Episode 11

Published on:

19th Sep 2024

9:11 First Born

AI Show Notes:

In this episode of the Devil's Trap podcast, hosts Diana and Liz delve into Season 9, Episode 11 of Supernatural, titled 'Firstborn.' They discuss the episode's themes, character developments, and the intricate relationships between characters like Dean, Sam, Crowley, and Kane.

Bitch Show Notes:

We talk about Season 9, Episode 11 First Born and meet silver fox Murder Daddy Cain. Bitch reads the Cain story from a Bible and does not explode into flames.


Introduction to the Episode


Exploring Personal Lives and Hobbies


The Recap and Setting the Scene


The Search for the First Blade


The Bunker and Castiel's Struggles


Meeting Tara and the Pawn Shop


Kane's Introduction and Backstory


The Revelation of Cain and Abel


The Fight Against Demons


The Extraction of Grace


The Consequences of Choices


The Setup and Betrayal


Conclusion and Reflections

Research Links

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Jerk (:

Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap podcast. I'm Diana. And this week we've got season nine, episode 11, Firstborn.

Bitch (:

And I'm Liz.

Bitch (:

first born, which I was not, but you were. And that explains a lot if you didn't know Diana was a first born.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

How are you? What's up? What's going on?

Jerk (:

you know, getting keeping busy and I went and saw some music which you know is totally shocking. Never do that. I know. Yeah, Matt Heckler was really good. And then he was opening on tour for lost Benjamin Todd and the Lost Dog Street Band. Super fun show. Matt Heckler, by the way, is an incredibly talented multi instrumentalist with a unique voice. If you get a chance to see him do that Lost Dog Street Band and Benjamin Todd are phenomenal. Yeah.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

There we go. And then getting ready to go to Nashville for a few days. That's what I got going on. How about you?

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

I also went and saw a talented, what did you call him? A multi -instrumentalist? I guess that's what you call Scott. I went and saw Scott H. Byram. He played down here in San Antonio and he knows. I won't make him sad. If you're listening to this, Scott, I haven't talked to you since like 1995. No, it's been a while. I have talked to him since then.

Jerk (:

multi -instrumentalist. Yeah, that's a term. Yes.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

around my group of Stan Marker's people, but he's much bigger than my group of friends that I went to college with. He's a very well -known musician who is quite talented and I think was possibly competing with Thursday Night Football or some crap like that, but it was a good show. And then more excitingly though, I had my aerial rig delivered this weekend and very excited to go spinning in hoops.

Jerk (:

Yes. Yeah.

Jerk (:

Mm -hmm.

Bitch (:

while looking at the Texas Hill Country, which will be pretty phenomenal and dreamlike and amazing. I promise I will be safe and always do this with somebody who's spotting me. I promise. I will be safe. I will be safe. I do have a crash pad and it's lots of fun.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Okay, you got a crash pad though, right? That just sounds fun. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Crash pads are just fun in general. I was actually at a studio today and I crashed onto the pad and it was from a very short distance, but you can tell the teacher also teaches elementary school kids, because she was like, my God, are you okay? And I literally fell like a foot onto a pad. I'm pretty good.

Jerk (:

And it was kind of fun.

Bitch (:

I was expecting this to happen because I was I was upside down and that's always when I fall anyway. It shockingly I fall when I'm upside down, but I was upside down and trying to hang from a circular hoop with my legs and I wasn't far up enough on my back and it was way too much of my butt. And so like I just fell like down the front of the hoop, I guess, like because I was there. I didn't have enough junk in my trunk to legs to stop me from down.

Jerk (:

Like a slo -mo?

Bitch (:

I knew that's where I was going, but it was still fun. I don't mind falling. Shout out to the AcroFab guy who put it together for me, so I didn't have to. AcroFab, they're a company out of Houston, and they're cool place, made my new Lyra, and his aerial -less girlfriend has the same name as my cat. I thought that was cool.

Jerk (:


That's just a cool word.

Jerk (:

That's awesome.

Bitch (:

The simulation is just fucking lazy at this point. Just like, we don't have any more names. Like, what's this guy's girlfriend's name? What's her cat Anya? All right, fine. There's an Anya. So, anyhow, let is let us let let's get going and talk about Firstborn.

Jerk (:

I like to.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

And according to the Supernatural Wiki, that could be a reference to the fact that Kane was the firstborn of Adam and Eve. Well, way to think on that one. Deep, it was deep. And this was season nine, episode 11. It first aired January 21st, 2014 and was directed by the legendary John Badham. Did I say his last name, Badham?

Jerk (:

Hmm, yeah, yeah.

Bitch (:

So this was his first time on Supernatural. However, he directed War Games, Siren Eye Fever, Short Circuit, Stakeout. Modern credits include, you know, Arrow, Nikita, Constantine, that show, Psych, Criminal Minds. He teaches film at Chapman. So, you know, he is a powerhouse and...

Jerk (:

Bye bye.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

He ends up directing some supernatural stuff. It's just pretty cool. And this was written by Robbie Thompson. We last saw him write Slumber Party. So, we already know this is gonna be a, just with that itself, a pretty epic episode. So, we started off with our recap though. And there's my girl Abby, and Dean's just full of his lies.

Jerk (:

So cool.

Jerk (:

Yeah, we got Abaddon, Dean's lies, Metatron, Kevin dying, them teaming up with Crowley and then Sam and Dean's breakup.

Bitch (:

Dean's pity party.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And we open in Jasper Springs, Missouri in 1863. So Civil War.

Bitch (:

Civil War and this is a point where I wish I had my coconut horse sound on demand so I could just make that So there's a horse that is riding up and he's riding out to a bunch of Confederate soldiers who must protect the night

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And they are all demons in this little, little cabin thing. And then we have enter super hotty.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

This really good looking man kicks down the door and he is welcome to do that here anytime he would like. But he grabs like a jaw bone.

Jerk (:

and apparently

Jerk (:

Yeah, he's got like this weird jawbone thing in his hands and he is and then all of sudden we cut outside and there's a red light and all these guys are Demons are dying.

Bitch (:

I'm not sure if this is true or not. So in the trivia for this, like somewhere online, maybe on the Wiki, it says that Robbie Thompson would just like drew the blade and they just like went with it. Like he was like, I don't know, something like this. And it was made like a cartoon job drawing, but I don't know. This thing is hilarious. It's just always hilarious and gross. So gross.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it's weird and gross. Weird and gross. It doesn't seem very effective as a blade.

Bitch (:

also does not seem like a blade. I'm gonna be the first to say it. Blades cut things like, what is it gonna chew?

Jerk (:

They have a sharp edge. I mean you could argue. I guess it's serrated on one side. I don't fucking know but like this is Like they could have like saw it somebody for a very long time if you're gonna attack them with this but hold still lose my spot

Bitch (:

I'm gonna canine you damn it like and then like a tooth falls out it just it does not seem like an effective weapon, but anyways gross

Jerk (:

geez, no, no.

Dean's at a bar and.

Bitch (:

and shockingly making eyes at a waitress.

Jerk (:

I mean, yeah, I mean, what else would he be doing? But Crowley poofs in to sit next to him and plays with a red carnation from the bar. And Dean's like, what the fuck are you doing? I told you the next time I saw you, I was going to kill you. And Crowley is like, yeah, you need to move on from that. And you move on from this because this bar is a bust. I need your help to destroy Abaddon.

Bitch (:

Yep, and that's where we kind of figure out that this is the bar that Gadriel was at.

Jerk (:

Yeah, because didn't look like it.

Bitch (:

It didn't. It takes you a moment. You're like, yeah. Because it's awesome that that bar looks like every bar.

Jerk (:

It does. So either way, but Crowley's like, yeah, I'm looking for the first blade. I've been looking for it for decades. And Dean's like, I've never heard of it. And Crowley's like, but maybe your maybe your dad has. So I want to look at your John Winchester's library about it.

Bitch (:

Yeah, Crowley wants to know if it's in the journal and he also wants to have you do a buddy comedy with Dean, but Dean just pulls out this journal and immediately goes to where he's talking about it. And I guess like at this point he would know.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, I think they have an index system. I don't know. It's very confusing. But yeah, he finds something that mentions Abaddon's torture or whatever killing Abaddon's protege. And there's some numbers written down in the margin. And apparently it's a code at the storage locker. There might be something there.

Bitch (:

Yeah, sadly we didn't have time for the montage, which I was hoping would happen, but, you know, I love a montage.

Jerk (:

No, no montages, just Dean and Crowley going to the storage storage locker to look for clues about the first blade. And they were being spied on by a demon the whole time.

Bitch (:

And my question is, and later we'll learn maybe something different, but how would Crowley not know that there is a demon at the bar? I would think that's weird. I would think Crowley would be aware of that. So.

Jerk (:

That's weird, right?

Jerk (:

Yeah, I would think so too. And I didn't think about that at this moment in time and that I thought of it later and I was mad.

Bitch (:

I thought about this moment in time, but I also have a, I would say a crystal ball called my brain. I've seen a lot of this before. So we go from there to bunker and Cass eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which is probably why I got some like peanut butter and strawberry, like healthy, like protein bar type thing. I blame this episode. Get it? It probably won't taste the same.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

That good.

Well, looks, mean, a good old, like a good old peanut butter and jelly is great, except I don't like grape jelly. I'm very particular about them. don't, I just, has to be strawberry. I don't like grape.

Bitch (:

I think what also is I didn't have that often, so that's a treat sometimes if I get it.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Well, he is very apprehensive about eating this peanut butter and jelly because it tastes like molecules is what he tells Sam.

Bitch (:

Yep, and he liked jelly cause jam shakes like that. And it was unsettling.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And he in general, he was just realizing that some of the things that there's a lot of things that were annoying about being human, but he really enjoyed food and tasting food, which is a good point. Yeah. So there he's like, but either way, tasting all these molecules is disgusting. But regardless, I need to finish healing you, Sam. So we got to work on this and.

Bitch (:

Yeah, it feels good.

Jerk (:

When he's healing him, he notices something's wrong that he tries to lie to Sam about, but he's not a good liar. that basically there's something angelic resonating inside of Sam.

Bitch (:

Yeah, it was like, I thought it was a cute exchange because Sam's just, know, Sam's like, you're a terrible liar. And Cassiel's like, that's not true. I want to see you and your brother like for a very long time. So technically he's right. He's a liar.

Jerk (:

That's true. That is true. But yeah, he's there's something angelic resonating inside of him, and Castiel kind of wants to call Dina out. He's like, we could we kind of need some help here. And Sam's like, no, not coming.

Bitch (:

We can handle this.

Jerk (:

So Dean and Crowley make it to the storage locker. And Dean made Crowley wear a hood to come in so he wouldn't know where the place was. It's kind of funny. So did he have it on for like the whole ride?

Bitch (:

He does and I don't know or maybe just at some point but then he said, know, Crowley is like, it's just not fair because I've been inside your brother practically family and that is the title of my next. No, no, no, it's not.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So Dean does not like this at all and yeah, not amused.

Jerk (:

He is not amused, not amused. And he definitely calls Crowley a dick bag. And they're searching for anything about the first blade though. And I like Crowley's description of the decor in the storage locker as rustic obsessive and paranoid deco.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I am familiar with that style.

Jerk (:

So, but finally Dean finds a note about this and basically he was working with another hunter. John was working with another hunter named Tara and they.

Bitch (:

And the T doesn't stand for terrible father. I'm glad that also Crowley can point out like it's really sad when the king of hell is pointing out how shitty of a dad you were Mr. Winchester.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

It's bad. It's bad. So basically, though, they did interrogate and exercise this demon who mentioned the first blade. And that's it. And I like, Crowley asks, he's like, didn't they teach note taking at Hunter's Hogwarts?

Bitch (:

I did too.

Jerk (:

I liked it. So back at the bunker, Castiel has found something in a Nokia that basically says that when an angel possesses a human, they like leave this vessel with like some essence of themselves. I don't know. Yeah.

Bitch (:

piece. Yeah, a piece of themselves behind like a fingerprint. But I think that kind of makes sense, right? You're a big you're inside of you.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

When someone's inside of you, they leave a little peace behind.

Jerk (:

Liz. So it, but it contains grace and they could use this grace because they can use the grace to do a tracking spell for Gadriel. But they have to extract it from Sam. They have to extract the grace from Sam to be able to do the tracking spell.

Bitch (:

I have seen enough Dateline to know that is true.

Bitch (:

That's what you wanna call it.

Jerk (:

And I to use this really creepy needle that the men of letters invented but never got to use.

Bitch (:

They invented, they also had like one little file on the inner working of the angels that had James Haggerty on it. And I don't think, I don't know if that went to anything else, I think it did. No. But yeah, it was just like, the tiny one little file folder on the inner workings of angels, but also I liked the way their stuff is labeled. Damn, I can buy a typewriter. All right, so.

Jerk (:

that Sam refers to himself here. Sam's like, we're doing this. Let's fucking go. But he refers to himself as a guinea pig that the Men of Blood has never had. And Castiel is very excited that that he might have a furry friend. Yeah, where is it?

Bitch (:

Yeah, I was like, where's the guinea pig? I want a guinea pig. All right, so we go from there to the pawn shop and there we meet Tara who reminds us not to skip arm day at the gym. Jesus fucking Christ, this woman has the best guns like, wow.

Jerk (:

Her arms are good. Jacked. She looks, yeah, like the good, like lean muscle, but like jacked, but not like bodybuilder jacked. Like on point, on point.

Bitch (:

Yeah, no, just, ugh. I wanna know your routine, but I don't, because I don't wanna do it. But I wanna look at your arms and be jealous of your dedication. Okay, this is Tara.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

And she's reading a lock and key graphic novel when we cut to her. So that's kind of interesting.

Bitch (:

and her name is Tara.

Bitch (:

There's a reference and there's characters. You brought up that she was really in Lock and Key so I thought you knew. okay. So anyhow, so her name is the same as a character in Lock and Key. All right, but her knee is also acting like Diana's knee acts most of the time and mine acts like 10 % of the time.

Jerk (:


part of it. No.

Jerk (:

Got it. Cute.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. So and she's like, basically, she's like, basically, she's like, are you Sam or Dean? And and then she tells him that she said, didn't you grow up pretty? And and he's like, yeah, I'm in the family biz. What tell me about this case? Yeah, but she is staring Crowley down and promptly pulls a shotgun on him. And he's like.

Bitch (:

And he sure did.

Jerk (:

She's like, since 92, I get a painful tickle in my knee when a demon's around. And Crowley's like, cool, cool, cool. I'm going to get some coffee while you all figure this out. But he can't poof out because there is a devil's trap underneath the fake Persian rug.

Bitch (:

That's handy.

Bitch (:

I've asked babe to make us a heavy metal guitar sound. I'll remind her to do that. So in the meantime, until we do that, I'm just going to make the whirr. I don't how to make that guitar noise. I need the melodica. All right. And so tell Dave who doesn't make a metal sound. making a melodica noise to.

Jerk (:

One of those

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

to go with Devil's Trap. Alright, so he is stuck on a Devil's Trap and she thinks that Dean is likely possessed and that's why he's working with the demon. Why else would he be?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, because why else? And then she then she throws holy water in his face.

Bitch (:

And it doesn't stop being funny, it just doesn't.

Jerk (:

No, it's still funny. And he agrees that Crowley is a jackass, but he is actually working on this case with us because we're trying to find this first blade to kill this night. So she's like, well, as you're she tells Dean that he is as handsome as John and as dumb as John, if he's looking for the first. But yeah, so.

She gets her files out and apparently the legend is that archangels used this weapon that could kill the Knights of Hell. But the demon told them about this and then they killed the demon and then they had a lovely weekend, her and John, and then they never talked again.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I wish there was some way to like make the timing of this work to be like this is Dean Winchester's real mom. but she couldn't let the idea of the blade go. So she basically has been working on this spell and she's working on a spell so long that she has gotten the container for the ingredients that exactly matches

Jerk (:

Since then.

Bitch (:

all of the ingredients sizes and shapes except for one empty spot because that's she had time to shop for this like for a while.

Jerk (:

That's it, man. You are obsessed when you do that, right? Damn. my gosh. So this this she's looked all over the world and it destroyed her knee and her life. So what she needs, though, is the essence of Kraken.

Bitch (:

She went to the container store.

Bitch (:

Release the Kraken!

Jerk (:

And guess what Crowley has?

Bitch (:

He has my future job, which is managing a warehouse of Kraken and Belize. I didn't know that was an option. well, Kraken Essence, I guess. was like, because I don't think it's like a warehouse of Kraken's, it's of the Kraken Essence. How does one acquire the Kraken Essence? Enough of it to get a warehouse full.

Jerk (:

And what's why Belize? I mean, don't get me. Why not? But also, I mean, do they have is it just easy? Like, I mean, we know it's easy to travel there. You know, it is, you know, I'm sure.

Bitch (:

Is there like the cracking of the lease? Like, is that a thing?

Bitch (:

Is that what John McAfee was making down there was was cracking essence? I don't know. So anyhow, so all she has to do is to break the trap.

Jerk (:

Maybe. All right.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Yep. And he's and he's like. So so he's going to go so probably is going to go get this. And so after she kind of like hesitates, she agrees she uses a shotgun to blow a hole in it, though, which probably wasn't aggressive.

Bitch (:

It seems a little aggressive and I mean I you got some stuff to work out but it's also your store and that's your floor.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And she's like, I'm still a lot like weird out that you're working with this fucking king of hell, dude. He's like, no, no, no. I'm going to handle him next. Don't worry. And he's like, she's like, yeah, you sound like your dad when he said he'd call.

Bitch (:

Damn, damn, John Winchester, you're a piece of shit. Like you even, you were just a shitty dad, but you told her you'd call? Fuck you, man. Aw, aw. So Crowley has returned with her essence of crockin'. Hopefully it was artisanal.

Jerk (:

So you weren't just a shitty dad.

Jerk (:

And you did?

Jerk (:


Yeah. And so they mix all the. And they mix these in her like she's like a like a click one of the clear pyrexes ready to fucking go.

Bitch (:

weird map.

Jerk (:

Well, it's this weird US map. here is what I was my question mark was how do they know that this is in the fucking US?

Bitch (:

Yeah, well, it's like, but it's not even just a weird, it's a very specific part of the US. It's mainly focused on like the top half. And we're kind of more the middle, right? Because it's where Missouri we just happened to make sure that Missouri is in the middle of this. And so maybe that was part of the thing that like, they had to you had to use this. You had to use this map in order to find it. Okay. He sets it on fire.

Jerk (:


This is the map, magic map. Sure.

Bitch (:

But it seem like fun. I want to burn a map up and have it end in one little thing. That seems really cool.

Jerk (:

Set it on fire. Dump the dump the ingredients.

Jerk (:

Dump the ingredients on the map, the map on, set the ingredients on the map on fire. And then all that we left is the place where your thing is. Yeah. So they're going to the spot in Missouri. Tara, Crowley does kindly invite Tara to join them. And she says that she would go with Dean anytime, but with Crowley never. So anyway, so they pull.

Bitch (:

All that's left is Missouri.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Dean and Crowley drive off and they pull up to this farmhouse and there's like this like late forties Chevy truck outside. It's a pretty farmhouse out in the middle of nowhere. And Crowley's like, I feel something dark and Dean's like.

Bitch (:

He cramps. I said, well, did he not have cramps? He just, I have cramps. so I was like, Crowley has cramps too.

Jerk (:

Dean's like, darker than you? And we see a beekeeper and Crowley kind of freaks out.

Bitch (:

I'm covered in bees. And he creeps out because that is not a beekeeper. is the father of murder. Murder.

Jerk (:

kinda freaks out.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Yeah. And AKA came.

Bitch (:

and he wants to leave but the beekeeper is there yep I did have it the beekeeper is there and takes off his mask to reveal murder daddy and he I told you I had it in there so he knows who he is alright so we're gonna talk about some lore I guess that we're calling it just because I think we need to get some of

Jerk (:

murder daddy. He did.

Bitch (:

I would assume that most people know who Cain is, but you know what they say about assuming. And one of the ideas that I did toy with here was to read one of the children's book versions of the story, but they were just too dark. Don't read your children's versions of Cain and Abel. No matter how you do it, it's fucked up. So here is a straight up Hebrew Bible as translated by Robert Alter in Translation 2008 in the Five Books of Moses.

I have prepared Diana. She put some salt around her. think just in case because I'm in case, you know, something happens. yeah, yeah. So the story of Kane's murder and his consequences as told in Genesis four, one through 18.

Jerk (:

It's on all the cords.

Bitch (:

Now the man knew his wife Eve and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, I have produced a man with the help of the Lord. Next she bore his brother Abel. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep and Cain a tiller of the ground. In the course of time, Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground and Abel for his part brought of the firstlings of his flock, their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel

in his offering, but for Cain in his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry and his countenance fell. The Lord said to Cain, why are you so angry and why has your countenance fallen? If you do well will you not be accepted and if you do not do well, sin is lurking at the door, its desire is for you, but you must master it. Cain said to his brother Abel, let us go out to the field and when they

in the field, Cain rose up against his brother and killed him. Then the lord said to Cain, where is your brother Abel? He said, I do not know.

Am I my brother's keeper? And the Lord said, what have you done? Listen, your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground. And now you were cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it will no longer yield to you with strength. You will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth. Cain said to the Lord, my punishment is greater than I can bear. Today you have driven me away from the soil and I shall be hidden from your face.

I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth and anyone who meets me may kill me. Then the Lord said to him, not so, whoever kills Cain will suffer a sevenfold vengeance. And the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who came upon him would kill him.

Bitch (:

Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. Cain knew his wife and she conceived and born Enoch and he built a city named Enoch, not rock and roll after his son Enoch. I don't know. So that is the story of Cain. So we want to break it down. What's your picture? So.

Jerk (:

We are not beatboxers, obviously.

Bitch (:

Why I can't you hop all over your ass. All right. So the first thing like is that so there's came and there's able they came from Adam and Eve. There are some stories where Kane I think comes from Lilith. There's also like there's a whole bunch of different versions I think so but the main thing is for this canon is Kane. Was a farmer his brother raised sheep.

Jerk (:

Yeah. What's that? Yeah.

Bitch (:

Cain offered God some lettuce and Abel said, would you like some fat sheep ass? And the Lord said, give me the fat ass. And I like it thick, I guess. And Cain was like, no, you like my lettuce. And then he was like, hey, come here Abel. And then he killed him with a jawbone. I think that's about it.

Jerk (:

Sure. Is that supposed to be a big sheep jawbone? What?

Bitch (:

Maybe it was a sheep. Yeah, I bet that's it. That's what he killed him with. Yep. So that would explain what that job is. So, yeah, so Cain was a little bitch in the story and got really mad because he tried to do something and he was jealous and his work, what he worked was good enough for him, was not good enough for somebody else and it made him sad. Yeah, but all of it is just, know, so and then he also gets a mark put on him, which will

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, bullshit.

Bitch (:

Probably, we'll need to know about later. Yeah, so just imagine that story in a children's book. Good lord, literally.

Jerk (:

Maybe we'll learn about this. Yeah.

Jerk (:

That's lot for kids.

Bitch (:

for a kids book, for an adult book too. So it's just a lot. It's just a lot. There's a lot of things going on there. So, all right, so we get back and now we go to the cabin.

Jerk (:

It's just a lot.

Jerk (:

which is very B centric decor. The decor is very, very B like anyways. And Dean's like, Crowley, why aren't you just like poofing out if you hate this place and you want to leave? And Dean or Crowley is like, I'm not going to leave my domestic partner in crime. But Dean's like, it's because you can't fucking leave, obviously. Obviously. So.

Bitch (:

Covered in bees.

Jerk (:

We get the story that Cain killed Abel and became a demon, not just any demon, the deadliest demon and the best at being the worst. And then he disappeared because everybody just hoped he was dead, basically.

Bitch (:

And I think that's a very interesting thing, right? I think this is the first time in, within the canon that we have had a demon that besides Lucifer, that something that became a demon. Yeah.

Jerk (:

that became a demon. And you see Dean's reaction to that too. He's like, what? Like, you became a demon? Like, what? Yeah. So Kane does enter and he's got a nice lovely tea service. And he is talking about how beekeeping is really relaxing and how bees are declining and mankind's survival is dependent on bees. So we do get a little shot of Crowley like

Bitch (:

I've never heard about that happening.

Jerk (:

shaking his teacup a little bit, like he's so scared.

Bitch (:

He's so scared. And then he did something in the my notes to say, stop being so distractively attractive. I don't remember what he was doing.

Jerk (:

Well, he's he does. this is when he wants to know why the king of hell and a Winchester are doing together and doing there. And Crowley starts to try to start talking and telling Crowley bullshit. And he just shushes him. And it makes Crowley not able to talk anymore. And Dean's pretty impressed with this as well. But he finally says that we are looking for the first blade to kill Abaddon.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

And we used a spell, we weren't looking for you, Kane. We used a spell to find the fucking blade and it brought us here.

Bitch (:

and he didn't want to come between Kane and the demonic AARP. D .A .R

Jerk (:

Yeah, yeah. then, but and Kane's like fidgeting with his ring the whole time. And it seemed very concerned if anybody else knows that they're there. And Dean's like, no. And all I can think about is, well, Tara does. And I don't know how far along that demon got.

Bitch (:

And just when you think that we cut to the pawn shop and Tara's knees just going off.

Jerk (:

Mm -hmm.

It's going off because she hasn't repainted her devil's trap yet. And our bar demon has entered and wants to know where his friends are. And she shoots him.

Bitch (:

Well, because she didn't fix her double's trap because she shot her floor like a dumbass and yeah.

Jerk (:

Right? Or at least like repaint

Bitch (:

You know you're asking for, especially if you're just like, I just met the king of hell. I would probably be doubling up on my shit. I would probably have some extra protections going on, but, and she grabs her shotgun and you hear a body hit the floor and, that's, that's it. All I want to do is.

Jerk (:

Extra sus. Yeah.

Jerk (:

For real.

Jerk (:

over here.

But Kane's not fucking interested in Dean and Crowley's pitch. And he's like, 'all can leave. And Dean's like, not leave him without the blade. And Kane's like, mm, yeah, sorry, you didn't know this, but I actually built and trained the Knights of Hell myself, including Abaddon. And Dean's like, what the fuck Crowley? did you not just didn't think to tell me shit? Come on. Come on.

And Kane's like, yeah, it wasn't Archangel's killing the Knights. It was me. I'm the one that killed the fucking Knights. And Dean asks him, why did he turn on his own? And Kane's just basically tells Dean that he's really fucking brave for asking kind of questions he asks. He's like, I'm going to go run some errands in town. Y 'all get the fuck out and never come back. And all I could think about is in American Psycho, he's like, I have to go return some videotapes.

don't know why, but that's where my brain went when he said, I'm gonna go run Aaron.

Bitch (:

Yep. So he goes, he tells him to go away and Dean's just like, well, he's going to the store. Let's steal the blade.

Jerk (:

Yeah, let's go. Let's break into Kane's house and steal the blade.

Bitch (:

This seems really stupid. I feel like Dean is being very reckless.

Jerk (:

Yeah, well, he's he is he's fixated because he feels guilty about the Sam bullshit and he's mad about Kevin and he doesn't know what to do with himself and if he can kill Abedon he feels like he's doing something so ta -da that's what he's doing back in the bunker We've got

Bitch (:

Yeah, Cas wanted to know why Sam chose to live and why he chose Dean over the trials.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And Sam gets kind of like defensive and he's like, well, then Dean made a choice for me. And, you know, I could have closed hell. I could have done all these other things. But, you know, I.

Bitch (:

But could you have like, and I feel like this gets really weird, right? Like, they keep saying that Sam chose to stop the trials, but I think they just kind of stopped on their like without them stopping, right? I think they all just

Jerk (:

Well, I think it's like you never know. You don't know because Sam was dying by trying to do them. And so you don't know if he would have been successful and then died or if he would have died before they finished. And there's not a way to know. There's not like there's no way. So anyways, and so Sam's like. You know, we I just have to find Gadriel so I can fix this, because being human means you settle your debts.

Bitch (:

There's no way to know.

Bitch (:

No, I think that's just being a Winchester. But if you want to take off your shirt and be tortured by Castiel, then my god, please put away that very large needle.

Jerk (:

in a creepy medical chair.

Yeah, it is a creepy big creepy needle in a creepy medical chair.

Bitch (:

I just kind of wonder like did y 'all ever think that maybe they just made that needle that way because it was 1940s and y 'all could remake that needle like and just like probably do that in a different way like just take their ideas and maybe translate them to 20 whatever year this was just saying I think maybe you could have got a different needle

Jerk (:

You think? it does not look anyways, it looks terrifying. So back at Kane's place, Crowley and Dean are inside. Crowley is not happy about it. this is Dean finally notices a picture on the mantle of.

Bitch (:

What is Dean expecting? Like is he gonna look in his underwear drawer? Like where do you like? I'm just gonna put my first blade like here's the place that you can find when I'm at the store

Jerk (:

I don't know. find like, but they don't even know, and they don't even know what this looks like.

Jerk (:

Of course not. I know it's silly, right? It's just so reckless and silly and just to drive the story. But they find he knows there's a picture of Colette is her name on the on the mantle, and she's wearing a ring that looks a lot like the ring that came. So as we this is I was there searching, we get our bar demon pulls up in a kind of cool off roading pickup truck and makes a phone call.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I kind of like it. Like it was douchey. It was so douchey. See if I drove it as a chick, it wouldn't be douchey. You'd be badass.

Jerk (:

It's kind of cool. It's like blacked out and like Matt blacked out is kind of cool, but it's kind of cool. I know. And he makes a phone call. Exactly right. That's how that works. But he is making a phone call for backup. Yeah.

Bitch (:

cell phone too and not a blood bowl just so disappointed you don't deserve that truck

Jerk (:

Well, half his face is shot and his face gets stuck to the cell phone because it's all shot up with the buck shot.

Bitch (:

That's why they have speaker mode, You have Bluetooth on this truck.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Well, that cast is extracting grace from Sam's neck and it is very painful for Sam, obviously, and he starts having these crazy flashbacks because apparently his body is reverting to where it was before he got possessed. But they don't have enough, but they hadn't got enough grace yet. And he's in agony. But so everybody tells Castiel to continue. This is him punishing himself.

Bitch (:

This is stupid.

Bitch (:

Do you know he does not see it is not to say he says to push it in deeper and now at this point like this is so dumb that I just wonder if it was an excuse for for them to like put double entendres in here and just like how that because everything he says just there's a lot of double entendres in this episode. I'm just saying and I'm wondering if there's so many that I can't help but wonder if it was on purpose.

Jerk (:

I mean, I guess. Well, Dean and Crowley have continued searching and didn't find anything, but he shows Crowley the picture of Colette and then they hear

Bitch (:

Crowley says he couldn't find porn. And I'm like, look at that wonderful man. He does not have Astrigal 69 just laying around. He reads classy erotica.

Jerk (:

Well, we've got... Kane is back when they know that he's back and they try to get out the door in time, but they cannot. He is standing there with his bag of groceries.

Bitch (:

with kale on the top of it. Take me now, Murder Daddy.

Jerk (:

And we've got about a half a dozen demons outside hanging out now, including our bar demon and saying that, yeah, Terra was very chatty after he peeled her skin off. And he just wants to collect Crowley and Dean so that he can impress his new boss, AKA Abaddon. That's all.

Bitch (:

This is stupid. I don't think that demon could have taken Tara. I think Tara would have kicked that demon's ass. I think this is stupid.

Jerk (:

No, probably not. seemed kind of a bitch. I agree. I agree. And so Kane's like, what the fuck, Dean, you exposed me. That was, you've been brave, but once again, impulsive. And if you survive, if you survive this, then you can join me for my last meal in this house before I disappear again. So I'm gonna go cook now.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Cooking with Kane.

Jerk (:

So Cassiel still extracting shit from this grace from Sam's neck. Only Sam doesn't look so good now and he's. Yeah, but he's we've got to find Gadriel. And Cass is like, why are Winchester's always running toward death? I learned about the value of life when I was a human and y 'all don't even figured this shit out.

Bitch (:

Keep going. Don't stop.

Jerk (:

And Sam's like, well, it's not I'm not worth more than anyone else. And I just need your help so I can do the right thing.

Bitch (:

You're not worth more than anything else, but also you need to stop fucking acting like a goddamn murder. So keep going, keep going. I swear, he says, keep going, don't stop, keep going. Like it's, it's in the fucking script anyway. So.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So, let's keep going.

Bitch (:

I also have a strong feeling Jerry Pettlacki was milking that for all it's worth and just trying to make me laugh. So we go from that and then we go to this house and god damn it that fridge is amazing just with the candle on it. It's so... That vintage fridge is so good and just all of Kane's vegetables just look fantastic and that is not a double entendre. Like these are just really hot vegetables.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

vintage fridge. It is.

Jerk (:

But I'm very confused why he has so many ears of corn because he told them to leave. How much corn was this day man going to eat on his own?

Bitch (:

Maybe it was like four for a dollar because that's usually what it is. So like,

Jerk (:

He had like seven. He had like seven ears of corn. I was like, what the fuck is happening here? How much corn are you eating, sir? Maybe he's going to make like what is that? What is that cowboy chow or that cowboy caviar? Maybe he's making some of that or something. Sometimes that. did too. Shit. Anyways, so it was just funny that he had that much. I was like, what the fuck? That's a lot of corn for one man.

Bitch (:

Maybe he was gonna free some...

His carrots were so bright orange.

Bitch (:

I some cowboy caviar. That sounds so good.

Bitch (:

Well, yet, corn's not an cowboy. I guess it is. It's mainly black -eyed peas. Anyhow, all right, so enough on the corn and the kale and the carrots. All right, so, and also the stove. So, Kane wants just the fight to start, and he just lets two demons in.

Jerk (:

I've seen it in some, not all, it depends on the recipe.

Jerk (:

Jerk (40:36.142)

Today's like, yeah, I'm just gonna, like, yeah, I don't care that you barricaded the door. I'm just gonna magic move this over and let demons in for you to fight. Let's see what happens. so Dean has his demon blade, of course. But before you can attack the two that are right in front of him, one came in from behind. So the other door is open too. So Kane is strategically letting them trickle in.

Bitch (:

Well, was something that crashed through these weird glass doors that he has in between the living room and the kitchen, which were only there so people can break them.

Jerk (:

Yeah, interior, yeah.

Yeah, yeah. But we have a big fight and Dean kills the main our bar demon first and then we have a really, really pretty impressive fight scene. Honestly, this is a really good one with Dean and this female demon and this other male demon. And then Crowley is just kind of. And came and he came just sitting at the table with with his corn.

Bitch (:

And Caves just watching this pretty much.

Bitch (:

Yeah, also like, there's a reason that, yeah, Susan, they're watching this corn and then the demon gets up the front to Crowley.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and Crowley was watching, but then he's like, shit, there's demon here. So he's going to kill this. He uses his angel blade to kill this one demon and then just goes back to watching Dean fight the other demons. And finally, he's able to fight both of them and kill both of them while Kane has decided to enjoy a beer while he watches.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and that's why I'm drinking beer of this episode because I was myself this was like, damn, that beer actually looks really good. So I had to get beer when I was at the store today. So so we go through that can get some beer Dean kills the last demon is like, wait a minute. Was this a test?

Jerk (:

And Kane's like, yeah, you're a kindred spirit. Dean's like, but I didn't kill my brother. I never give up on family ever. And then Kane's like, well, where is he?

Bitch (:

Yeah, how many times do you guys keep fighting with each other, right?

Jerk (:

And also, I don't have the blade anymore. It's gone.

Bitch (:

Jerk (42:38.252)

Back in the bunker, Sam is now bleeding from not only his nose, but one of his eyes. Like, what the fuck is happening? I got I don't know how that how that's happening, but he's bleeding from his eye. And anyways, it's. They're still extracting.

Bitch (:

And can't and came and I have like came and cast like right on top of each other in my notes and they were just becoming this thing. So Cass is like now just looking at the sandwiches, right? And he's just like, man, if I can't get this PB and J, I don't know if I can be inside you anymore. So he takes it out and tells Sam that all the grace is gone.

Jerk (:

Loggingly. Loggingly.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And but then he also boops Sam and heals him completely.

After all this, he just kills him completely? What the fuck?

Bitch (:

Yeah, and then Cas is just like, you know what, like, being human means that I can have guilt. And I know that I know what it's like to mean to feel sorry. Old me would have jammed that needle in deeper until you died. But PBJ has taught him that angels and maybe even Winchesters can change.

Jerk (:

change. So deep. Fucking PB and J, man. Amazing. So back at Kane's place, Crowley is asking again, like, where is the blade if it's gone? The spell brought us to you. And he's like, no, that's because I'm the source of its power. But the blade itself is not fucking here. And he shows them his rolls up. has not.

Bitch (:

It's amazing what that one little sandwich can do.

Bitch (:

Take off your shirt. damn it. But at least we get a forearm. We get a little forearm.

Jerk (:

Take off his shirt. I'm sorry. I'm disappointed too. A little forearm. It's like an ankle, but not. So rolls up his sleeve. And we get the, we see he has like this red scar that's what they call the mark of cane. And it looks like a red scar, like red keeleted scar. So it looks like. And Crowley does.

Bitch (:

It's the van equivalent of a woman showing her ankle.

Bitch (:

or it looks like a really bad frat po - frat boy burn brand like I'm s - I hope they don't - I know I kind of hope they still do that just because they're asked you know anyhow so yeah

Jerk (:

yeah, when they were doing the branding. Yeah, that's what it looks like, you're right.

Jerk (:

Crowley does like the sign of the cross at this.

Jerk (:

And apparently this mark was given by Lucifer himself. And basically without the mark, the blade is useless and it is a jawbone is what we get confirmed here. No.

Bitch (:

But they don't say what animal they just say a job out of an animal. But I believe that actually you are correct that I think it or a ram like, know, like whatever sheep they would have in the Middle East because I don't think they're like our kinds of sheep. I mean, I they're maybe they're floofy. I don't know. But can you be floofy in the desert? It's really hot.

Jerk (:


That's a sheep.

Yeah, it was one of those.

Right. They're not floofy sheeps. Maybe.

Bitch (:

Tell me if you live in desert or your sheep, Flippy? Slide into my ATMs and tell me about your Flippy sheep. So,

Jerk (:

Jerk (45:52.706)

They're talking shit though about about the about Cain killing Abel and Cain's like hold on Abel wasn't talking to God. He wasn't God's favorite. And he was Lucifer was going to make Abel his pet. So I to save my brother went and made a deal with Lucifer. And I said he said that, you know,

Bitch (:

He was talking to Lucifer.

Jerk (:

I can get Abel's soul can go to heaven if my soul goes to hell, but the rule is I had to send Abel's soul there. So I had to kill my brother so that he wouldn't be, I had to kill my brother so he'd go to heaven and not be Lucifer's bitch.

Bitch (:

which is now sounding very much like a Winchester. That sounds exactly like something a Winchester would do, specifically this Winchester, specifically Dean. Dean, this is exactly something that you would have done. so, but this is, we have now twisted this, which is why I read you the biblical. And to be fair and to be clear,

Jerk (:

It does.

Jerk (:

Yeah, very much. Yes.

Jerk (:

the biblical canton.

Bitch (:

The story of Cain reaches across all the Abrahamic religion, so it's in the Quran, it is in the King James Bible, it's in the Hebrew Bible, this is a story, but there are other stories that go back further than this of similar things within the Babylonian, things that precede this religion. So, probably also just because it's a very good, the moral of the story is don't get fucking pissed off and kill your brother over stupid shit.

So apparently that's a story that needs to be told a bunch of times because men are dumb. yeah, so anyhow, but beyond that parable, I think this flip is really interesting, right?

Jerk (:

Which weird, which is concerning a little bit, but okay.

Jerk (:

No, it's super clever, super clever story writing, super clever canon adjustment. I really like it.

Bitch (:

Because it also it makes sense, right? You can fit this into there like, no wonder he like he had to do it. And like I said, it sounds like a Winchester thing.

Jerk (:

So when this happened, so Cain had to kill Abel, so Abel's soul would go to heaven. And then immediately Abel became a soldier of hell, which was, and then he became, created the knights and they did horrible things for centuries until he met Colette and she.

Bitch (:

and she loved him unconditionally.

Jerk (:

Yes, and didn't know, didn't care what he didn't knew and did not care what he had been before as long as he stopped. And so when he stopped, the Knights found out and took her. So he slaughtered them all.

Jerk (:

So we flashback to 1863 again.

Bitch (:

because this flashback is okay.

Jerk (:

and canes in the with the jawbone.

Bitch (:

This is the only time where I will allow the flashback. The flashback is fine.

Jerk (:

you like this one?

Okay, so we got our dead demons and then we find the the quote -unquote knight that they were protecting is Colette possessed by Abaddon.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

And basically she reveals that, guess, Kane had a relationship with Abaddon. It's implied. I thought. I mean, no, I'm not. But so apparently they had a thing and then so she's saying through Colette, if I can't have you, then neither can she. And is just taunting and snapping her bones and just taunting and.

Bitch (:

I mean, look at him.

Bitch (:

Snapping her neck from the inside?

Jerk (:

Haunting Kane and physically harming Colette's body while possessing it. And it's very distressing to watch. then right as he, Kane goes to stab Colette's body with this bone, Abaddon Cox smokes out. So Abaddon escapes.

Bitch (:

And when she cocksucks out, it's black.

I was confused. don't like because her cocks, she's a redder, right? Cause she's a night and her cocks bucks red, right?

Jerk (:

I was too.

Jerk (:

I don't remember because it's been so long since she's had to go in and out of somebody. God damn it.

Bitch (:

The things I make you say. Okay, all right. So, cocksmoke is gone. It's black. I thought she should be, should have red.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

And then, yeah. So we cut back to the.

Bitch (:

Let's die.

Bitch (:

seems like a good choice.

Jerk (:

They're present and Dean's like, well, we have to stop Abaddon. So I need the fucking blade. That's all there is to it. And Kane's like, look, I'm I'm I'm going to walk away from this. Fuck that. he's so Dean's like, fuck this. I'm going to put a knife to you and threaten you physically now, which is a weird choice. Crowley looks really freaked out about this. And Kane actually like moves Dean's hand and makes Dean stab him.

Bitch (:

Yep, and it does nothing. So now we know the Demon Blade doesn't work on... cane.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

No, but Kane does poof out and there are fuck ton of demons outside. That's where we're at now.

Bitch (:

Fuckton, fuckton, dee.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And Kane goes, we poof to though, is to visit Colette's grave. He said he knows, he knows who and what he is and he wants, he knows that she's been looking over him. And so now he wants her to look.

Bitch (:

Don't look at me ghost! It was very sad, but also was like, don't watch me ghost!

Jerk (:

that's sad. Don't look at me!

Bitch (:

So, creepy, creepy fucking ghost leg. Anyway, Cain snaps back and basically tells Dean that... I'm sorry, what now?

Jerk (:


Leave me alone.

Jerk (:

You're worthy of the mark so I can give this to you too. I don't know. He's transferring his mark to Dean though.

Bitch (:

How did we get here?

Bitch (:

What? How did - did we did we skip this part? I feel like this escalated quickly.

Jerk (:

I don't know how it got here. the only thing is the mark is what powers the blade. Yeah, but he's like, you're worthy. Is that a good thing?

Jerk (:

Is that an insult?

Bitch (:

I don't feel like this is all, I don't think this is a good idea, but you know.

Jerk (:

But Dean doesn't want to ask any questions because of course, Kane wants to, Kane. Yeah. And Kane's like, well, there's a burden and great cost. And Dean's like, I don't fucking care. Let's go.

Bitch (:

Cause he's just like, can it kill the bitch?

Bitch (:

Let's go for it. I want to have forearm sex with you. They do have forearm sex, but I feel like like Dean should have been like, Hey, do I want to have the mark of Kane on me?

Jerk (:

They do have forearm sex. They press their forearms together firmly.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Or maybe what is the mark of Kane? Who's Kane? I just met you like a minute ago.

Jerk (:

What does it mean?

Jerk (:

Yeah. Yeah, that's it. And I've heard two different stories now. You've told me one side. I've know the one I already knew and that's all I got. There's no, no one corroborating any of these stories. No one's corroborated any of these. Neither of them are great. What the fuck?

Bitch (:

though, that they weren't good.

Bitch (:

You're a demortal who has to walk the earth and train the knights of hell after you got this Martin. Sure, give it to me.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So we get weird red veins from one hand from Kane's arm goes up Dean's arm and Dean ends up with a mark.


Bitch (:

And then we learned he ain't got the fucking blade.

Jerk (:

He's like, yeah, by the way, I don't nothing can destroy the blade. So I threw it in the bottom of the deepest ocean. And I can't I can't, you know, I don't have it. Yeah. And Dean's, of course, Crowley, like rolls his eyes. Get that crack in essence. And there's even more demons have gathered outside this house at this point. And the Cain's like, look, here's the deal. You find the fucking blade, you kill Abaddon, but here's the deal.

Bitch (:

I can't swim.

Just with that crack in essence.

Jerk (:

When I call you, you must find me and use the blade on me. Period, that's it. Why? Because for what I'm about to do. And he poofs Dean and Crowley outside to baby and all the demons are in the house. They all get in and then we see red lights. I guess he killed all the demons.

Bitch (:

And, I mean, honestly though, I know you promised you were gonna stop the killing, but they're fucking demons. Like, who gives a shit?

Jerk (:

I don't know.

Bitch (:

So we the place fills with red smoke and they drive away and we cut to the bunker and Cass and Sam are making a spell This is really the best day of Food Network on this show. We have had so many cooking We had cooking with Kane we have Cass's sandwich, you know his best sandwich ever now we have We had terrace like ingredients cracker recipe. Yeah, I mean I feel like this is pretty good day on Food Network so

Jerk (:

We had Tara's crackin' recipe.

Bitch (:

They make the spell.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And then so it like looks like it's going to do something. And then it just kind of fizzles out. Apparently, they did not have enough grace. And but now the grace is gone, which seems really wasteful of the grace. This is not cool.

Bitch (:

It seems wasteful of grace, like especially like, does it like Cass need that? Like, and did he know this wasn't enough? I felt like he knew this wasn't enough.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I feel like it too. I think he did it on purpose. But anyways, Sam is super fucking bummed. And then buddy tells Castiel that Castiel's right about everything and Castiel and Sam hugs Cass and then has to tell Cass to hug him back.

Bitch (:

Hey, and people had to tell me that too. So, Cas thinks Metatron is the key.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yes, to fix everything. So they need to find him. But Cas also thinks that they need help, aka they need to call Dean.

Bitch (:

Stop being a little smart. Will you two stop fighting already? my God, it's so annoying when you fight. So, but Sam's just like, nope, I got this on my own. Just need you, don't need anybody else. La la la, never learn.

Jerk (:

But since Dean and Crowley are the ones out on a mission right now, they pull up to the side of a waterfront, which is very much something that Sam and Dean would typically do. So it's kind of funny. But anyways, and Crowley is like that, you know, by the way, Kane was right. You are worthy. Nobody hates you. And then Dean's like, what the fuck is this like pillow talk, which bullshit feelings going on. And he's like, no one hates you more than yourself.

Bitch (:

Yet no one hates you more than you do. And that's fucked up. You need therapy.

Jerk (:

So Crowley's like, I'm gonna go search the bottom of the ocean for the blade. Because he's, because he can't.

Bitch (:

Who's Crowley?

There's a lot of ocean, like how do you put your brains in that shit? I don't understand it.

Jerk (:

But Dean says, hold on and decides to call him out. He noticed that Crowley killed that one demon, then sat back when they were at Kane's. And basically he pieces together through the whole story. And I did not until this point. So maybe I was oblivious, but basically this was all set up.

Bitch (:

It was well done. It was not like you're oblivious. It was just well done.

Jerk (:

It was all a setup and they cut. go back and show like cuts of Crowley and how he was reacting to certain things. And this was 100 percent a setup. He knew that they were going to find Kane. He knew that Dean would be worthy of the mark. He knew that they were going to have to go find the blade. Basically, I don't know if he knew that part exactly, but like he knew that he was going to he would not be able to get the blade from Kane. He knew that Dean would. So he had to enlist Dean's help to be able to get the blade from Kane.

to able to defeat Abaddon. And that's all there was to it. So this was all a fucking setup. And Dean is pissed because fucking not only did he get played and used, but Tara died. Tara's dead.

Bitch (:

Tara's dead.

Jerk (:

And Crowley doesn't really.

Bitch (:

you will never know that mother either. So.

Bitch (:

So, yeah, you know, lucky you.

Jerk (:

So Dean punches Crowley in the face.


Bitch (:

After I kill Avedon, you're next!

Jerk (:

Yeah, and Carly is like, look, even with the blade, we're gonna need a lot of fucking help against Abaddon. And he poofs out and and Dean stares at the mark. Probably now wondering what the fuck he did. What does this mean? What does this mean? Yeah. Don't need to wait, man.

Bitch (:

Always something with you boys. Probably wondering shit, what this? This kinda issues. What'd do? All right, so do I need an ointment? Is this VD? So, all right, let's talk about, I think he may have some.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I do have some cast.

Bitch (:

All right, tell me about the cast, please.

Jerk (:

yeah, so we'll start with. no, we're going to save it for last. We'll start at the other end of my list. We'll start with our what I called our bar demon in the IMDb. They call it our trucker demon. I was played by. That's what they said.

Bitch (:

He's not a trucker. That's not a truck. He drives a truck. He's not a trucker. He has a trucker hat on.

Jerk (:

I think they are implying that maybe that was supposed to be his. Maybe he had a backstory. Maybe he has a backstory that we didn't get to. But Orion Alexander McDonald, he's actually in a couple of episodes of Supernatural. He has also been in episodes of I Zombie Flash Kung Fu and The Good Doctor. Percy was played by Jason Sermak, and that is episode has been an episode of Once Upon a Time, Psych Hell on Wheels a couple of times, Fargo.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Zoo almost a dozen times, Supergirl, Altered Carbon, Billy the Kid, the series and Super Banded Lois, the new one. He was had a small bit part in Fifty Shades of Grey and has done a lot of Hallmark as well. Colette, aka and also possessed Colette, was played by Anna Galvin. She's in a couple of episodes of Supernatural as well. Actually, everybody is all the cast, which I want to say are in more than one episode of Supernatural. So.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Anna Galvin was in episodes of Clueless, the TV show, all the iterations of Stargate series, Blood Ties, Eureka, the show Tin Man, she did a few episodes of that, Once Upon a Time, and I, Zombie. She was Gina, which is a reoccurring character in Smallville, and Avery in Van Helsing, another reoccurring character.

Tara was played by Rachel Hayward. She's been in episodes of the Kamish, Highlander, Stargate shows, Xena, Warrior Princess, True Calling, Battlestar Galactica, and Painkiller Jane. She was Panama in the movie Y2K, Adélie in the Call of the Wild series, Allison in Hellraiser, Hellseeker, and the Cougar in Buddy Games.

Also has been in a lot of Hallmark.

Bitch (:

And I figured the entire name for her character in Lock and Key was Tara Larson. And that is what she was named after. It's on TV. I haven't watched it, but it's a comic book series and it's also a TV show.

Jerk (:

Okay, got it. Did I watch that? Maybe I did. Was that the one with little kids? Did I watch that on Netflix? I don't know.

I think I might have watched some of it on Netflix. Anyway, so then last but definitely not least, the murder daddy himself, Kane is played by.

Bitch (:

Yeah, if he's out of comments, I'm having him sign things as his murder daddy.

Jerk (:

Kane is played by Timothy Omensen. Funny side note, he was born in Missouri. I'm amazed by that because of the Missouri tie in. right. Episodes of Seinfeld, Married with Children, Days of Our Lives multiple times, Frazier, Xena a handful of times, NYPD Blue, Deadwood a handful of times, the OC, CSI, all of them.

and 24 a couple of times. He cold case Jericho and he was an episode of Lucifer. He was psychic in Starship Troopers, agent agent Thomas in the movie Swordfish. He was an agent in Mission Impossible three. He is a reoccurring was a reoccurring character over 120 episodes as Carlton Laster slash Archie Baxter in Psych.

That also includes the three TV movies of Psych. He was King Richard in Galavant and Gregory in This Is Us. He's also done a lot

Bitch (:

I was very disappointed to know how many episodes of Psyche he's been in.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Did you watch that?

Bitch (:

For those of you podcasts who don't know, I went to high school with the main character of that show and he was mean to me. So I was just like, how dare you get to gaze onto the beauty of Timothy? You don't deserve it, mister. You know who you are, sir. If you listen to this episode, you listen to our podcast.

Jerk (:

be in that show.

Bitch (:

Yes, we went to high school and now you are starring in psych and the woman who has a podcast the television show Supernatural is Is his talk is calling you out?

Jerk (:

There you go.

Jerk (:

calling you out.

we go.

Bitch (:

The thing is like he was such a jerk that he couldn't even beat my end to Timothy. That's what's sad.

I can't get my murdered daddy because of you. school bullying continues. No, his career, honestly, is just ridiculous. It's ridiculously good. I can't believe he's in Supernatural.

Jerk (:

Jerk (01:04:46.872)

Yeah, he's also done a lot of voice work in Star Wars video games. Interesting. So yeah, that's what we got.

Bitch (:

Absolutely got it. Alright, so what did you think besides murder daddy, which I know I mean. No one's gonna be mad at murder daddy.

Jerk (:

Well, No one's mad at Murder Daddy. No, I think it was a I think it was a really well done episode. Number one. Yes, there's the annoying like the annoying Sam and Dean shit where you like roll your eyes and want to flip a table like. But it was such a good episode that I actually wasn't even that mad about it. Does that make sense?

Bitch (:

Yeah, and I think you were clearly surprised by the twist. The Crowley twist and the Cayen twist. There's a lot of twists, yeah.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it was a good twist and they've set it up so well. All of it. Yeah. And they set it up well and it wasn't like forced or like, you know what I mean? Sometimes a twist you're like, change the whole story. But like it didn't really undo anything that happened. It just changed the motive. You know what I mean? Like the it didn't fuck up what you just sat through because sometimes when that happens in a twist, you're pissed.

But yeah, I think it was really interesting watching Crowley and Dean's interaction, the whole thing. think that watching Sam and Cass together is interesting. I don't know. haven't. No. Yeah, so it was just that I think that was interesting dynamic, and I think that it moved forward, you know, that you had to have the character. I think it gave time for the character development and processing of Sam of the situation and how he's going to handle things.

Bitch (:

Well, especially because, yeah, we don't get that that often because, you know, he's Dean's boyfriend, not Sam's is.

Jerk (:

which I think was important. mean, they didn't have to do it because sometimes they do skip over those things because it's a television series. But I think that was critical. And then letting Dean not process anything because Dean doesn't process things.

Bitch (:

No, it's not his strong suit. I would say it's not his strong suit. I think he was, you obviously there's a lot of recklessness in it in this episode and we got much more reiteration that John Winchester was a shitty human being, or at least made really bad choices. John Winchester made bad choices. Yeah, he just did not treat other people well. And sometimes it's something you gotta think about, but.

Jerk (:

He's just not, you know, he's just kind of a dick.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

so, however, beyond you can, if you cannot tell how much I'm in love with, with murder daddy is extremely. I, I.

Jerk (:

Now is it Kane or Timothy? That's what I want to know. Or yes. Yes is the answer. Okay, just curious.

Bitch (:

Parque Nolo's dose.

Bitch (:

Well, you'll see more but he's just he's just a good very very attractive distractive he's very distractive and a brilliant actor and I just think he brings he brings a lot to the character and does a lot to the show but also he just does I'm not bad to look at and Yeah, I know that's about all I have this episode of like I'm glad murder daddy is here

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

And now we shall progress because that was episode 11 and we still have many more. We're halfway through the season, but many more things will come. So if you have nothing else. All right. Cheers, jerk.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

That's it. Cheers, bitch.

Show artwork for Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast

About the Podcast

Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
A Supernatural fan show where longtime fan Liz “trapped” Diana, into watching for the first time. Come along for a spoiler free watch with crafty urban fantasy enthusiasts.
We're going back to the beginning of the road and watching Supernatural from the beginning. For your host Liz, it's probably her fifth time through. For your other host Diana, it's her first. She claims she was scared. Naturally as a supportive friend, Liz will attempt to exploit this fear as much as possible. We also dive into the spooky spook in the show in whatever way we want - occult, folklore, true crime, shopping, GAME SHOWS?

Watch the videos on you tube @devilstrappodcast
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About your hosts

Elizabeth Waddell

Profile picture for Elizabeth Waddell
Liz spends her time in Dripping Springs, TX crafting and binge watching shows.

Diana Cox

Profile picture for Diana Cox
Diana lives in Dallas, TX and spends her time seeing/making music, going to car shows, drinking, and caring for 3 large dogs (+ the husband).