Episode 3

Published on:

18th Jul 2024

9:03 I'm No Angel

AI Show Notes


In this episode of the Devil's Trap podcast, the hosts discuss season nine, episode three of Supernatural, titled 'I'm No Angel.' They also share their traumatizing experiences with the latest season of The Boys and talk about their upcoming trip to the Austin con of creation (Creation Entertainment The Road So Far.. The Road Ahead) . The conversation then delves into the plot of the Supernatural episode, where Castiel is living as a human and encounters a group of angels searching for him. The hosts analyze the themes and characters of the episode, including the mysterious Reverend Boyle and the angel Bartholomew. They also discuss the significance of the stained glass window depicting St. Roach (ST ROCH), the patron saint of dogs and dog lovers. Overall, the hosts provide an entertaining and insightful review of the episode and share their personal experiences and opinions. In this episode, the principal themes include the exploration of faith and belief, the consequences of deceit, and the complexities of being human. The conversation delves into the relationship between faith and truth, highlighting the importance of personal beliefs and the power of faith in the face of uncertainty. The episode also touches on the dangers of deception and the impact it can have on relationships. Additionally, it explores the challenges and joys of being human, emphasizing the need for purpose and the importance of connection.

Sound Bites

  • "I have been traumatized by Eric Kripke once again"
  • "These cons are just everybody f**king"
  • "Angels, Angels, Angels, Reaper, Angels"
  • "Your lack of faith doesn't cancel what I believe"
  • "He's losing his V card, except for what happened with him and Dean"
  • "Being human is not all about burritos and strippers"



Introduction and Personal Updates


Review of Supernatural Episode 'I'm No Angel'


Castiel's Encounter with the Pharmacist


Discussion of Stained Glass Window and St. Roach


The Story of St. Roch


Exploring the Power of Faith and Belief


The Consequences of Deceit


Navigating the Complexities of Being Human

Research Links

This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
Jerk (:

Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast. I'm Diana. And this week we're going to talk season nine, episode three, I'm No Angel.

Bitch (:

And I'm Liz.

Bitch (:

Or are you?

Jerk (:

Kind of. Yeah, so what have you been up to?

Bitch (:

Okay, so there's gonna be a spoiler for the boys that's coming here. And you may just, if you don't wanna be spoiled for a season, so it's a season six, season five, whatever, the latest season, the boys that just came out to skip forward like about a minute or two. But so I have been traumatized by Eric Kripke once again. And I think Eric Kripke is just going through the cast of Supernatural and doing horrible things to them just to fuck with them and with us.

So there is a scene in the season of Supernatural of Rob Benedict and he, and the boys, yeah, and he's got special powers and then he's able to duplicate himself. And let's just say that he makes his own human centipede while he's jacking off and he's naked and it's a lot. Also,

Jerk (:

of the boys.

Bitch (:

Good on you, Mr. Benedict. I know you are a nemesis of the art podcast, but you have very nice long. But also, like I saw so much of that pain, like because it was duplicated too. So it was like 20, like dozens, dozens of Mr. Benedict's pain everywhere. And there was just, there was so much that happened. And it's just so much that happened in like, like the one episode. And I don't know if I'm fully recovered yet. I know like we're going to, you know, by the way that's coming up.

We're going to the Austin con of creation. So I know Mr. Benedict is going to be there and we're going to have to listen to him talk and all I'm going to be able to see is that it's over and over. God. Yeah. We can't go to any of his like photo things. Like I can't be in a room with him. I can't, I can't meet him in the eye. I don't, I don't think that's going to be possible. I mean, it was

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Bitch (02:10.578)

Well done, sir. And also, he just had a baby with Ruth Connell. And somehow I did not know this. I know we have not gotten to Ruth Connell's part in this, but we talked about her because we love her. And she's a tiny, adorable little redhead. we all love tiny little... Yeah, she had a fucking baby with Rob Benedict in like February. I had no idea that happened. And I felt like a rube.

But you know, I just goes to prove my point that these cons are just everybody fucking God. So we'll see you in August, everyone. So that is coming up in August. We will see you at the con. We're going to go to the karaoke night. We're also going to go see Misha's thing. So we will be there with with spells, probably not bells on that would kick us out. But. But we can also be annoying.

Jerk (:

So see you in Austin!


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I'll be obnoxious.

I'd be annoyed with myself. I wore shoes that squeaked all day and I was annoyed with myself. They're really cute.

Bitch (:

So what have you been up to besides being annoyed with yourself for squeaking?

Jerk (:

I feel like I've been so busy, but I also like, what have I done? I guess like my I went to I went and saw my sister's birthday. We went out with a group of girls and it was fun. And we went and saw Dina Carter. If you don't recall, she is the singer of such hits as We Danced Anyway and Strawberry Wine. She also wrote the song. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Strawberry, I think that's I have no

Jerk (:

Tequila and you, which is another song that Kenny Chesney recorded, but she wrote it anyways. She put on a really great show. And then, yeah, had a nice little meet up with our car club and Albus, our dog, our three other dog is in school. So that's been one of our big focuses lately is he goes to training once a week right now because he is very sweet, but stubborn yet motivated dog. So we are training.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

I think he needs to say that he's going for private tutoring because he is not going to school because that implies that he is in class with other other other boys or he is he is in private tutoring.

Jerk (:

That's true. He does not. He's in private tutoring. Yes. That's true. That's true. So we've been doing that. And I guess that's about it. Yeah, that's all we got. And this weekend, coming up, I'll be going to see my friend Joshua Ray Walker playing for

one of his special solo shows as he goes through his chemo treatments. and what are you doing this weekend, Liz? Because when people are listening to this show, what will you be doing?

Bitch (:

Yeah, I'm in my 40s, my birthday is coming up and so I don't give a crap. My birthday is this weekend.

Jerk (:

celebrating your birthday!

Bitch (:

Hopefully I can finally at least get in my pool, which you know is in my new house and right now There's just a dead frog swimming in my pool. He's not swimming. He's lying on that. He's lying Yeah, he's not covered in algae. So at least that was I was like, like there's no algae But I saw him swimming the other day when we were walking I was like that's not gonna die There is too much chemicals in there and my friend was like, do you want me to get him out? I'm like, no, like there's nothing that can happen. This is

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

But it's more clear, the water's more clear.

Jerk (:

It did.

Bitch (:

his forever chemicals moment. don't ever got was but in going in. This is his what is a terrible kid. It was a terrible chemical catastrophe moment. But it was like this is I know they just dumped like 10 pounds of chlorine in there. I'm like he's I don't think he was that pale when he got in this this pool.

Jerk (:

This is his fate. This is his fate.

Jerk (:

He got his roots done before I did.

Bitch (:

He got the blonding, the blonding happened. And then, you know, this morning when I went to just, know, I was just like, let's go take a look around, just make sure nothing, nothing weird has happened. Nothing dead was floating in the pool, but he was in the bottom of

Jerk (:

It's not floating, but it's there.

Bitch (:

I was like, well, pool guy comes on Thursday. I sleeping in there till then. And I want to, I do want to see if they write that online because they do like a pool report. I want to see if they like, say like dead frog. And if they don't pull the frog out, then I'm going to, it's almost like a test. Like, how am I, why is there a dead frog in my pool?

Jerk (:

It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine.

Jerk (:

Dead frog. Dead frog.

Jerk (:

Hmph. Hmph.

Bitch (:

Give me a discount. It's a test frog.

Jerk (:

Well, fingers crossed, fingers crossed on the pool.

Bitch (:

Alright, so we're not talking about frogs. We're talking about, yeah, we're talking about Supernatural and I'm No Angel and I forgot to write down what the hell this title comes from, but it's some sort of play about angels and you're no angel. And this was season nine, episode three and it first aired October 22nd, 2013. And it was directed by Kevin Hooks and this is the only episode he ever directed of the show, which is weird when that happens.

Most recently, he's been directing episodes of This Is Us and The Good Lord Bird and episodes of Preacher, but he has been directing and acting since the 80s and his list of credits is phenomenal. You know, St. Elsewhere Bee, Fame Roots, Young Riders, China Beach, Doogie Howser, and it's all like super greats then just kept on working up to recently. So good on him, but this is the only thing that he ever did on the show. Maybe he just had enough of

paddalaki's farting or something probably. come at me bro. you're a dude. I know you farted. All right. So this was written by Buckner and Ross Liming. And this was, you know, they are, they're prolific writers of the show. And we last saw them in season eight with Taxi Driver. Before that was Man's Best Friend with Benefits and a little slice of Kevin.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So we're going to go from that right into our recap of Angels, Angels, Angels, Reaper, Angels.

Jerk (:

Pretty much. That's about it. Yeah, that covers it. So jumping into the episode, it's we've got two priests, older and younger, walking through a garden at night and an angel talking about a dinner plan for the Monsignor and an angel in a suit just like pops up and it's like, hmm, interrupting you to let you know we're looking for Castiel. OK, so it cuts to the next day to St. Anne's shelter for

And we have Cass in the living quarters. I'm like, he's brushing his teeth. False. He is just eating toothpaste. Which I've done in a pinch, fuck yeah we have. But it was just funny.

Bitch (:

It's not like you've never eaten toothpaste. Like we've all eaten toothpaste and then regretted it immediately. And we don't get to see like his regret of this. But he is, but he's also apparently going by Clarence. Megsio, so sweet.

Jerk (:

Now he's into

Jerk (:

I know. So we find out he's going by Clarence and this guy's like knows who he is. He's like, yeah, I'm heading out from I'm leaving this shelter after work tonight, though. So bye. But also, I'm really tired of urinating.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I did. I did take a screenshot of that and sent it to my friend who's my mom's caretaker. I was like, this just reminds me of my mom being like my mom's main thing as an aging elderly lady is complain about how much she has to pee. But really, like for for a lady, I don't I don't think she has to pee that.

but anyhow apparently angels and my mom all get tired of urinating. So then we go outside of St. Anne's shelter to St. Anne's Cathedral which is apparently where our homeboys from earlier

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Right. And Cas heels, they're all doing, all these men from the shelter are doing yard work. That's what they're taking care of the grounds. And he finds some blood on a rock and on a gate and he follows this little trail. And so somehow nobody's noticed that they cemetery adjacent to the grounds that they're all these guys are working in are two priests shoved on the spires at the top of a fence around a grave, just chilling out in the middle of the day with their eyes burned

Bitch (:

with her eyes burned

Jerk (:

bloody fucking mess all over the place and no one's noticed.

Bitch (:

No, you had to go through the gate. Like, no, was, why else would you see them? You know, like.

Jerk (:

It was it was a and it was a to be clear, it was a metal gate. It was not a like a solid wood gate. I'm just saying no one noticed.

Bitch (:

No one does, know, like you really had to pick up that trash, but also angels or dicks. So we go from that to the bunker and Dean wandering around in his old dead dude's robe.

Jerk (:

-huh. And pouring tea from like a silver tea set? Sure. Well, Sam strolls in. Apparently, Sam has already gone for a run, come home, gotten cleaned up, ran out and got breakfast and come back with real bacon and eggs with extra grease for Dean.

Bitch (:

you just keep it fancy.

Bitch (:

Which, you know, that is like the best roommate ever. Like you go running, you don't wake me up and try and make me go running with you, which I do appreciate. And you bring me like fucking eggs and bacon, which sounds awesome. But I also like every night before I go to bed, I promise myself I'm gonna be like Sam. I'm like, fuck yeah, I'm gonna get up. I'm gonna go exercise and go for like an early breakfast. And usually it's just like, I get up and then like, I'll some coffee.

Jerk (:

And you bring me.

Jerk (:

Well, Dean asks him about running. He's like, wait a minute, because he's worried about him. He's like, look, Cassiel's not here yet. And that trial was such a strain on you. So I'm worried. And Sam's like, I feel great. And then good old Ezekiel takes over and he's like, he does feel better, but I'm still slowly healing him, which is not reassuring at

Bitch (:

Yeah, so I double checked. And so the fandom portmanteau for Ezekiel possessing Sam is a Suzuki like Suzuki like Suzuki like you you get like with you would get with like, you know, get Suzuki with like, yes, like you would get with your

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

It's like tzatziki. I'm thinking of Greek food now.

Yeah. We love some Suzuki. Sam's equal. OK. Well, and while we're while he's at it, Sam's equals going to share, by the way, I picked up some angel chatter and apparently there's a faction that are finding vessels and the leadership of the faction is desperate to find Castiel. And he's like, see, I'm promised I'd be useful and then like zaps

Bitch (:

I mean, but with same CTO, but yeah.

Bitch (:

I'm useful.

Jerk (:

And then all of sudden, Sam's back. It's very like freaky.

Bitch (:

It's very, yeah, there's flipping mid conversation and Sam like really like bounces like back into like mid sentence. It's just like brr brr brr brr. And you're like, what the hell just happened? And Dean's like, wait, and then Dean started talking about like angels organizing and that confuses Sam, which confuses Dean. And then that confuses Sam and then I'm confused and the cast is confused. okay, whatever, those are my cast.

Jerk (:

He's like,

Jerk (:

So we cut to a pharmacist watching a, why is this motherfucker watching a video at work on his phone is my first complaint. But anyways.

Bitch (:

He yeah, so I mean he just depends like he doesn't like maybe he's not compounding your you know, I was gonna say

Jerk (:

He's standing at the counter like he's like about to wait on somebody. It's very odd. And he's watching a very religious video. It's good old Reverend Buddy Boyle. And then we shut so he's like just smiling and really into watching good old Reverend Buddy Boyle. And

Bitch (:

Yep, and Reverend Boyle's on there and he's telling people to let angels in and to fill you up with their grace.

Jerk (:

Yeah, if an angel comes a -knockin', you let him on in.

Bitch (:

Let him in, just open wide and let those angels right inside of you. So then we cut to the studio with the actual

Jerk (:

Yeah, and it's the angel Bartholomew is overseeing this and Barty Bart and he's like, yeah. God is highly pleased with your work. And he's got a reward for you. And the reverend is just so honored. But he's like, yeah, this the but like his assistant chicks are like, I'm going to be a vessel for the divine right now. I give myself over. And Bart's like,

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

The Vart Man.

Jerk (:

Sure, let's fucking do this and waves for an angel to come in and we get a light blue cocksmoke into our assistant, reverence assistant.

Bitch (:

See, I don't even get like the light blue. Like it was more just like kind of an angelic white, which is, you know, the reverse of like our demon cocksmoke, which is more of this is like kind of like gritty black. And so I'm just wondering, is it the same like same effect through just taking the color out or is it a whole, do you get a whole new angel?

Jerk (:

So she gets an angel in her and then her body starts contorting her eyes start bleeding. She's whimpering, then screaming and then explodes everywhere in a bloody mess.

Bitch (:

Yeah, she was not ready for that jelly. She just

Jerk (:

Mm hmm. So Bart tells the Reverend that not all that are willing are just designed to contain heaven's grace. We got to expect a casualty every now and then. And the Reverend looks very upset. He's like, like like a lamb of sacrifice and kind of like rationalizes this.

Bitch (:

Nope, it just is what it is. Like the 2024 election, just is what it is. So he just really takes this though. He was like, okay, like, I guess this is fine that my friend who didn't, I mean, first she tried those bangs and then she tried to have an angel inside of her. Like she just did not have a good time or a good day.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

them. So we cut to Dean trying to calculate where Castiel might be because he's they tracked they know they told him to come to the bunker and he is taking way longer than expected but he's human now. So that changes things. So they are trying to calculate along the path and they find the priest murders in Emory Park, Iowa and find those priests from tortured so like fuck there's a good target. Let's go

Bitch (:

But I also feel like Dean spent all this time making this map that had all these concentric circles and different colors. This was one day, this was two days, this was three days. And then Sam just goes, hey, there was this angel that killed somebody, let's go there. So he spent probably a good couple hours making that map. And there's just like, well fuck it, I guess we're just gonna go look to where this was.

Jerk (:

Jerk (16:58.638)

So speaking of Castiel, we cut to him eating. He's eating a can of food under a bridge at a homeless camp and another person has shared this with him and Castiel is realizing he needs to plan his food better because he's running out regularly and he's just new at this new at food, sleep and passing gas and the fact that one day he's going to

Bitch (:

Gardening is really strange, but he also says something really sweet and profound. He's like, I'm finding the people with the least to give are the most generous.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And he's like, I'm going to go try to sleep. And it points out what an ordeal trying to go to sleep is. And both of us were probably like, yes, yes, it is.

Bitch (:

That is, and then his new friend is like, have you tried counting sheep? He's like, no, it sounds really good. And also like this guy is beyond just sharing his food. Like he's just putting up with this weird guy talking to him in the middle. Like, so good on him. He seems like a good man.

Jerk (:

Well, then Casio, for some reason, there's this bus in this, that no one's sleeping in.

Bitch (:

Okay, what? So there's an abandoned bus in the middle of a homeless cab. Nobody has claimed this. No one is like, there's just all these seats that are just waiting for him to come and like, know, somebody would like, there would be a literal like fights over this, there would be a flag on it. So I'm going to be standing on top of it. And like, they would be like sharing claims because they couldn't defend it by themselves. They would have to have multiple people. Like there were things that were going with this bus, not just, unless like it was infested with books.

Jerk (:

Yes! Somebody... Yes! It would be claimed!

Jerk (:

Yes, it doesn't work this way. It just doesn't work that way. Anyways.

Bitch (:

Yeah, like it has to be, there's something really wrong with that. If no one else is sleeping inside of it, like there are reasons.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And well, Cass finally tries to go to sleep while wondering about sheep and our pharmacist appears outside the bus and it wakes Castiel up because he senses something and he's but he's got his angel blade and then the pharmacist is in the bus and he nicked he cuts Cass's arm and then he realizes Cassiel's human. He's like, wait, you're human. And then Cassiel kills

Bitch (:

And I think it's interesting that none of the angels know this, right?

Jerk (:

Right, like nobody figured this out till now.

Bitch (:

Like, so you can not sense that he's, I feel like he would, he would feel different, full of grace and empty of grace. I feel like those are two different angel versus human. I think that would make a difference.

Jerk (:

They're tracking him.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yes. Because like if they're tracking him, why would how would they even track him if he wasn't an angel anymore? Like why? Like they'd look and be like, why are we tracking this human like? Yeah, exactly.

Bitch (:

It'd be like tracking just a regular vessel or a thing, but I mean maybe they can just track them. I don't know, but I think there's a

Jerk (:

But also, is there something weird with the fact that I don't want to go down too far a rabbit hole here, but if his grace is gone, how is he still Castiel and not is he not his vessel again? Yeah.

Bitch (:

How is he not Jimmy? But the thing like is he Cassie L or is he Jimmy if he's just become like his own like... So I think Jimmy is like up in heaven. Jimmy is like in the thing like heaven heaven. He's got his little like room thing. In his room thing. So I think it's just a replication of the vessel keeps getting made. I think that is what we all kind of go with now at

Jerk (:

person. don't know. Gone.

Jerk (:

Okay, Jimmy dead. Jimmy's dead.

Jerk (:

Okay. I'm just.

I'm just flagging that. Thanks.

Bitch (:

I know, like unless every time they remake Cassiel, they remake Jimmy Novak and then put Cassiel's vessel back inside of him, which seems like an extra like a lot of work if you could just make a thing that looks like Jimmy Novak and then put Cass inside.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Well, all right. Well, back at the church, back at St. Anne's, Dean's there and the guy, one of the Castillo's buddy there does remember Clarence from the shelter. And he's like, yeah. And he's like, yeah, it's real sad. These these guys, these priests look like they suffered real bad. But at least now they're with the angels. And it's like, I sure hope not. It's a funny exchange. But back in baby Sam's there

They've confirmed, you know, now that Cass was using the name Clarence and Sam laughs. He loves that Meg used to call him that. Meg.

Bitch (:

He loves Maxi -L too. He was just like, I love that shit.

Jerk (:

And and but he didn't but that Castiel never understood that it was a famous angel. And apparently Dean didn't get that either.

Bitch (:

Dean doesn't get it either, Sam explains, it's a wonderful life, which we all know has come up in the show before, and Dean's still like what?

Jerk (:

But our pharmacist is from Dayton and the home that was killed because they've and it's always another angel kill. And they're going to go to this homeless camp in Indiana now.

Bitch (:

And we kept my cast, you he's walking and the hot dogs smell good. But then he's like, do I have enough cash or this or should I just go into this tattoo shop and then interrupt this person who's getting a tattoo to be like, can you look at this weird thing that's in my pocket and like, and quote me a price and we'll just like be like, what happened?

Jerk (:

And I don't and I barely have enough for a hot dog, apparently I have enough for a tattoo and I'm going to interrupt. Like I'm going to get a tattoo consultation in the middle of your tattoo.

Bitch (:

tattooed in front of a window that's weird but hey but still like yeah yeah but still no you don't walk up and interrupt somebody while they're in the middle of tattooing somebody they may talk to you but they're not I don't know it's

Jerk (:

I've seen that,

You should have

Jerk (:

He got too close. It was weird. It was very weird. Somebody's not been to a tattoo shop.

Bitch (:

It was strange. But also, like, why is the tattoo necessary?

Jerk (:

know exactly. guess we find out about it some kind of what it is, but is it necessary?

Bitch (:

But like, couldn't you just like Sharpie that shit on yourself? Like, I think that would do the same and probably be less painful of getting a tattoo on your ribs and just cheaper. And then you could get a hot dog. Like you could buy a Sharpie and a hot

Jerk (:

You could buy a Sharpie and a hot dog for less than a tattoo. I care, where you go?

Bitch (:

Yeah, I don't like that's the new Costco special a sharpie and the hot dog. So okay, we go from that batch of rev and boil.

Jerk (:

and Bartholomew and there's this chick angel there now and they're pretty impressed that about Reverend Boyle's ability to find vessels.

Bitch (:

Where are the angels getting these suits? Like, because they're all like the same but slightly different. Like, is this just like in the dress code that you have to have like a gray, like three piece suit with the vest, but your vest can be a button down. It doesn't have to be the same level of gray. Cause Bartholomew has a different like suit than the chick does. But this chick has like, and I can't even figure out what to compare these suits to

Jerk (:

He does. Yeah.

Jerk (:

I don't know. I know, but they've got a vibe for sure. It's a definitely consistent one.

Bitch (:

They have a vibe but not like something maybe like David Blake, David Bowie post Ziggy Stardust type of suit, but I can't like place them into something. Anyways.

Jerk (:

Well, she's the, he wants to find Castiel right now. And she's like, well, we've got our, you know, we've got our Dayton operative is tracking him. And apparently she is in trouble that she has not found Castiel yet. But another angel comes in and is like, by the way, Castiel killed your operative. And so she is like, no, Castiel is a madman.

And and the new angels like, yeah, and he's like totally vanished now. We can't track him anymore because he warned himself. Bartholomew's poof. So Cassie, let's just walk through the city. Eyeball and street food, eyeball and some titties.

Bitch (:

You know, like you do sometimes you want some sauces, sometimes you want your meat. And then he wanders his way into a church and there is a stained glass of a guy showing off his knee while a dog shows off bread and an angel flies above him. And then I spent a good part of my afternoon discussing with with Bo -Dak and another friend about this, about what the hell this thing meant. And so I'm going to tell Diana really like why.

There is the picture of a dude with his sexy knee and a dog. And so this is the story of St. Roach, Roach or Rococo, depending on where you are at. He's the patron saint of dogs and dog lovers. And yeah, it's a good week for this. So this was comes from some Catholic encyclopedia I found on the internet. It was written by somebody named Gretchen Fitch.

he city. And St. Rocco, circa:

a sign that Blessed Virgin Mary had heard and answered his mother's prayers for her barrenness to be healed. So I guess his mom was like, I need a baby and please Blessed Mary, give me one. And so she did, where they're like, by the way, you also get a birthmark just now that I did this for you, right? And so as a child though, was deeply religious.

Fasting twice a week after the examples of his pious mother. So he was annoying little brat that was just probably at Sunday school being like, I didn't eat two days this week in honor of father of God. And like all the other kids were like, can I just have some bread? And so they're probably like, like, the almost these kids are just like, I would really like some bread. I'm so hungry. I'm so

Jerk (:

Uhhh -haaaahhh...

Bitch (:

You fucking like, wealthy governor's son, you're fasting, I just want a goddamn potato. But anyway, so then his parents die, because he's like Batman. No, he's 20 when they die. And after that, though, he's just like, you know what, I don't need to be rich. I'm going to give my inheritance to the poor, cool. And he hands the government of the city over to his uncle. And he is like, I'm going to become a poor

Right? So now he doesn't have any earthly cares and he ordered, joined some Franciscans. I may be going off of her script a little bit, but I am reading most of it. Okay. So he orders, joins some Franciscans and he dons a pilgrim guard, not like the Turkey pilgrim, but like a pilgrim, like, you know, I'm going off to like visit things type of

And that was to show that you were like pious and there was a popular thing. So it's still annoying as fuck. We like, look, here's rock over here. His goddamn pious robe is just like showing off. Like he's still like, I still, I didn't, I'm intermittent fasting this week. I'm joining me at CrossFit. So he is, he's the Pilgrim.

Jerk (:

And like, is this the guy that's like driving and it's like doing like yoga on the beach and living out of a camper van and telling everybody how.

Bitch (:

He is he is he's getting his best life. So he goes in his pilgrimage. He goes goes to holy places. Let praise and roam when he comes on to the town of I think they just made up this town's name Aqua Pendenta near Verdebo like that's also not a place that's anything is near but I promise it was near this so something in Italy somewhere in

He saw that he was badly struck by the black plague and that was wreaking havoc across Europe at the time So he sojourned there to care for the sick in private homes in in hospitals as a great risk to himself So he's just like I need to care of I'm gonna put my money Pilgrim these people here have a plague. I'm gonna help

Right. So he cured a lot of people by just making the sign of the cross over them. So that's a, that's a good skill to have. And he continued his charitable work until the disease was, was halted from spreading further. Like he did so much that he like stopped the infection and you know, it just, happened in every plague infested town that he went through on his way to

Jerk (:

Mm -hmm.

Bitch (:

And then finally like in the Rome itself. Sorry, the cat has taken away. Thank you for bringing the script back, cat. I appreciate that. Okay, so he goes to town to town. He's just healing the plague, like right and loud. he gets to Rome. And then he gets to the town of Piazienza. And there he discovered that he was no longer spared from the deadly disease. And he got it in his

So I did not know this, but apparently you can get the plague just in your leg. Just your one leg. But instead of, you could I guess, but know, he didn't go anywhere else, he just has this one plague leg. And so instead of burning anybody else with his sickness,

Jerk (:

in a wound.

Huh. Can you just cut it off?

Bitch (:

He commends himself to God and he awaits his death in a remote and abandoned forest hut. So he's just like, I've got a plague leg and I'm just going to go to this hut, right? But a dog finds him and it's a nobleman's hunting dog. He finds him and the dog brings him food and he like licks his wounds every day. And then like a spring just like pops up from nowhere. So now he's got water. He's got

dog, dogs just licking his leg and I will tell you in some of these pictures that the wound was on the inner thigh and I'm just like okay so that's happening, dogs just licking on your thigh but so the dobleman eventually follows his dog into the woods one day and he's just like I gotta go see what skipper's doing I don't know what where he's been off to and he's just like he's licking this guy hey broach

And so Rock is there and his health is restored and he is like, I'm going to go back to Montpellier and tell them all this goodness that I found. So he goes back and the city is at war.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Because he's just left it and was like, his uncle take care of things and comes back and things are bad. But he doesn't want to tell the soldiers who he is. So was just like, you don't know me. I am poor and smelly. And so, but they're like, wait a minute. Like I'm very suspicious of this man. He won't tell me who he is. Like he must be a spy, but they're in France. So was like, you are a spy. And even they're like, some cheese.

and he did not defend, yeah, he didn't defend himself against these charges and he wanted to conceal, you know, his identity and he was like, I was gonna leave myself to God and so his own uncle, but he left everything too, said, smelly man, you go to prison and then they throw him in prison. He did not recognize his nephew with his beard and his smelliness and so he was forgotten.

Jerk (:

ho ho!

Bitch (:

and abandoned in prison. God sent angels and minors to him while he was in there, but then he died. He dies in there five years

Jerk (:

Five years

Bitch (:

Yeah, his uncle is throwing him in there no time as he's been like, Hey, dude, I'm your nephew. But so that's why he's the same. So when according to a Francis and hagiographer, Marion a hay big

O FN whatever those initials mean. When he felt that his end was drawing near, St. Rock asked that a priest might come and administer the last sacraments. The priest had entered the prison beheld it supernaturally lighting up and the poor captive surrounded with special radiance. So like maybe like the angelic cocksmoke is like roaring around, right?

As death claimed his victim, a tablet impaired on the wall on which an angelic hand wrote in gold letters the name of rock and the prediction that all who would invoke his intercession would be delivered from the

Informed of all that took place, St. Rock's uncle came to the prison and shortly after, also the governor's mother, that is Rock's grandmother. And she was like, yeah, look at his damn chest. Like remember that fucking birthmark from like where he was born? Like, why didn't y 'all look at that sooner? And they're like, yeah, it's him. So then they gave him a really fancy funeral and they built a church in his honor and they entombed his body there. And then like a bunch of people made him a saint.

Uh, then like later during:

Bitch (:

Saint Rock was a highly regarded saint in the late Middle Ages, especially in those Italian towns where he exercised his healing powers. They liked him there. Many of them chose him as their patron. He is often depicted as a pilgrim with a walking staff and a seashell. What you thought was a pear was a seashell, and that is a symbol of a

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

and he often has an open sore on his leg, an angel by his side, and a dog at his feet. He is the patron saint of dogs, dog owners, knee problems, surgeons, invalids, bachelors, diseased cattle, not the regular cattle, against cholera, plague, skin rashes, and diseases, contagious diseases, pestilence, and epidemics. His feast day is August 16th, and that is the story of Saint Rock, maybe Roke, Rokoko.

But that is why there is a picture in that church of a dog in a

Jerk (:

With bread, not potato like I thought.

Bitch (:

It could still be a potato. I don't like, maybe, I think also like, did the dog bring him bread? Is that why we still, they didn't explain why the dog had bread in there.

Jerk (:

No. I had guessed,

Bitch (:

Yeah, there are some where it's very much a plague wound. But most of the, I encourage you people, you people, I encourage our listeners to go and look, just throw St. Rock into ROCH into a Google image search and see lots of sexy me's.

And then I just imagine like lots of male models like modeling for modeling for like the medieval artists and like, show me a little more knee. I need more thigh, more thigh. Like I don't want to sir. Do it for the dog.

Jerk (:

They're showing their knee off.

Show me that knee. Flex that thigh.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Well, in the church, in addition to this fine stained glass art, is a woman praying.

Bitch (:

It seems like it had something to do with something. It has nothing to do with nothing. There's no way that relates to anything in this episode, I don't think.

Jerk (:

They just they just wanted a close up of a fucking stained glass window. But so there's a woman praying for angels to heal Mike, who is a good man. And and as she's leaving the church, Castiel does stop her. He's like, Mike your husband? She's like, yeah, he's super sick. And he's like, yeah, it's it's, know, how fragile humans are. And she's like, well, that's why we pray.

And he's like, well, what if you found out no one was listening? What if God left and heaven's going out of business? She says, it's not possible. He's like, it's completely possible. She's like, you're missing the point. It's not possible because I have my faith. And he's like, but it's the truth. And she's like, that's your truth, not my faith. Your lack of faith doesn't cancel what I believe.

You might feel better if you tried it my way. Someone's listening.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and that ends up going to a whole bunch of like things, right? Because like, he's not wrong. Like he knows exactly like where this prayer is going to, right? And he knows that have like, there's no angels in heaven. And she's just like, well, the angels are there. Like I believe in this is my faith is not your faith.

Jerk (:

thought it was very sweet.

Jerk (:

She doesn't say the angels specifically in this part. She just knows that someone is listening and she has her faith. I thought it was very sweet. I love this.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and she... No, it is very sweet. And she had asked the angels to come down for mic. So she believes in angels. That's just what I'm saying. But... Well, and that's, know, where it becomes like this very... Like how much of the actual truth interacts with faith when it comes to things like this, right? Because you're on this supernatural level of things versus...

Jerk (:

Yes, to heal Micah. Yes. And we all know angels are dicks, but that's okay.

Bitch (:

Then you go into, and this is how you end up in a corner eating your hair, going, is the simulation real?

Jerk (:

Well, I really like, I really liked that exchange. I it was a really special exchange.

Bitch (:

I thought it was very interesting. I think it's very poignant too. It's a very interesting philosophical discussion.

Jerk (:

Yeah. But back with good old Reverend Boyle's office, we've got Barty as I've taken to calling him Bart, bitch and Bart. He is bitching. He's so mad that they can't track Castiel. And so now he has hired a freelance reaper and basically tells him, follow the Winchesters. That's how you find him. So we cut to the police station.

Bitch (:

Bitchin' Bart, bitchin' Bart. Bart's just

Bitch (:

I was like, how do you start looking for Cassie? I was like one word, Winchester. He's so overly dramatic and he's just so, he just looks like every frat boy ever wanted a punch in the cooter. Like it's just, just fart. I can remember. So we go to the police station.

Jerk (:

One word, Winchester.

Jerk (:

to she.

Jerk (:

Super douchey.

Jerk (:

Well, Sam and Dean. man. You can go right Winchester on the chalkboard. The police station, they're talking to this cop about and this cop's telling them that this victim was found with this. The pharmacist was found with a stab wound and with his insides vaporized. And it's just real weird. But here's all his belongings if you want them. So.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I don't feel like you're a great police station that you just really hey, here is his dead bands personal belongings that I gave got from an evidence like these guys who say they're the thieves like are just here. How about this evidence like remember

Jerk (:

So, released his personal belongings of a murder victim.

Bitch (:

Charlie in the chain of custody form and this is what that chain of custody form is about guys and people just aren't supposed to like give you a pile of evidence and just be like go through it with your hands sorry I know we have bitched this before but this was just so obvious like it's just like an obvious terrible like here's all the

Jerk (:

Not how it works. Not how it works. So what they do on his.

It is.

Jerk (:

But they also had to get his phone, which they do and so that they could find that he was obsessively watching videos of Reverend Buddy Boyle. And they find the part of the video where the is telling them to let angels in. And so now they know that this reverend is helping find vessels. And they are like, well, how big is this guy's reach? And then apparently good old Reverend Buddy Boyle has a website.

pay a website tab that shows a world map that shows his reach. I don't know what the fuck that is. Nobody has

Bitch (:

What the fuck is this? This is like the pew pew map that we used to show people in cybersecurity to pretend like we were actually doing things like, we stopped Russia this week. this is just so somehow on his website, it tracks the IP addresses of all his his people. don't know. But also apparently Reverend Buddy Boyle has way better numbers than we do. So we need to start doing whatever Reverend

Jerk (:

downloads, don't know, streams.

Bitch (:

Let the angels in! Let them in! They're your friends!

Jerk (:

Well, we they're freaked about this. And we also start seeing our freelance reaper following Sam and Dean at this point. We cut back to Cassiel and he is dumpster diving for food. Yeah, in an alley and this chick approaches him and

Bitch (:

and pickle smelling.

Jerk (:

She's Casio's talking about how much it just waste there is. And she just shares her peanut butter sandwich with him. She's like, hey, look, here you

Bitch (:

Yeah, well, he's talking, he's, you know, he's dumpster diving and he's just like, I didn't realize that humans wasted so much food. But then he just like wastes all the food. Like he picks up a perfectly good looking pickle and that pickle looks fine. Like I would eat that pickle right now. And he just like puts it

And he just like leaves, like, I can't believe people wasted all this food and then just leaves it there and then eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which I would also like because I also didn't have the things to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If I had the things to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I would not want one, but I do not have those things. And therefore I immediately want a peanut butter fucking jelly sandwich.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

So now you want it. Same. Yeah, obviously. That's how it works. So.

Bitch (:

Damn you!

Jerk (:

But Sam and Dean have now found their way to the homeless encampment under the bridge where the angel was murdered. And it's pretty funny because Dean's like, no, no, we really just want information. We're definitely not cops. And everybody just kind of looks at him like, eh, it's like we don't even look like cops.

Bitch (:

Yeah, they kiss and they're like, yeah, you all look like cops. You completely look like cops, including the fact that Sam's killing victims. Vicks, they have completely gone over the

Jerk (:

Yes. Yeah, that doesn't help.

But they're basically like, we're just trying to find Clarence. Here's his description. And what the guy that kind of gave him some food and some help. Listen to him ramble, I should say. It's like, yeah, he wants to go sleep somewhere else. And then I saw him flag down a truck that was heading to Detroit because it was called.

Bitch (:

He's very helpful. He gives him a lot of information. It just takes him a while. And the Reaper is watching.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

But Cassiel's hanging in this alley still. He stayed in the same alley after he ate that peanut butter and jelly sandwich and now he's shivering in the rain in the dark.

Bitch (:

He just stayed there like in this one place and then he just like, it's raining, I'm gonna stand out here in the rain and not take shelter until the girl comes and finds him.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and she takes him home with her.

Bitch (:

Like you do, you know, you just like meet like random dudes in the street, give them sandwiches and then take them home and then tell them you don't normally do this.

Jerk (:

Sure, and he just looks like he's been to hell and

Bitch (:

I've seen this dateline. Yeah, no, she's clearly a serial killer because nobody does that.

Jerk (:


And but she introduced herself finally as April Kelly. And as he's drawing himself off. He does a Castiel. Yeah, he says Castiel. That's true. But only Castiel. And then she comments as weird as one name. But as he's drying himself off from being out in the rain, she realizes that he's got his sleeve is all bloody. So here is another red flag that I'm just going to say you brought this man who's potentially homeless into your home alone. And now he's bleeding.

Bitch (:

He does give her his real name. He doesn't say Clarence, he does say Casio.

Bitch (:

You're the man that you met going to the dumpster, going to the trash, yeah?

Jerk (:

Yeah, yeah, his shirt's bloody. Not good. In the meantime, Sam and Dean have stopped for pie and the convenience store. And then they are loudly talking about how they're heading to Detroit and all the way they need to check for Castiel and all this. And I'm like, hmm. But it was a trap to catch the Reaper. Ha ha ha. So they got

Bitch (:

Yeah, that's fine. That's fine.

Bitch (:

Yeah, you can't don't fear the Reaper you let them follow you down down an alley and then you stab them. You don't stop them. Sorry. I read something else but like you want to but you ask them whether following you.

Jerk (:

Yes. But April has dressed Castiel's wound in her apartment and he's like, yeah, I stabbed the guy and he exploded and she laughs.

Bitch (:

She's also fine with this. Like this is, yeah, cool, cool. Like, so you stab someone, that's great.

Jerk (:

And she's like, you don't look like the knife fighter homeless type. I trusted the wrong person. was my vanity. thought I was more important and effective than I was and that I could fix everything. She's actually probably a real bit of honesty out of him. I really appreciate it at this point. so and so he's on the run and she's like, well, your delts, your delts are nuts. You've got to relax. I'm going to rob your shoulders.

Bitch (:

Got me giving you a massage.

Bitch (:

So did he get a shower in here? Like he looks awfully clean for a man who's been living on the streets. I'm just saying. I know he's been going through shelters and stuff, but he looks really nice for someone who is... Yeah.

Jerk (:

Thank you. He was in it. He spent the day in an alley. He dumpster diving. And.

Bitch (:

And also she's just making out with him and like not showering him. Yeah.

Jerk (:

And then they start making out. Then they just start making out. You're not alone tonight. And they kiss. What is happening? What the fuck is happening? What is happening? What is happening is what I wrote in all caps on my notes for the record.

Bitch (:

What's happening is that he's losing his V card, except for what happened with him and Dean. But yeah, so he's losing his V card. then, and then Sam and Dean have, yeah, they the Reaper hung up and they're like, you bounty hunters are like Delta Force Reapers. Why would they sic you on Cass? What? Who?

Jerk (:

I guess.

Jerk (:

They're torturing this reaper.

Bitch (:

Where did you just make up this nonsense from?

Jerk (:

I don't know what's happening. All I know is that they did find another abandoned warehouse. I would just like to point that out because they're in a new city and they've got another warehouse and that's where they're going to torture this. But. Well, they're heading to Detroit. They're not there yet. Maybe, but Dean does ask about Naomi because he's asked about her a couple of times and everybody's like, what are you talking about? So he finally learns that from now that Naomi did. She is dead. Stop asking about fucking.

Bitch (:

They're in Detroit. Detroit is nothing but abandoned warehouses. Were they in Michigan already?

Bitch (:

You're such old news, Dean. They almost been dead for like two days, Dean. What the fuck? Like get on the page. There's a new boss and his name is

Jerk (:

Duh. Ketchup, ketchup.

Yes, that's her protege. And he's like, so is that the one that's organizing the angels and.

Bitch (:

He's really like, he's just an anti -union. Like, I don't understand. Like, he is obsessed with this angel organizing. He's just like, I need to put a stop to this, like, right now. And everyone's like, we don't care. Like, they don't care.

Jerk (:

I guess I get it because it'd be like it's a more formidable force if they're organized, but and they're all after Cass, that's a bad thing, I guess.

Bitch (:

What else do think they're doing? I don't know. yeah, so Damien's dead. What else are they supposed to do? Like, no, the angels aren't scattering? I don't know. So then kill me, it don't matter. And then he gets stabbed in the face.

Jerk (:

It is weird. mean, obviously they're going to organize. They are kicked out of heaven and shit's fucked. Of course they're going to fucking do. Yeah. So either way.

That's weird.

Jerk (:

So he does. Yeah. Back at the April's place, her and Castiel just got done banging. Yeah, that's that's a lot of that was a lot of candles lit. wait, like they stopped making out and she's like, Whoa, I have to go light like 50 candles real fast. Give me like 10 minutes and then

Bitch (:

and lining and bunching handles.

Bitch (:

I think that's what happened. Like, or maybe she's finally said, Hey, that rain didn't wash off as much as a street state as I would like you to. Can you like maybe like go take a go get out of those clothes and here's some, non smelly. Yeah, so they're like, there's a fire hazard going on and they have fucked.

Jerk (:

I have to light these candles.

Jerk (:

So weird.

Jerk (:

but we see his tattoo.

Jerk (:

We didn't really see it earlier, so we see the tattoo now.

Bitch (:

Let's do the tattoo. Again, Sharpie would have been just as fun. Apparently a lot of people have tried to translate it. It doesn't really come out well. Although there is a sign of Lucifer in

Jerk (:

Well, she wants Cas to say something and he's like, there are words and she's like, that was okay. He's like, very much so.

Jerk (:

and then asks if what he did was a wreck.

Bitch (:

Mm -hmm. Yep Yep, so they just pillow talk guilt lands guild blah blah blah. I'm no angel. Let's have more sex

Jerk (:

She says very much so.

Jerk (:

Yeah, that's what they do. And Sam and Dean are driving and we just get a cut for that for another real reason. because then we go straight back to.

Bitch (:

This is where we know they go to Michigan. They drive through the night and then we get the Barham and the Michigan sign.

Jerk (:

Yes. And now April's making breakfast. Like she's like cutting up a grapefruit and she washed all of Cass's stuff. And he's like, something's missing my jacket. And she's cutting the grapefruit with a fucking angel blade.

Bitch (:

I'm just like, wow, does it really cut like that? Cause I never really like those. I'm very impressed. Yeah. And think it's blood orange is not grapefruit or maybe it's grapefruit. I don't

Jerk (:

Doesn't look like it. I'm very confused. too. OK. Blood orange would make more sense because like it's kind of a small grapefruit. It was just close to that coloring. Blood orange makes more sense.

Bitch (:

Yeah, but you know, I was impressed with you figuring out to use this and I thought it was hilarious. So then we kept up to baby.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And Dean's like, I'm fried time for plan B. And Sam's like, what are you talking about? And Dean's like, I'm letting you know. And he's like, I'm letting you know. And Sam is so confused. And finally, finally Sam's Eekiel appears or I guess I don't know how do you refer Sam's Eekiel

Bitch (:

Who'd you get pregnant?

Bitch (:

Sam Seekiel was fine, but also like why didn't y 'all create like a code word for this? Like, I'm letting you know, I'm letting you know, letting you know.

Jerk (:

Happy Tuesday.

Jerk (:

And he's like, hey, we need help finding Cass and Sam Zekiel is like, I can't because he's warded. But why don't we try to find the Reaper that's tracking him and that

Bitch (:

Yeah, I can try. And then there's some deep nostril breath acting, which is how we know Sam is Sam Sekele. And then we go back to Cas.

Jerk (:


Yeah. And she's like, you know, I guess washing the blood was pointless. Ha ha. That's something the real April would have done. I miss being her because she was so sweet. But but the briefing I read that said you were dangerous and para powerful. So I had to gain your trust. So here's my question. So is she a reaper? But do you just become a reaper? I forgot how they become reaper when you die. I guess the whole thing, right?

Bitch (:

she's still she's possessing a vessel because like she's yes now everybody possesses a vessel when they're on the earth that's like now we have come to this so now if you are on the earth and you were in a vessel without a pestle and you're in a vessel that's a human no matter if you're an angel or a reaper or a demon you are now we're yes that's where we're

Jerk (:

I didn't think Reapers did that, that's why I'm confused.

Jerk (:

I just didn't think reimbursed did that. And it's just confusing. I confused me in this episode a lot in the scene. All right. So Casas, I was like, so this required intercourse. And she's like, executive decision. And I found you kind of attractive. So whatever. And.

Bitch (:

Yep, she's in a vessel. That's just where we're going to.

Bitch (:

I'm just horny. I was horny.

Bitch (:

You didn't smell too bad. Yeah, you gave you a peanut butter sandwich.

Jerk (:

But she wants to know about Metatron and she is going in Casio's tied up. She's going to torture him to find out about Metatron. And she's torturing for infamy. He's like, look, I knew nothing about his spell. I didn't know he was going to cast the angels out. I was naive. And she is like, nope, you were working with him. That's bullshit. And he's like, no, really, I thought I was fixing heaven. I was going to bring the factions together. I was.

But I knew also that I was the last ingredient. I just didn't know it was for a spell. So.

Bitch (:

And she's like, I don't care about your dumb plan. I've already fucked you. I just want to kill you. Please stop talking.

Jerk (:

And he's like, but it might be unwise to kill me because if my grace is what powered the spell, I might somehow be the key to negating it to smart. Yeah. But as Sam and Dean bust in, she stabs him real hard in the middle of stomach. Yeah. Yeah. There's a skirmish. Dean's crying. He gets to kill April and Sam's.

Bitch (:

It's just a bad logic, it's a good logic.

Bitch (:

And then she flicks them, stabs him, flicks them, they skirmish.

Bitch (:

So no, he kills her with a blade that he takes out of Cass, which I would like to point out is the blade that has been covered in the grapefruit or the orange blood thing. Would that sting more? I mean, it's a pleasant smelling stab, like it would smell good.

Jerk (:

that's right. That's right.

Jerk (:

Would that sting more? That's a good question. Is it also slightly sterilizing?

Bitch (:

I would think you're just putting acid in the wound is probably really what happens and then like probably gets infected. you know.

Jerk (:

That's true.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Well, so he kills April. He's crying. Sam approaches. But no, it's not Sam. It's Sam Zekiel because Sam was unconscious. And so Sam Zekiel waves a hand over to Castiel's belly and heals him.

Bitch (:

Yeah, he's so tan. He's so fucking tan. I don't get it. So then Calia.

Jerk (:

And then Sam's eek you'll falls back into where Sam was unconscious. Castiel wakes as Sam comes to and everybody's very confused because they all know that that Sam was everybody knows that cast was dead or close to it because he was stabbed with a giant blade in his stomach and Sam was knocked out. So Dean lies again. Again.

Bitch (:

Touch a liar, liar. And he says again, I made a deal that she wouldn't get kabobbed if I brought her back while Sam was unconscious and put me wrong.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So we go to the bunker. And Sam wants to know how they were able to find Castiel and Dean's like, well, I went through Maurice's pockets and I found an address, which Maurice was the hunter that was following them. We find out that's his name. Yeah. And in the meantime, Castiel is enjoying bunker food and water pressure.

Bitch (:

He just comes and makes sure

The Reaper, yeah, he finally got a name.

Bitch (:

He's you I mean I he also appreciates all the food that's around and Dean points out that being human is not all about burritos and strippers and now I also want a burrito that he is clearly like he's just chowing down on it

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And Casio's like, no, I understand. It's, you know, more than survival. It's about purpose and not being, you know, deceived by anger, despair or or hedonism. Hedonism is the word.

Bitch (:

Erections. hedonism. Okay, I thought it was erections, but you know, also hedonism works.

Jerk (:

Well, he's like, yeah, my time with April was very educational.

Bitch (:

We had the sex.

Jerk (:

Yes. And Dean asks if he used protection. So he's going to get a burrito.

Bitch (:

And he had an angel in.

Bitch (:

Yeah, hopefully he doesn't have chlamydia. We don't know. We don't know what April had. yeah, so Cass thinks they're going to be great teachers on being human. And hurrah, there's more burritos.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So Sam's eq is like, look, Casio is because he's gone. So he was off to the other room. So he tells Dean Casio can't stay here because that's going to bring the angels down on us. And he's like, no, we're in the bunker. It's safe. It's fine. And Sam's eq is like, nope, Casio's in danger. That means I'm in danger. We're all in danger. No, we will. He has to fucking leave. Or I have to leave. But Sam's not well enough yet. So.

Dean has to go to Castiel and tell him that he can't stay there. Castiel's very sad and confused. It's awful.

Bitch (:

hanging a puppy is just he like, especially as a guy he's been on house, he has been like figuring out like all these things that make being a human suck. And then you're like, got to

Jerk (:

Yeah, it's awful. Like I made you, and I made you travel all the way here. I went and found your fucking ass to bring you here and now you can't stay

Bitch (:

And lay a awesome.

Bitch (:

I mean, at least come up with something, go look, I need you to go look for Kevin. I need you, like, or I need you to go looking in Bobby's cabin. I need you, the junkyard. I mean, River's cabin. if he can't stay there, send him somewhere else so you know where he's at. Don't just be like, you're gonna go back out on the street. Like, I don't think that's cool.

Jerk (:

Or I need you to stay in this place instead because it's safer. Like give them something.

Jerk (:

K, go.

I don't like it.

Bitch (:

So, ugh, all right, before we get back to final thoughts of this episode, what you got on casting?

Jerk (:

All right, we've got Bartholomew Barty Bart, whatever you want to call him. He's played by Adam J. Harrington. He's been in episodes of Stargate SG -1, Smallville, CSI New York, CSI Miami, Parks and Recreation, CSI original twice, Criminal Minds, NCIS New Orleans. He was in episodes of Shadowhunters and Lincoln Lawyer three times. He was Rogan in the movie House of the Dead.

Jack Magnum in The Ugly Truth, Agent Walker in Dexter, which is a reoccurring character, FBI agent Brenner in Bosch, which is another reoccurring character in a TV show, and John Jagger Cates in General Hospital for 44 times. So ongoing character, ongoing character in General Hospital. April Kelly was played by Shannon Lucio. You would have seen her in episodes of ER, NYPD Blue, CSI in Miami, Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy.

multiple times, once upon a time, CSI, NCIS, American Horror Story a couple of times, and Shameless. She was also Lindsay on the OC, which is a reoccurring character. And then Trishane slash Miriam in Prison Break, which is a reoccurring character. also Caroline Counten in True

Bitch (:

sales of vampires.

Jerk (:

Reverend Buddy Boyle was played by Kevin Brief. He's been in an episode of a gazillion things, which I'll get to. But interestingly, he did a lot of voice work in anime specifically, including Akira, Mobile Suit Gundam and Ghost in the Shell. But in his acting, we would see his face potentially. Episodes of Baywatch, Golden Girls, Home Improvement, Wings, Married with Children, Murphy Brown, Fresh Prince of Bel -Air, Coach, Boy Meets World, Beverly Hills 90210.

Frazier, Everybody Loves Raymond, Friends, ER, Will and Grace, Star Trek, Enterprise, House, Malcolm in the Middle, Nip Tuck, Medium, Big Bang Theory, Grey's Anatomy, Bones, Justified, Young and the Restless, Dexter, Criminal Minds, and Days of Our Lives. That's a reoccurring

Bitch (:

That's pretty prolific.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it's a lot. then Maurice, our good old freelance reaper played by our teen Tony Brown, been in episodes of X -Files, Degrassi, The Next Generation, Stargate SG -1, True Calling, Criminal Minds, Smallville, Fringe, Once Upon a Time, Arrow and the new Superman and Lois. He was also Bubba in I, Zombie, which is a recurring character.

Linda was our woman in the church. was played by Ingrid Torrance. She was nurse Ratchedon once upon a time, which was a regular character on there. And she was a clerk in the movie Double Jeopardy, which

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

classic, don't know, 90s maybe, but still. And our tattoo artist was played by Romeo Reyes. They are an actor, an actual tattoo artist, they own shops in Canada, and a transgender advocate and mentor and model, as well as a singer songwriter and has also been in episodes of Arrow and Flash.

Bitch (:

And they would probably be really annoyed at somebody coming up to them in middle of a tattoo and being like, hey, can you do this?

Jerk (:

Yes. Yeah, they would. So there we

Bitch (:

There we go. And yeah, so I don't like women using CAS. Like, and that's gross. Like, it's not cool to, to, to hide yourself and then take advantage of them that way. Like, I think that was cool at all. April.

Jerk (:

It's all weird and gross.

Jerk (:

No. Rude. Rude. Quite rude. This was kind of a sad fucking episode in general, honestly.

Bitch (:

So rude. So, what's a rude, what a rude Reaper.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I mean, but the thing is, like, really wasn't a bummer, but it wasn't great.

Jerk (:

No, there was some really sweet moments and profound, like we both identified a couple things that really stood out that we thought were profound conversations in it. But the whole kind of story is kind of fucking sad.

Bitch (:

Yeah, mean, now like angels are dicks. really starting to see what Sam Zekiel means, right? also, mean, there's we've got the is Sam is Sam is Dean overusing the the Zekiel power, right?

Jerk (:

I don't know, man. We all know this lie is gonna get him into some shit.

Bitch (:

It's like we know like one the line never pays you're always gonna caught and always and it feels me like what he makes my stomach all filled with gross butterflies and people are lying about like weird being dishonest as much like and I Don't know it's not gonna end. Well, we know this and I'm not spoiling that I'm just like you can't can't be deceitful like this and it's just mean to Sam and

Jerk (:

It's mean to Sam, it's mean to Cass, he's being mean to everybody in his deceit.

Bitch (:

Yeah, the consequences for getting Cass kicked out of here, like, that was fucked

Jerk (:

I don't like

Bitch (:

breaking up Dusty L for his new Sam's e -key. what's going on? All right, on that note, anything else? All right, cheers, jerk.

Jerk (:

That's it. Cheers, bitch.

Show artwork for Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast

About the Podcast

Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
A Supernatural fan show where longtime fan Liz “trapped” Diana, into watching for the first time. Come along for a spoiler free watch with crafty urban fantasy enthusiasts.
We're going back to the beginning of the road and watching Supernatural from the beginning. For your host Liz, it's probably her fifth time through. For your other host Diana, it's her first. She claims she was scared. Naturally as a supportive friend, Liz will attempt to exploit this fear as much as possible. We also dive into the spooky spook in the show in whatever way we want - occult, folklore, true crime, shopping, GAME SHOWS?

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About your hosts

Elizabeth Waddell

Profile picture for Elizabeth Waddell
Liz spends her time in Dripping Springs, TX crafting and binge watching shows.

Diana Cox

Profile picture for Diana Cox
Diana lives in Dallas, TX and spends her time seeing/making music, going to car shows, drinking, and caring for 3 large dogs (+ the husband).