of those things kill them.

Jerk (:

noted. bougie fucks.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I shouldn't.

Bitch (:

So yeah, that's what's going on here and I'm in, I'm about to go, I'm having all these new experiences I never wanted to have. So, you know, like redesigning a house and all those, those things that I just wanted to be a runner. So nice. I'll sigh, but I don't want to make decisions. It's like,

Jerk (:

No decisions to make.

Bitch (:

And I've hired somebody to help me with this process because I don't know what I'm doing. I don't want to screw things up. And so, but then they're asking you things and it is very much like being at the optometrist. Like, do you like A better or B better? And like, I just want to be like, can you put the price tag on that before you ask me these questions? And not just be like, cause I never even be like, I like that. I'm like, this one is $75 ,000 more. And I'm like.

Why did you say that? Because now I looked at it and I can't fucking have it. So like. But it's really, I don't, you know, it's really hard. We don't, I've never done this. I don't know how much things are supposed to cost. I don't, you know, so it's, I just like, I'm just trying to be responsible and I don't, you know. But I'm sure they're just like, she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing. So hopefully my, hopefully my, my partners are good. And so that is an.

Jerk (:

Yeah, that's hard.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

You know, I'm also just in because I have moved from a 2400 square foot house into an 850 square foot space. I am making some adjustments. And so the unpacking situation here has been a lot of OK, what's in this box? Do you need what's in this box to this box? Go somewhere else. And then box just goes outside. And there's a lot of boxes that need to go in garages that are just sitting at my.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

because I'm kind of out in the middle of nowhere and I can just leave things on my porch now. But as soon as I come steal the kitchen shit off my porch, I don't think you can pump that.

Jerk (:

I think I can't. Wait, someone could try.

Bitch (:

No, but I think I'm pretty sure my neighborhood association, they saw that I had boxes on my porch, would like come shoot me.

Jerk (:

Yeah, they would be mad. There would be a citation, a strongly worded letter.

Bitch (:

There would definitely be a citation. I am definitely already breaking some rules, but if they don't see what they don't, they don't see can't hurt them.

Jerk (:

There might be some move in grace. Well, that too. I assume there's also a little bit of move in grace.

Bitch (:

sure what everybody can see up here. So I need to get a I'm just, I'm making too many decisions and my brain is getting overwhelmed and it's hard for me to like pull triggers on things. It's not a good reference. That's just a, like, I need to get a dolly to move stuff in between these different, you know, because I'm like,

I have things like the movers, I asked them to like separate like, this can go into this space. None of the things are in the spaces that I wanted them to be. This is a very large place. And I guess I need like dollies. I don't know. Like, do I need a dolly or do I need a cart and what, or do I need both? Like, what do I do? I just need like this, this cart's like $40 and it's an Academy or they have like this like actual. Dolly cart that can hold weight, you know, that actually like is.

not meant for pulling like, you know, soccer gear around the, but that's actually for moving shit. So I'm just, I can't like, I can't make any more decisions. So I just sit here and like, at least like the, yeah. So the things are still sitting on my porch.

Jerk (:

Noted. Well, long as it's not stuff that'll melt, you'll be fine.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so that's...

I think it'll be fine. Well, you know, I also just, you know, I don't like living in chaos. And so until things are done and things are organized, it's just things are not, that's not going to happen for weeks. And it's just a terrifying thought that I just have to like suffer through this.

Jerk (:

I'm mostly kidding. I know.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

You just have to... Yeah. That's a lot.

Bitch (:

I know my struggles, my struggles are real. Okay. So that is enough of Liz whining about her, her new exciting and wonderful life that everybody is would be ambiguous to have. So, okay. We are talking about, I think I'm going to like it here, which is a song from Annie that the orphan sings when she gets brought into the billionaire's house and we'll just.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

We'll leave the anti -commentary for another day. This was, however, episode one, season nine and first aired October 8th, 2013. It was shot second just because of scheduling, but it did air first. And it was directed by John Showalter. We last saw him in season eight in Freaks and Geeks, a couple other episodes in season eight. He's done a bunch. And this was written by Jeremy Carver, who of course did...

the season opener and the season closer of last season. So fitting that he comes in on this one. So, and just kind of supernatural news. So there's a tongue going on. There is Jared Paddle likely did say that there's likely going to be a reboot of supernatural. They're probably coming up on the time that they were talking about wanting to do it like about five years since the last one, but

something more along the lines of what they did for Gilmore Girls. So like a four or five season, four or five episode little streaming thing on like Netflix or Amazon, which would make sense for, for Jensen, I think just with Amazon. Eric Kripke also said very much likely, although he hasn't written the character yet, that he does want to put Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackwell together in episode of The Boys to, as he said, break the internet.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:



Yes, I saw that.

Bitch (:

which I think is a fine reason to want to do something, right? Like just to break the internet is a good thing. Yeah. Also the new Axel Foley movie, the new Eddie Murphy Axel Foley movie came out today. Beverly Hills Cop, Axel, you know, Axel AF or was it with Axel AF, but Mark Pellegrino, Lucifer has a role in it and he was pretty good. So it was fun to see him in that. I was like, he plays a bad guy, surprising.

Jerk (:


Just for funsies.

Jerk (:

Bitch (12:53.34)

Not Lucifer, but a bad guy nonetheless. So, that tracks. All right, so let's hop into this and hop right into our recap, which has made so much more fun because of the Peppy song.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, we got Who Do You Love by George Thurgood and the Delaware Destroyers playing. And it is our full recap of season eight, basically leading up to where we are now. So we've got, you know, obviously we've got, you know, Charlie's, you know, quote about nothing the Winchesters can't do. They work together. We've got trials. We've got the bunker. We've got Metatron. We've got Castiel. We've got Crowley, Abaddon, Death. And we've got angels.


Bitch (:


Jerk (:

So we cut to and start this episode with Sam and Dean driving in baby discussing the angels falling and how it's being called a meteor shower and Sam's like, what the fuck are we going to do about this? And this is their super powered dicks. I'm sorry.

Bitch (:

and he says that you know thousands of super powered dicks touching down which is just the best image ever because all i can think about are just like a bunch of vibrators just like just see to just like pop it down and just you know that it definitely would be a statement i think you know but that's it's just it was quite a turn of phrase

Jerk (:

Jerk (14:18.798)

Yeah. And Dean's like, no, angels aren't the fucking problem. You are something happened in the church and you're dying. And Sam.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and I do appreciate Sam's response of shut up.

Jerk (:

Yeah, shut up. But we quickly cut to a hospital room where Sam is clearly unconscious and hooked to a bunch of machines. And Dean is there and the news is talking about their global meteor showers. So.

Bitch (:

And then we get our Supernatural logo, now with wings.

And then I kept like throughout this episode, I was going to talk about wings. My brain just went to maxi pads. So to prevent leaks, maybe leaking of your grace. That's why they had to had to put the wings. If he only had wings, maybe his grace would have stayed in his neck. All right. So Dean is looking at pics of Sammy's brains.

Jerk (:

I was going to say, yeah, to prevent leaks.

Jerk (:

And the doctor is like, yeah, there's internal burns affecting all the organs. Here's my question. No one's asking how the fuck do you have a bunch of internal burns on your organs? Like, they're very chill about this. Like, their exterior's fine.

Bitch (:

They're just fine with this. Like this is just a normal thing. Like, you know, no, nobody's calling the CDC. No, no, like no one's concerned. No, no, no, but he's got a, he's got a mushy, mushy brain.

Jerk (:

No questions. None.

Yeah, nobody is like detaining Dean like anything. No, it's very odd. Here's like, very matter of fact.

Yeah, because there's a lot of oxygen deprivation for too long. And so basically, if he continues, machines will keep him alive, but he's going to be dead. And the doctor says recovery is in God's hands and Dean gets pissed.

Bitch (:

Which is not, you know, sometimes you just don't want to hear about religion. And you know, you should, as a doctor, should probably think about how your turn or phrase or however, when this is applied to Mr. Dean Winchester, it has a very different meaning. Because he's like, we're the view, what the fuck? I know, like, well, fine.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so Dean says fuck this and goes to the chapel and he prays to Castiel because he's like, I need you here. Sam's hurt really bad. I don't care about what's going on with the angels. It doesn't matter. We're working it all out. I just need you. And he gets no response.

Bitch (:

He is also, they do pan around. There are other people in this chapel and you're just sitting there out loud, this crazy talking, praying to an angel and nobody is like, the fuck? Everyone's just, and like sir, you know most people don't say their prayers out loud when they're in a chapel with other people. And they definitely don't say, screw it.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, because then he says screw it. This prayer goes out to any angel that can pick it up on angel radio. He was hey, it was a hey prayer. Angel radio and I'm Dean Winchester and I need your help. Boom.

Bitch (:

I call it hate praying. He hates praise.

Bitch (:

And so all these angels all over here, him saying where he is and that he needs a miracle. So we've got a few different angels. We have bus angel, we have corporate angel, and we have tractor angel. And I think we'll see these as we go through, but that is just what I have named them. Yes.

Jerk (:

me too.

Jerk (:

I appreciate that. Because I was confused on how to describe this. So I do appreciate this. And like they're like walking away from what they're doing. Like bus angel just like hops back on the bus. Fucking corporate angel like stands up in the middle of breakfast with his entire family and just walks out the door. His wife's like, what the fuck? Fucking tractor angel like just like he's just like turns the tractor around. They're just like.

Bitch (:

They're all just like, I'm shit.

Bitch (:

Tractor just takes the tractor. He just turns the tractor around. He's just like, doot, doot, doot, doot, doot.

Jerk (:

So Dean's like, I'm at, we're at the Glenwood Memorial Hospital in Randolph, New York. I know we've never seen eye to eye, but you know I'm good for my word and I wouldn't ask for help if I didn't need it.

Bitch (:

Which, you know, to him, like, nothing, this seems like an okay idea just to tell all these angels where you are. This does, I don't think that seems like a good idea, but okay, Dean.

Jerk (:

not wise. Well, this is his desperation call, I guess. So back in Sam's head where he's having his coma dream, Dean is telling Sam that look, just because, you know, doesn't mean you're dying doesn't mean you're dead yet. You know, we've got ourselves out of way worse. I've got a plan. Just hang on there. It sounds like no, you don't have a fucking plan.

And he's like, of course I do. The reason I'm here is because you want to fight this and you want there to be a plan.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and then it was after Head Dean is sitting here giving heads and that's just how I'm delineating them. Then Head Bobby shows up and Head Bobby disagrees with Sam on his shit. And so now we have like all these people just fighting in Sam's head, but they're all Sam.

Jerk (:

Yes. And so the concept is, is that Sam is Sam. Dean is the part of Sam that wants to fight to live. And Bobby is the side of Sam that's kind of ready to, I hate to use the word give up, but he's ready to be done with his life. He's ready to move on. So.

Bitch (:

to go to heaven.

He ready to be dead. He's ready to be done with his life. Yes.

Jerk (:

We cut to Castiel.

Bitch (:

We go then to Longmore Colorado.

Jerk (:

Yes, where Cassiel is walking along the side of a wooded road and he is hearing screaming in his head and almost gets hit by a truck. Well, he does get hit by a truck, kind of. And the driver goes to check on him and he's bleeding and he's like, it hurts. Yes.

Bitch (:

is very excited that he hurts.

Jerk (:

And the driver's like, why are you in the middle of the road? He's like, I heard angels. And there's a guy, I'm going to get you some water. I don't drink water. Because he's an angel or was whole whole. So Cas is like, hey, I want to use your phone. He's like, there's no signal. So let me give you a ride. OK.

Bitch (:

And Cass says that's good because he doesn't have any wings, not anymore. So he's leaking. So then we go back to Coma Sam where head Bobby and head Dean are arguing.

Jerk (:

Not anymore.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And he's being like, it sounds like you want to die and Sam's like, well, I don't want to, but maybe I'm supposed to. So anyways, and Bobby's talking shit about how like they're like, well, Bobby taught us there's always a way and Bobby's like, you just because you find some back ass words work around doesn't necessarily mean that that's what you're supposed to do. Don't you know, so Sam finally is like, tells him tells them both to shut up.

And Dean's like, well, I'm in the front seat because that's the way you want to go. So I'm the driver and that's the way you're leaning. It's because you want to fight because that's why I'm driving. And then Bobby appears in the front seat. It was.

Bitch (:

Yes, which was hilarious. That was well done. So then Bobby, had Bobby just poof Sam to the woods. So in the simulation in Sam's brain, they were in the woods. Now we go back to Colorado where Cass is at the gas station.

Jerk (:

to the woods.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And the driver very nicely gives him gives him some money and he tries to turn it down. But anyways, and there's this woman walking, watching Castiel as he walks up to a biker to tell him to hang up the payphone. And I thought, I don't want to hurt you. Then the biker is not amused by this exchange. And it's pretty funny. And we all know it's going to go poorly.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and we learned that Cass can't smite anymore. And the biker is going to stab him.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it is. So, Cassiel decides to walk away and this girl approaches and it is Hale and she is another angel.

Bitch (:

And she knows cats from heaven, so lucky. So lucky that they just ran into each other just here in the sky.

Jerk (:

So lucky.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and then so then we got back to the hospital.

Jerk (:

where a woman, a grief counselor has entered Sam's room. And I also want to point out at this point how good Sam's hair is for being in the hospital. Nobody that's in a coma in the hospital for that long has their hair look that good. And I'm not saying it's good like style wise. I'm just saying it's very smooth and like well capped. Like brushing it. That's a vision.

Bitch (:

I'm sure Dean was sitting there brushing his hair. Like, you know, we just got to make sure the one thing like Sam has is like, you know, he's got to make sure his hair is all right. And so this grief counselor comes in and she's not an angel, which really bums Dean out.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, he's like, no, I'm a grief counselor. And he's like, well, I'm not grieving not yet. And she's like, well, let's talk about the inevitable. And he's like, I don't do inevitable in my world. So yeah. Yeah.

Bitch (:

That's a fighting word. I'm like, god, gross. Like, this bitch is trying to do her job. Now she's gonna deal with your fucking ass. my god, I wanna be the grief counselor of the fucking Winchesters.

Jerk (:

But then

Jerk (:

Well then he remembers that he's got the king of hell in his trunk.

Bitch (:

And so trunk, this is your big moment. And so we get there and we get a reluctant thump indicating that Crowley is. And so I want to point this out that Crowley is still in the trunk. So at this point in this episode, right now Crowley is in the trunk and he has been in there since the last episode. So just, let's start the clock again. Let's start the clock cause he's, he's there. He doesn't get out. He does not.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it's only been like a day though. It's been like a day.

Jerk (:

It's a day. It's about a day.

He doesn't. He does not. He does not get out.

Bitch (:

Okay, so trunks though she's having a good moment. There's a thump in there. And then corporate angel shows up.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And he's like, yeah, he's like, you prayed. And he's like, you'll be helping. He's like, yeah, for help. He's like, you'll be helping me. Where's Cassie? Yeah. And so he's like threatening Dean. It's real. They want Cass. That's the that's the long and short of it is. And they're about to start fighting. And then and then the angel repeatedly slams Dean's face into trunk and is going to stop him. But bus angel appears.

Bitch (:

I want your 401k.

Bitch (:

bus angel does and he's just like this young man wants our assistant we are creatures of compassion which i think if you know anything about angels like this should immediately make all your alarms go

Bitch (:

So, and then kind of getting this thing where it's like I'll tell you my name when you put down your blade and then they fight.

Jerk (:

For the record, I had, I called it family angel and bus angel in my notes for comparison, as opposed to corporate angel and bus angel, but close enough. So I think it was farmer angel was the other one, but you know, I'm just glad that we helped. We had the same approach, but yeah. So they don't want the bus angel and a corporate angel are like, fuck this. And they start fighting.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I think so.

Jerk (:

This is not what we do.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Yep, and then Dean stabs a corporate angel with an angel blade, but then best angel collapses.

Jerk (:

He does, because he's kind of injured. And back in Colorado, Hale tells, talks to, he's talking to Cass and like, trying to ask how Angel's fell. And he's like, I don't know, but my grace is gone, but I can still hear Angel radio. And she's like, yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah. And so she's like, he's like, I can hear angel radio. I mean, this is, you know, we've been talking about angel radio a lot on this episode, like, and I'm just wondering what's on angel radio. So it's time for a quiz and we're going to find out Diana what's on angel radio. Again, where I make up things. So what we're going to do is I'm going to give you lyrics to songs about angels.

And then you've got to guess what song it is and who did it. To be fair, I only did ones that I actually knew. So theoretically, you should also know these songs as well. Likely, but we'll see. We'll see how it goes. And then we also, I have some like extra quizzes, like extra quizzes, extra tips, maybe if you can't get it off the lyrics. But so what's on Angel Radio? First one, fly away from here.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

from this dark, cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear.

Jerk (:

I don't know. Yeah.

Bitch (:

It is about the heroin overdose of Jonathan Melvin, the keyboard player for smashing pumpkins.

Jerk (:

And then I guess it's a song by Smashing Pumpkins.

Bitch (:

No, I played it on a keyboard for the show last season.

Jerk (:

no. Shit.

Bitch (:

It's, she makes you cry about dogs and kittens.

Jerk (:

is it the Sarah McLachlan song? Angel. Sorry. You're touching in Diana's weak point. I do not. I've never I don't know who sang or did anything. I'm like, I don't know band members. I'm like, God. OK. OK.

Bitch (:

Yes, it is Angel by Sarah McLoughlin. Okay. All right.

Bitch (:

We'll see, we'll see, we'll see. These are all like really big songs. Okay, number two. You must be an angel. I can see it in your eyes, full of wonder and surprise. And just now I realize.

Bitch (:

It was on the album Like a Virgin in 1984. Okay, then take a guess at the title.

Jerk (:

Okay, so we got Madonna.

Jerk (:

Like a virgin. It's not amazing. It's angel. It's I know. This angel. I'm saying I was just jumping to the album.

Bitch (:

No, it's angel. It's just angel. So, okay, so you kind of have got me. All right. All right. You're thinking, okay, make me a poster of an old rodeo. Just give me the one thing, Lord, I can hold on to, to believe in this living. It's just a hard way to go.

Bitch (:

Hint, are they talking about the Montgomery in Alabama?

Jerk (:

I don't know.

Bitch (:

So you have an angel, you're talking about the town Montgomery. Could it be an angel from Montgomery?

Jerk (:

I don't know who does that.

Bitch (:

by Season Tadashi.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

I wish I'd always made Dave play these on guitar for you. Okay. This next one. Baby, you're my angel. Come and save me tonight. You're my A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -A -Angel. Come and make it all right.

Bitch (:

The song was on Rock Band 4 and Rock Band VR.

Jerk (:

man, I feel like I should know this one. I found some error.

Bitch (:

In this video, I thought it was the one where the lead singer put his daughter in it, but it wasn't. They just came out around that time and it was also out in the 90s.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I don't know. I want to go with like as an Aerosmith thing, but I don't think that's the direction. Okay. Okay. Hey.

Bitch (:

It is, it is an Aerosmith thing. You want to guess on the title?

Jerk (:

I don't know which one it would be. I got the band.

Bitch (:

You're my angel. You have the band. All right. So this one, all right. So I think you're gonna put on a wave, just put your brain a little further back, all right? I fell for you and I knew the vision of your love ofness. I hoped and I pray that someday I'll be the vision of your


Bitch (:

The angels in this episode are these now.

Bitch (:

They're earth angels. Earth angel. It's by the penguins. All right. You're almost, you're almost through. You're almost through. All right. Those soft fuzzy sweaters, too magical to touch to see her in that negligee is just really too much.

Jerk (:

Earth angels, yeah. Okay.

Bitch (:

My blood runs cold. Yeah, my memory has just been sold.

Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun

Jerk (:

I don't know on that one. That one got me. I forget who did that.

Bitch (:

My angel is their centerfold. Is it Gales, Jay Gales, Jay Gales? Where is the other band?

Bitch (:

Right, you have two more.

There'll be no strings to bind your hands. Not if my love can't bind your heart and there's no need to take a stand. For it was I who choose to start. I see no need to take me home. I'm old enough to face the dawn. Which sounds like a vampire song, right?

Jerk (:

It does. This sounds very like some like SNM vampire shit.

Bitch (:

Just touch my cheek before you leave me.

Baby, just call me.

And that would be Angel of the Morning by Ms. Jewsen.

Jerk (:

I don't know that one. I don't know that one. Yes. Yeah, I don't know that one.

Bitch (:

And we're going to put a playlist of this out and so Diana can learn all these. All right. Your last one.

Stand up strong. Feel the pain. Love and death don't mean a thing.

Jerk (:

There's an A spelled right, thang, dang. Huh.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

I know that one and I can't place it at all and I feel like I should know it.

Bitch (:

when the angels sang.

Jerk (:

That's what it is. Damn it. I knew I knew that one.

Jerk (:

Yeah. yeah. Which is weird because as a major consumer of music, I fucking suck. I'm terrible at these things.

Bitch (:

Right, yeah, I thought you would do well at this. Yeah, honestly, like we had enough of a break that we could have done a musical version of this. I actually had this ready when I was at your house in Dallas, but I didn't, I was like, I really wanted to give babe a break too. We've all been working so hard and we needed some time off to have mental faculties.

Jerk (:

That's all right.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

been a lot. It's okay.

It's important. It's important.

Bitch (:

Sometimes you just gotta go sit in the bath town.

Jerk (:

Apparently it's a short well and it's a short week like the well recording. It's a holiday week, which means. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah, tomorrow is the 4th of July and I had to go buy a hot dog because somebody in Diana's neighborhood is making shirts.

Jerk (:

You look like the 4th of July. Makes me want a hot dog real bad.

Bitch (:

So then I had to buy a hot dog. It felt really bad when I was at the store. You'd see all the hot dogs had just been taken out and the woman was trying to stack them up. And I'm in small town Texas and I'm like, I want those organic grass -fed ones. Don't worry, nobody's in a rush to get those here. It's just me.

Jerk (:

Restock them.

Jerk (:

Make sure they're not out of date because nobody buys these.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and then like the the hot dog bun leg section of the grocery store was just Decimated there was like four like packets and I was like I don't want your short hot dog buns anyways I want the hoagie rolls because in there they also fit all the met the sausage Anyways, okay

Jerk (:

Decimated. It's amazing.

Jerk (:

fit properly.

Yeah, yeah, no, but it was the it was the shortest, longest week ever. I felt like those five days definitely felt like they were crammed into three. But so all right. Colorado.

Bitch (:

Anyhow. All right. So back to angels circling, looking for their vessels, which is just disturbing to think about. Like, so are they like ghosties? You know, just like, and are they just like going around? Like, where are they trying to find their vessels? Or just like, Hey, hey, you, you want to be touched by an angel? Like, how is this happening?

Jerk (:

It is so dark.

Jerk (:

I don't know.

Jerk (:

I don't know. It's weird. I don't know how this is, what's going on.

Bitch (:

Is there like, you know, how there's like J day? Is there going to be like a date so that they can like find their vessels, like find someone who really wants to be in touch with an angel? I know it's kind of, I could try to make that pun work, but anyways. Okay. So Cassiel tells hail. Hail.

Jerk (:

Hail. Hail. Her name sounds like someone really southern saying hell.

Bitch (:

It means like angel, it's, it means like angel of grace or something like that.

Jerk (:

I don't know what I want to do. But she can go to the place.

Bitch (:

Like what? Tell me Mr. Castiel, what could there be for an angel like me to do?

Jerk (:

she can go visit the place she built, the Grand Canyon.

Bitch (:

I built a place once. It was grand in a canyon. They called it the Grand Canyon. And I built it. What? So Cassiola's just like, yeah, we can take a road trip to see the fucking Grand Canyon. Where Sam once rode a farting donkey.

Jerk (:

The grand

Jerk (:

Why the fuck not?

Bitch (:

or mule, I don't remember, was it a mule or a donkey? This is where the emails will come flying in. All right, so we go back to Dean.

Jerk (:

And he's him and the bus angel are he's got the bus angel in a ring of burning holy oil in a warehouse because of course he found a warehouse adjacent to the hospital.

Bitch (:

I bet he found a dolly. Like, I don't think he like carried the dead weight of Ezekiel. I bet he picked a dolly out to carry him.

Jerk (:

You don't need an industrial dolly for your life. You need a good quality. You don't need the $40 one from Academy. You need a hundred dollar dolly straight up a traditional dolly, but the traditional dolly that also converts into the flat cart when you need it. That's what you need. But probably about a hundred bucks. That's your decision. Yeah.


Bitch (:

Yes, I guess, yes, I know. But yeah, what I'm saying is that Dean must've put like the angel, he's like, that's just like dead weight, right? Like how did he get him in this circle? So, but Dean is just like, he's just fucking desperate. So who knows how he got him there.

Jerk (:

Yeah, but he found he definitely found a warehouse and he had his whole he was ready to go. So. He's ready and Ezekiel is our angels name and he's like, look, angels are hunting you and Cassiel. There's more on the way and you're desperate. So I believe in your mission and but I was hurt when I fell and I am offering to help you.

Bitch (:

his artisanal oil was on, was there.

Bitch (:

Yeah, yeah, so he's saying that and Dean's kinda like, I don't, I don't know, this seems weird. And you know, and Zee kills but I was hurt and you can have what little strength I have left. I don't know if it sounds like the greatest of a bargain, but we're gonna go cut from that back to the woods.

Jerk (:

Yeah, back in Sam's coma brain and Sam and Bobby are there and Sam's like, no, I really do want to fight. And Bobby's like, there's nothing to fight. It's this is it. It's time to die. You save people. You save the fucking world that you've made enough sacrifices. You're leaving a legacy. You're good. You are good. You can let it go. And.

Bitch (:

Which is interesting if you think that this is Sam, this is Bobby, you know, head Bobby is really Sam. So Sam at this point in his consciousness is saying, I think I have like, I've done a, I've done a fuck ton and that's enough.

Jerk (:

Sam. Yeah.

Jerk (:

You can let go.

Jerk (:

I've done enough. Yeah. Well, Dean gets Ezekiel into the hospital room and he's like, hey, you know, Dean's like, can you still cure him after your fall? Ezekiel is like, I think I can, but Sam's real fucking weak. But Castiel calls and interrupts them.

And Cass is like, by the way, Metatron tricked me. It wasn't a trial. It was a spell. And Dean's like, yeah, yeah, we know, by the way, Castiel is dying. Sam is dying. You need to fucking get here. I've been trying to get a hold of you. And he's like, well, I don't have any grace anymore. What the? Disgraceful. I'm disgraced. And Cassio's glad that Ezekiel's there because he is a good soldier. And.

Bitch (:



Jerk (:

Dean's like, look, the angels are fucking pissed and they're looking for you. He's like, not all. Some just need direction because they're lost. I met one of those already. And Dean's like, we're helping an angel is how you got into this mess.

Bitch (:

So maybe it's time you look out for yourself and don't trust anybody. Don't trust anybody. And Cass is just like, I'm gonna trust everybody. Hooray.

Jerk (:

And he's like, go to the fucking bunker alone. Do not trust anybody. And Cass is like, that's fine. Then the entire hospital shakes.

Bitch (:

and there's an earthquake.

Jerk (:

And it feels like, yeah, it's an angle is trying to find a vessel. And so we need to go.

Bitch (:

So like, is this what happens every time an angel tries to find a vessel? Like the graphic, everybody would be like noticing there's like an earthquake happening. And so what's he doing? Is he just like flying around being like, let me in. And I'd be like, no, you're shaking me. That's probably, maybe that's why you can't get a vessel. I don't know. Be nicer.

Jerk (:

Shaken buildings. Yeah. That's rude. That's rude. That's rude.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so Dean's like, we can't move Sam, we can't get out of here. So I'm going to use the dry erase marker from the hospital room to dry sigils all over.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so just like I was talking about putting the things on my wall to like make it a dry erase board paint, like maybe the hospital should have done that first. I don't think they did that. So I think Dean just started drawing like a crazy person all over these hospital walls.

Jerk (:

Maybe. but.

And he's drawing a anti -angel sigils all over the walls with an angel in the room that's already ill.

Bitch (:

Yeah, that also doesn't seem, I don't know, that doesn't seem like it, okay, whatever. So then we find Cassie, and finally he's like, you know what, I'm gonna split from Hale. I think this is gonna be a good idea.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Yeah, I need to go to Dean or to the bunker. So I'm going to go. And she's like, no, I need your help. You can't go. And he's like, of course you can. And he turns around to walk away and she whacks him over the head with a chunk of wood.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so maybe she looked crazy. Maybe he shouldn't have trusted her. But then we're gonna go back to the hospital, which is now just complete crazy town.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, there's sigils all over the walls. There's Ezekiel struggling. The angels are there. We hear mumbling. We hear yelling and Dean's like, don't open the door for anybody but me. Save Sam and leaves the room. Jack, my Jack, my voice is that good?

Bitch (:

Okay, so he's now left Sam in the room with a strange angel he doesn't know. And glass is breaking everywhere for some reason.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, everybody's freaked out. So Dean pulls the fire alarm to get everybody to leave, which I guess kind of makes sense. Evacuate the hospital. But do they actually like I know they do, but they don't like I don't know. It's a whole thing.

Bitch (:

No, no, they don't all leave. Most of them stay there. I don't know what's happening in this hospital. I really feel bad for the person who was just like, you know, getting like their appendix removed. But anyways, so we cut back from this to hail and cast in a car and she's got her angel blade. Is it his blade that she's taken? I don't know. She's got a blade now in her.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Here's my issue with this scene. I'm very confused. So first of all, the upholstery in this car is kind of weird. It's like a weird pattern on it, which looks kind of like blood splatter. But also if you look like someone like the leather, like the seatbelt thing, stuff like that, it looks like this car already has blood splatter in it behind both Cass and her. And it's very concerning. Like what is wrong in this car? What has occurred here?

Bitch (:

I don't know. I only knew, yeah, I noticed the blood, but you're right. I don't know, but she has kidnapped him.

Jerk (:

It was weird. She has kidnapped him and he's like, well, this is all your fault that the angels fell. So we're going to go to the fucking Grand Canyon and you're going to tell me about humans. And then you're going to give me your body to be a vessel because your body is stronger than mine because hers is burning up.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so now we know that, you know, I guess we kind of knew this, but like not all bodies can hold the angels, right? And she's got some maniness and, you know, I think there is a doctor somewhere on TV that can help her with those veins. She needs to stay up late at night and watch TV. So then we go back to, yeah, we go back to the hospital and Director Angels finally arrives.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Tractor angels the angels there Dean's trying to save the grief counselor But ends up grief counselor was an angel after all she lied And she grabs him by the throat so

Bitch (:

Dun, dun, dun, choo choo!

Bitch (:

Yep, and she chokes and does the thing where they do the choking. Yep.

Jerk (:

back in Sam's head. Him and Bobby are having a conversation about walking to this cabin. Bobby's like, look, everything inside the cabin is there to help you on your way, and I'll be waiting for you. I'll be waiting for you with a couple of cold ones. Dean shows up and stabs Bobby.

Bitch (:

Because alcoholism is not cured after a dip. Sam still wants beer.

Jerk (:

Can you get, can you get drunk in heaven?

Bitch (:

Ash had beers like yeah, I mean there's bars up there. I don't know How do you know you're really getting drunk on earth? Everything is just perception. This is what the simulation was. I think you feel I don't know so anyway So there's a cabinet in the woods and then head Dean stabs head

Jerk (:

But can you get drunk, or are you just drinking?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, and Sam is like asked if Dean's insane and Dean's like, no, Bobby was the part of you that wants to die. I'm the part that wants to fight. So that part had to go. And Sam's like, fuck this. Yeah. And Sam's like, fuck this. This is stupid. And Dean's like, no, you need to have fight. And he tries to punch Sam anyways. And Sam's like, look, you might not like her except, but I need to go see what's in that house. So yeah, that's it.

Bitch (:

My plan is violence.

Bitch (:

Poof. Bye bye, go away.

Jerk (:

back at the hospital.

Bitch (:

And we go back in the hospital, real Dean is getting this drug on the floor and like, he's just unconscious.

Jerk (:

is fucked up. He's gotten his ass kicked. And he's had his ass kicked throughout this day now if you think about it, because first he got his face smashed in the back of trunk multiple times. God.

Bitch (:

the concussions man just like my god like how could he how could he remember like what any of these phone numbers are so anyways the angels are then now threatening Sam as well so they're like look we're gonna we need we need Cass we're gonna be kill Sam

Jerk (:

Yeah, they're going to scan them or something. Yeah, it's gross. And. And they're just beating the fuck out of Dean for not as well.

Bitch (:

Skin him, eat him, whatever they're gonna do.

unleashing a thousand, they're gonna unleash a thousand little dicks on him.

Jerk (:

As they're just shit talking, it's Dean's shit talking and they just keep threatening.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and he gets kicked in the face.

Jerk (:

He does. It looks very painful. Sam has entered the cabin and and death is by the fire waiting for him. Yeah, it does. Back in Sam's hospital room, though, are our tractors. He does. And he is aggressively trying to get into this room. And while the count, the grief counselor just keeps beating the shit out of Dean and he's like,

Bitch (:

It's very cozy.

Yay, death!

Bitch (:

Tractor Angel's got a fire axe.

Jerk (:

If I've got one question, if heaven's locked, where do you go when I do this? And he has drawn the angel blaster sigil in his blood on the floor and he slaps his hand on it and it lights up and they disappear.

Bitch (:

And it is a very good question. Where the fuck do they go? We don't know. They just go away. They poof away.

Jerk (:

They go, they go. So and back in the room, though, Sam is in crisis. He is crashing, as I think they say on the medical shows. And. there you go. They do. They do. And he feels like, I'm weaker than I thought. Maybe I can't do this. I'm so sorry. Might be too late. There's not a good way to save his life now. And Dean's like, well, there's not a good way. What's the bad way? And.

Bitch (:

I have his coding, as they also say on the medical shows.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Basically, Ezekiel has to possess Sam. Possession.

Bitch (:


And then Ezekiel just turns off the monitors because now nobody's just working in this hospital. There's just been like, people like beating each other up in there and like everything is, but you know, Dean's just like. I don't, yeah, sure. So Dean wants to know how bad it is. So he needs Ezekiel's like, I'm going to create a telepathic line by foreheading, what foreheading you.

Jerk (:

They've all been evacuated due to the fire alarm.

Jerk (:

So you can see touching Sam's forehead and you and then you can see how bad it is. A boop, a boop. It's a boop connect.

Bitch (:

and doing a double boop, the multi -hand boop, with the K, because it's kinetic, so the boop connect.

Jerk (:

Yes. Connect. So Sam is Dean Death is talking to Sam and he's like, look, I had to come myself when I heard it was you. And Sam's like, I'm sure you get off on this. He's like, yeah, but not in the way you think. It's an honor to collect Sam Winchester. And.

Bitch (:

Question is this just occurred to me. Do you think this is actually death or just Sam Wichester's mind?

Bitch (:

of death collecting him. Like this isn't the actual Reaper death, it's just Sam's brain.

Who do we have right now? I don't know.

Jerk (:

I don't want to think it's death because I like death.

Bitch (:

Yes, I love death, but anyways.

Jerk (:

and Sam's like, I need to know that if I go with you, you promise that I won't like I actually stated this time. I'm not going to come back again. No reverse. No takesy backsies. No takesy backsies. And that's like, yeah, no, I can promise that. But.

Bitch (:

And he also says, and nobody like it's a very Sam thing to say is nobody else can get hurt because of me. So now we know like part of this reason that is not just that he thinks he has lived a good life and he's ready to move on. It's cause he's sad Sam and he doesn't want to hurt you buddy. So maybe I'll just die.

Jerk (:

He doesn't want to be hurt.

Jerk (:

So Dean has witnessed this conversation and is very upset. So we cut to back to Colorado, though, where Hale and Cass are driving. And he is like, fuck this noise. I know more about humans than she does. He sees that she's not wearing her seat belt and he buckles his and then grabs the steering wheel and crashes them into a barrier. She's kind of brilliant and dark.

Bitch (:

It is, it is. So the car is crashed and then we go back to Dean and Zeke, cause Zeke is too old to type and he's just like, Hey, how would it work? And it was like, you know, I heal him, I heal me. And then when he's healed, I just leave, ping, bam, boom. It's just so easy. Let's just do this. It sounds great, right?

Jerk (:

And Dean's like, well, I can't say yes for him. And Sam wouldn't say yes to Zekiel, but Sam would say yes to Dean.

Bitch (:

See, like we got a way to make this happen, buddy. All right, we're gonna cut it from that to the wreck and then we wake up and there is a hole in the windshield.

Jerk (:

And Cass is not in the windshield. She's bloodied up, but he's OK. So he walks towards Hale, who has been thrown through the windshield. And he's got the angel blade now. And he's like, look, I just wanted to I want to help, not her. And she has like glass shards in her head that practically make a halo of her face. Her body is turned backwards and her legs are broken and like facing crazy directions.

It's hysterical.

Bitch (:

And so she's just yelling at him while she's completely just broken. And not even like acknowledging how fucked up she is.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

And she's like, I don't want your help. I want your head. I like all like all of us do. And he's like, I don't believe that. She's like, no, I it's for real. And he's she's like, I'll tell everyone where you are if you leave me here in this broken girl.

And says, yeah, it is. Back in Sam's head, we've got death telling Sam it's time, but Dean appears. He says, look, I, I.

Bitch (:

So he stabs her, which is the only smart thing to do.

Bitch (:

I don't have Chrome Nuts, but I have a plan.

Jerk (:

I don't have any credits. Yes. And he tells Sam, he's like, look, Sam's like, it's too late. I'm sorry. Why are you here? I don't want to fight. And Dean's like, no, I can fix this. It's not your time. And that's makes the point. He's like, that's not that's for Sam to decide. And Dean's like, look, I made a promise. We made a promise in the church. Let me help. There's there ain't no me if there ain't no you.

Bitch (:

ain't no me, if there ain't no you, you complete me.

Jerk (:

That quote was stupid. And I'm a very.

Bitch (:

Well, and Sam asked what's him to do. And so he just says, yes. Sam said, yes. He said, yes. And okay, that's just weird. And then he morphs into Zeke and that's just great. And so we wake up like we're at the hospital and now we have Zeke just being not Angel Zeke, just bus dude.

Jerk (:

Didn't say to what he just said yes.

Jerk (:

bus dude and him and the doctor are both very confused. So Dean and Sam are walking well Ezekiel Sam Ezekiel.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I'm sure there's a word for this that I didn't look up. Sam Zeke, Zeke Sam. Yeah, so Zeke is talking, so Jared Padalecki being Zeke in Sam's body.

Jerk (:

S -S -

Jerk (:

Zameekial? I don't know. Anyways.

Jerk (:

possess Sam. Yeah. Yeah. And he's just like, there's much work to be done. This is not good. And whatever when when he wakes up, when Sam wakes up, it won't feel he won't feel me but he won't know I'm in there. And Sam's like, or Dean's like, well, you know, he'll have to understand, you know, what's he gonna need to understand about being possessed by an angel? And he's like, well, he has to accept it because he can inject me at any time, especially while I'm weak. And if he does that, he'll die.

Bitch (:

This is ridiculous.

So, you know, you just can't tell him, you gotta keep it a secret, cause if he knows, he'll die.

Jerk (:

Okay. Yeah, it says angelic pacemaker. I did appreciate that is what Dean calls it. And of course that Ezekiel just gently kindly so generously offers to just make them both forget about it all.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and I'll just wipe your mind. He won't even know. He won't even remember. It's all cool and kosher. Just chill out, man.

Jerk (:

No big deal.

Jerk (:

Not cool. So we've got. He does have quarters and he strips down to his underwear in the laundromat. He has a white box that's bold, bold.

Bitch (:

We go, Cass in a laundromat and he's got quarters.

Bitch (:

He's a boxer, man.

Ew. He doesn't shit, so I mean, he can wear white boxers.

Jerk (:

I guess. And he puts everything except for his boots and his white boxers in the laundry. And as he's about to put those quarters in to start that puppy, he notices the vending machine. And I did appreciate the candy in this vending machine. And it's like the big cat is like the version of a Kit Kat, wizards instead of Twizzlers. I was pretty amused by like the candy selection. And he looks at the vending machine, then he looks at the unattended basket of clothes. So he looks back at the vending machine.

Bitch (:

Wash clothes or snacks?

Jerk (:

and then he walks out in cargo pants, a button -down shirt, a hoodie with a bottle of water.

Bitch (:

And now we have HoodieCast.

Jerk (:

hoodie cats.

Bitch (:

So now, Sathen and Dean are driving in baby in a Sam Sam.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it's actually Sam and he wakes up. He's like, he's like, my God, how are you feeling? You've been sleeping for a day since the sky was spinning. What do you remember? I was in the church. I felt like crap. There angels are following and that's all I got. And his Sam's like, wait, you've been just like driving around for like a whole day with me, like unconscious. What the fuck has been going on? That's weird. He's like, I stopped, you know, let's take pictures, but whatever. Ha ha ha. I meant what I said at the church, though. You're capable of anything.

Bitch (:

Which would be really weird if he was just driving out with an unconscious person like in his car all day. Yeah, that's a creepy thing to do. But he doesn't tell Sam what's really going on. And so we...

Jerk (:

Or that Sam was hurt at all. Nothing.

Bitch (:

We are back to Dean line two, Sam.

Jerk (:

elusive elusive dean which always how does this man not fucking learn anyways

Bitch (:

Why do you have to keep creating this tension and drama in your series? God. So anyway, Sam says though, the very, you know, we got work to do. Which I should have just quizzed you on what episodes that was in. Like, cause it was in a bunch of them. So, all right. So before we get to final thoughts on this, you want to give us some, some casting notes?

Jerk (:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jerk (:

It's a lot.

Jerk (:

Yeah, I've got a few. So our Dr. Lewis, who was our doctor that said it's in God's hands, was Quessy Amaya. And he's been in episodes, quite a lot of episodes. He's been in a bunch of stuff. Episodes of Stargate, Twilight Zone, Dead Like Me, Smallville multiple times, True Calling, Battlestar Galactica multiple times, Criminal Minds, L Word, Fringe, Once Upon a Time, I, Zombie, Bates Motel, Luce for X -Files.

Riverdale multiple times, Van Helsing, Magicians, Batwoman, Charmed and more. He had bit parts in the films The Sixth Day, Miracle, yes, the hockey one, Blade Trinity, Capote, scary movie Four, Man of Steel and Fifty Shades Freed, and has done quite a few Hallmark Christmas movies as well. Hale was played by Gracie, Gracie Gillum.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

And she was B in the film Fright Night, April Young in Vampire Diaries, Mandy in Scream Queens, a few episodes which I liked, Sergeant Lily Mueller in Z Nation as a repeat, ongoing character as well.

Bitch (:

She was April.

Jerk (:

Ezekiel is played by Tamo Pennequat. I believe is how it's pronounced. He's been in episodes of Stargate SG -1, Elward, Smallville multiple times, Castle multiple times, Arrow, Criminal Minds and Altered Carbon multiple times. He was a regular role as Captain Hilo Agathon in Battlestar Galactica, seven sixty plus episodes. He was Paul Ballard in

Dollhouse, which was a fun series with Eliza Dushku for 27 episodes. He was Jed Eubanks in the film Man of Steel and Clifford Perry in the miniseries Bomb Girls. I like him.

Bitch (:

I will say one thing to you, speaking of April in Vampire Diaries, when the season did come out, this was like CW, like golden. It was supernatural and Vampire Diaries and Arrow. What a golden, lovely time of television you were.

Jerk (:

yeah. Yeah.

Jerk (:

That's funny.

Bitch (:

So we started season nine and we started season nine off with a lie. Team Winchester is lying again.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

It was fun that they brought Bobby in or they figured out a way to bring Bobby in because it was nice because like you mentioned, like in the last episode, last episode of season eight, it had been the first that there wasn't actually Bobby present in. And so that was but they were at the junkyard. But that was kind of neat to then therefore start this one with Bobby appearance. Kind of cool. Even if it was in Sam's brain. And I'm never mad at a death appearance. I am, however.

not stoked starting off the episode with a lie because I feel like that's going to set up like this whole chain of events for this season. And I'm sure I'm correct in that. I also don't want to see you to be a bad guy because I really liked him.

Bitch (:

He's an angel.

Jerk (:

I know, but I was trusting and then I'm like, fuck, I shouldn't have been trusting.

Bitch (:

I ain't, I'm not spoiling anything. You don't know. You know what's gonna happen. He could be a good guy. You don't know.

Jerk (:

No, it's sketch. He offered to fucking wipe their brains. I knew that was sketch.

Bitch (:

Yeah, well, and just the idea of in general of why anybody who offers you to cure anything I'm always going to be suspicious of and just I want to get inside of you probably is never a good cure. Like how many times a dude has told you that like, you know, like that's just not a good cure for anything. You feel better. But seriously, it's. I think Dean was I know he was desperate.

Jerk (:

I'll make you feel better.

Bitch (:

But I feel like that was a very desperate choice to make that you know damn well Sam Winchester would say no to. You know damn well, like if given the choice, do you want to be possessed by an angel, Sam Winchester would say, fuck no. As with Dean, as they did with Lucifer and with Michael, they said, fuck no, please don't inhabit my vessel. I know there was different reasons for that, but there was very clear.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

No. Yeah.

Jerk (:

They've said no to this. Yeah. Well. Yes, and that's and that's the problem.

Bitch (:

They have anti -possession tattoos.

Jerk (:

And Dean said that straight up that I wouldn't want, he would say no. He knew he would say no. And I think that it's a little bit of, it's a little unfair. Yeah, that's it. It's unfair that he keeps making decisions for Sam or without informing Sam for his own benefit.

Bitch (:

Yeah. But I is you, is this, I know what's better for you, but.

Bitch (:

Yeah, he really is taking away his autonomy. And you know.

Bitch (:

But so we do have we've got you know, disgraceful Cass who we you know, we don't know what that's gonna do but And you know, no more hail she's not gonna be a problem but you know, there's just there are you know thousands of battery operated dicks just I would just I would just end this you know, Dave could probably cut here

Jerk (:

For Dean's own video.

Bitch (:

But so before we do so in this with this with that with that note of why I was really funny is as I was moving I did drop a box with some battery operating takes and it did make that buzzing noise. All right, so that note cheers.

Jerk (:

That's amazing.

Jerk (:

Cheers, bitch.

Jerk (:


Show artwork for Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast

About the Podcast

Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
A Supernatural fan show where longtime fan Liz “trapped” Diana, into watching for the first time. Come along for a spoiler free watch with crafty urban fantasy enthusiasts.
We're going back to the beginning of the road and watching Supernatural from the beginning. For your host Liz, it's probably her fifth time through. For your other host Diana, it's her first. She claims she was scared. Naturally as a supportive friend, Liz will attempt to exploit this fear as much as possible. We also dive into the spooky spook in the show in whatever way we want - occult, folklore, true crime, shopping, GAME SHOWS?

Watch the videos on you tube @devilstrappodcast
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About your hosts

Elizabeth Waddell

Profile picture for Elizabeth Waddell
Liz, the maker of the Lore is a ne'er-do-well Texan, you can find her in the spooky places.

Diana Cox

Profile picture for Diana Cox
Diana is watching Supernatural for the first time and loving every minute. Diana lives in Dallas, TX and spends her time seeing/making music, going to car shows, drinking, and caring for 2 large dogs (+ the husband/Babe).