Episode 9

Published on:

6th Sep 2024

9:09 Holy Terror

Oof. Diana just got hit with the doozy that is Supernatural Season 9, Episode 9 Holy Terror. Hear that and Liz talk about the bikers that do good.

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Jerk (:

Welcome this week's episode of Devil's Trap Podcast. I'm Diana and my shirt's subtle.

Bitch (:

Yes, if you're watching this on audio, I guess you're not watching on audio, you're listening. I'm Liz. And yes, Diana is wearing a chartreuse colored shirt. And it's quite fetching and slightly blinding. But we're here to talk about holy terror. And I was laughing at that because Diana had a terrible bottle of wine. was like holy terror.

Jerk (:

You're not.

Jerk (:

My favorite color.

Jerk (:



Jerk (:

Bitch (00:34.994)

and everyone immediately turns off this podcast and just goes, that was my dad joke for the night. I promise I won't do any other ones. How are you?

Jerk (:

I will not make the same promise, but it's OK. Fine. You know, decent little holiday weekend. I know we're mentally getting back to it, guys, but we, you know, done fun. We had a lot of family stuff, which was good stuff between birthday celebrations and wedding planning for my future daughter -in -law. And yeah, good stuff over awesome pool time. It's been raining a lot and now I'm already tired of the rain.

Bitch (:

It's been raining a lot.

Jerk (:

gonna fuck off the end of pool season.

Bitch (:

I haven't had a ton of pool time and my pool guy, besides the fact of the snake in the pool, the pool guy also said that I'm still going to have to put water in the pool next week. And I'm like, but it's been raining so much. Like why?

Jerk (:

Yeah. And for the record, we both live in Texas and pools are fairly common. So I'm just going to stay as we both bitch about pools. It is.

Bitch (:

Yes, I know it's a first -roll problem, anyhow, so cool cool.

Jerk (:

How about you? What have you been up to? Because you went and did something fun.

Bitch (:


Yeah, well, as a first off, you know, I've had an extreme family medical emergency. So some things have been a little behind, like more lores. I promise that's coming, guys. It'll be out. If you're listening to these in real time, it'll be out this weekend and just try to make it perfect. And I don't have much time in front of things. So, but to take a mental break today, I went and saw the new Beetlejuice. I know you're all jealous and I got a very expensive sandworm bucket of popcorn.

that had butter in it. was so good, so gross. By the end of it, was like, ugh, I don't want to eat any more of this, but I can't stop.

Jerk (:

I love good buttered popcorn.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so yeah, that was so thoughts on the beetle juice with no spoilers. I thought it was there as you know, obviously it pulled on your nostalgia, your nostalgia thing. I miss the Maitlands. I know that, you know, Alec Baldwin is a controversial figure. I don't know, Gina Davis is I don't know if she's okay or not, but

I think she's fine. But you know, all in all, just them, like they were just important characters of the show and not having them as the foil, you know, I think kind of.

Jerk (:

think so. I was thinking.

Bitch (:

And also you're seeing a lot of the world through their eyes. You're getting that first experience kind of thrill of like the new, like the new world that you're entering with, you know, the afterlife. And so when you're seeing the sequel to it, the afterlife is there. And there are some people who are seeing it for the first time, but you already kind of know it's there. Like it's, you got, it's, it's lost some of the glow, I guess is that, but I mean, the aesthetics were so amazing.

Jerk (:



Bitch (:

Winona Ryder was pretty was great. She can still carry off those bags and that itself is just a fucking feat. And Jenny Ortega was good. Her character was not super gothy. She was kind of more like punky with like some like environmental hippie like undertones, but she could have been more gothy for my taste. But that's just me. I she was still dark, but you know, and

Jerk (:

That's, yeah.

Bitch (:

Catherine O 'Hara was just amazing. I mean, which is, know, how can you not? But it's just like, damn it. Do I need to my hair again? Like, I was like, that red looks so good on her. And this is a spoiler alert that, you know, but it is really not a spoiler. They draped the entire house in like this black mesh fabric and mourning for somebody. And it's amazing. Like, just imagine the Beetlejuice house was completely draped in black, like, netting.

Jerk (:

love her.

Bitch (:

It's so, I wish that was real. And I wish I could drape my house in black netting to be in mourning.

Jerk (:

I'm going to reach out to an interior designer and be like, this is my new aesthetic.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so we're going to change our plans. I know you just asked me about that that range and I gave you a range I thought was going to be appropriate. So what do you know about large black tool?

I mean, everyone's gonna have to judge for themselves, but I don't think anybody would be mad at it, right? There are some things in there that I'm just like, I could have done without, but I'm still like gonna say I don't want it. Give me my Beatle G sequel. I've waited for this thing for 30 years, god damn it.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

All right. Give me my middle juice nostalgia. Right.

So, I need to go see it.

Bitch (:

Yeah, think, you know, I think it's fun to see this one's fun to see in the theater. So the guy that I was buying mattresses from today said he just went and saw Deadpool in the theater and that I could wait until that came into digital. So

Jerk (:

Really? Because I've heard that's really good on theater too. Everybody's raved about that. But action. I don't know. I watched the fall guy.

Bitch (:

Yeah, he was just like, hey, you'll be fine.

That's good, because that came out a while ago.

Jerk (:

I not in the theater. I watched it at home. That's a movie I Well, I know. But I hadn't seen it yet. Hey, I watched a movie. I'm just saying, you know, I don't watch a lot of movies.

Bitch (:

I know, it also came out at home a while ago. Way to catch up, Diana. Yeah, the other thing that just came out is Chaos, and that's a new Jeff Goldblum, Greet God series on Netflix. I've only had time to watch one episode, and it is, but it's...

Jerk (:

I wanna watch that, yeah.

Bitch (:

really really good. mean it's surprisingly done like Jeff Goldblum is used and just the rest of the cast is also great. It's very snarky like it's I like shocking there's like some mythology and lore white like I recommend watching. I'm gonna say like I recommend it's like I recommend watching the first episode. I'll give you that.

Jerk (:

That looks amazing.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

And then our overlap news kind of to supernatural is dead boy detectives, which I'm deep into now has apparently which are our wonderful. Ruth Connell is also in has unfortunately looks like it's been canceled.

Bitch (:

Night Nurse. Yeah, and I wonder so they've canceled it. It was on Netflix to somebody else I wonder if they'll shop it and somebody else will pick it up because there is a lot of fan people behind that and it was just so well done So hopefully that gets chopped and somebody picks it up and we get more of that one. That was really good Also, there are like already Yeah

Jerk (:

Mm -hmm. Very well, then.

Jerk (:

I'm not done yet, I'm very close.

Bitch (:

There are already rumors flying about because of Patalecki going to the Fireman show and Jensen going to that, Jensen being a tracker, that they're going to have a crossover. They're CBS shows. So they're already saying there could be a crossover where we get those two together. So that may be how that, I think CBS is just going for that like viewership.

Jerk (:

That'd be fun.

Jerk (:

Have fun.

Bitch (:

They want to be the ones to do that probably. So we'll see if that happens. So that's quite a possibility. And then I accidentally, hopefully Diana has the time to do this. And I had time to do it. actually accidentally bought me and Diana some meet and greets with Rachel Miner. And so we're really looking forward to that. That's in a couple of weeks. And it's just like, I got it off of stands. If you guys are into like fun, supernatural things, we're not sponsored by them.

but I recommend going over there and then sometimes you get to do like meet and greets with Rachel Minor and accidentally buy two tickets and then get to surprise your podcast co -host with a, hey, you want to do a meet and greet with Rachel Minor? You can talk about all your feelings about that bitch mag.

Jerk (:

There you go.

Jerk (:

Bitch mag.

Bitch (:

So yeah, we have to think up good questions for her because that's what the main greets are. If you've ever done the Zoom, so it's I guess just like the general ones, but you know, it is the pressure since we judge so harshly on other people's Q &A questions. That means we have two weeks to think of good Q &A questions for Rachel Minor and then we'll share them and then y 'all can judge us. I think that's only fair, okay?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

on the questions.


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. Fair.

Bitch (:

Are we ready to talk about Holy Terror? Holy Te - Holy fucking Terror. What the - What the fuck is this episode? Okay, so Holy Terror, according to Supernatural Wiki, is defined as a difficult or frightening person, and was also the name of a novel by H .G. Wells, which told the story of Rudolph Rudd Whitlow and his rise to power creating fascist world state government.

Jerk (:

Holy terrar.

Jerk (:

Bitch (09:14.026)


Jerk (:


I don't know. Maybe.

Jerk (:

Yeah, a little distracting.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so our recap is Kath, Angel, Metatron, his grace being stolen, Tablet and Kevin and Bartholomew and Ezekiel and Dean's lies.

Bitch (:

His house of lies, lies, yes. But it ends with Sam Zekiel. And then we go to Caribou, Wisconsin.

Jerk (:

Wyoming, right?

Bitch (:

I don't know. It is a W state and it's cold. Show me the difference.

Jerk (:

I don't know, somewhere up there. Yeah. And we have the Melody Ministry Glee Club is they are a singing, they're gleeful and they are in a bus and they pull up to a rural biker bar, which seems like a weird choice. And we have bad luck by social distortion playing at the bar.

Bitch (:

which I think is a prox and also I like that song.

Jerk (:

I appreciate that. Yeah. And we've got all these chicks get out of the bus and they are wearing white and peach and they enter this bar and they line up and this biker dude tells them you shouldn't be here. And she's like, we've got just as much right to be here as you brother. And they all pull angel blades. All of them. All of them. Whip them out.

Bitch (:

all of them, so now they're just whip them out. So we've got some angel light shows happening.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so we go outside and all we see is always white flashes in the windows. Then the windows start breaking and there's bodies flying and then it gets quiet. And how do we know who fucking won this battle? Well, chicks start walking out covered in blood splatter and they get back on their bus and start singing this little light of mine and driveway.

Bitch (:

Yes, I think these would be fun costumes for us. I have been promoting us doing pitter patter costumes for Halloween this year and for podcasts, just for. I know mine is I think is going to be Malice from the new spin off of.

Jerk (:

Yeah. What a... I need a Halloween costume. right.

Bitch (:

Harlequin. It's a common thing, it's Malice in Wonderland and Nadia does her character, but so it's Alice in Wonderland, but she's Malice and she has a cat and she's got a cute little pentagram on her pinafore and it's cute. Anyways, okay. So the Glee Club is victorious and bloody and we cut to a late night drive with baby.

Jerk (:

Jerk (12:04.534)

Yeah, it's Sam and Dean are driving and Dean talking to Zeke though. And Zeke's like, look, Sam's a lot better. It's not gonna be too much longer. And Dean's like, Gabby, you've kind of kept saying that. I want my brother back. And yeah, exactly. And Zeke's like, I'm like not comfortable with this trip that we're on right now. We should not be investigating anything involving angels because it puts me and then therefore Sam at risk.

Bitch (:

Free beer tomorrow.

Jerk (:

And Dean's like, but this is our fucking family business. And if we ignore it, Sam will get sus. So we have to do it. And by the way, you do you hear? Do you just seem to hear everything that Sam and I talk about? And D is like, no, no, no, no. I've got better things to do that eavesdrop all the time.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Like what? Like what are you doing? Like what else would you be doing? Like of course you'd be eavesdropping all the time. Why are you surprised? And then all of a sudden though he flips back to Sam and just like, poof, I'm Sam.

Jerk (:

just go. And Sam just picks up mid -sentence and he's like, yeah, things have been really quiet. And wait a minute, that sign says we're 50 miles from Fort Collins. Last time I looked 12 seconds ago, it was a hundred miles. What the fuck?

Bitch (:

And Dean just tap dances away. He's just like lies, lies, lies. It's a trouse,

Jerk (:

And they're like, trials, trials, Vesta's in your head. It's fine. But Sam's like, no, bullshit. There's time. I keep losing time. Things aren't up there. And Dean keeps tap dancing and then says, would I lie?

Bitch (:

Don't do that. That's not good. That's not good. Only people who lie say that. so we go from that back to the biker bar.

Jerk (:

Sir? Sir.

Jerk (:

Mm hmm. Yeah. So at the bar, we got FBI badges with Sam and Dean and they're like, one of your guys is here already. Guess what is fucking Cass Cass saved. Agent Cass saved the FBI badge that Dean gave him forever ago. Probably figured out how to flash it right side up instead of upside down, by the way. And yeah, he's there investigating.

Bitch (:

It's Agent Cass.

Bitch (:

And Sam, like us, finds this adorable. But Dean, however, is shitting bricks.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and he's kind of annoyed, but he's also shitting bricks because this is not what's supposed to happen. and Dean's like, you are supposed to be hiding. And he's like, yeah, you know, if angels are slaughtering each other, I have to help. Sorry. And yeah, so there's these angels have been butchered with more violence than required.

Bitch (:

It was very, very bloody and violent. And they ponder, is this Bart's hit squad?

Jerk (:

Mm -hmm. Who knows?

Bitch (:

The Dean's getting glare down. Is he getting glare down by Sam Sikia?

Jerk (:

Who knows? We've got limos, two limos in a dark industrial area meeting up those. So we know something totally like legit's going on because that's what happens when two limos meet up in an industrial park at night.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and then like I don't understand and I have done it, know, I mean, you kind of get used to it, but to wait that long for something to get from the driver's side to walk all the way around to let me out of the car like I don't have time for that shit. Just open the goddamn door, you know, like so we know something's going on.

Jerk (:

And we've got the chick that was leading the Glee singers and two dudes. One of them's got like a mustache goatee thing going on. We find in a minute that his name is Malachi. And so it's her Malachi and this other dude. And then we've got this other angel lady that was kicking it with Bartholomew and two dudes get out of the other limo. So now we know that this is like kind of like a bunch of angels meeting the fuck up. And apparently Barty is too busy to come.

And Malachi is super fucking offended by this. This power play power play and he feels Malachi feels disrespected and and this chick angel is just from Bardi's side is just not impressed with the bloodbath and Malachi is like, well, I'm not impressed with Bardi's power grab. So they all want the same fucking thing. They want heaven back from Metatron. So they need to fucking unite. And that's it.

And they want to, Malachi wants to meet and negotiate with Barty directly. And apparently the angel chick from Barty's side's like, nah, Barty doesn't negotiate with street thugs. Sorry for not being clear about that.

Jerk (:

So Malachi kills them all. Sorry. So Malachi and the Glee Club kill all the Bardi Angels.

Bitch (:

I can't get over you calling him birdie.

Bitch (:

They do that it stab stab stab away. And then we go to a very bar. It's very similar to the other biker bar. It is like, wait, at first for a moment, I'm like, are you drinking at the place or like all those people were just dead? And they're like, wait, no, it's it's a really different bar. They just look the same. And I guess because Caribou probably doesn't have a plethora of establishments.

Jerk (:

The murders happened.

Jerk (:

They do.

Jerk (:

Probably know it. So Sam, Dean and Cass are having beers. And apparently this is Castiel's first beer as a human. And that's cute. It is cute. So cute. So. Dean's like, you really want to be here? I thought you were so peaceful. And Cass is like, no, like you said, it chooses you.

Bitch (:

I like him drinking beer with him, it's so cute. I'm sorry for that sound and the way I said cute. So cute, so cute.

Bitch (:

So sorry, so sorry.

Jerk (:

part of this.

Bitch (:

Yeah, but they start sorting through what they know, right? And so they're like, we know that Bart was a reverse Metatron spell. And he learned that through April, the reaper he banged and Dean stabbed. She was so hot.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

It was so hot. so hot. And Castiel is officially drunk at this point. Not drunk, he's got a really good buzz. And he's gonna go buy more beer.

Bitch (:

He's gonna get buzzed and he's just happy. He's happy. He's just like, I'm gonna go buy us another round. And I like beer during the cast. And then all of sudden Zeke comes back and puts that stick right up Patalecki's ass. And he's just the fur, not in the way that he asked, nevermind. So damn it, Diana. So Patalecki brow acting, that's where I was going. Okay.

Jerk (:

Yeah, he does. And not in the fun way.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yes. He's got the stick and he's like, what are you going to do? Dean Castiel is a beacon for the angels. We need to get fucking rid of this guy. We can't hang out with him. And Dean's like, what are you afraid of? And he's like, I picked a side by helping you. And that's all there is to it. And then so Castiel returns to Z goes to get something out of the.

Bitch (:

Which is weird, right? Yeah, and so he goes back to Beerus and Sam's just like, I left something in the car. And then here comes Booger. I'm sorry, Metatron.

Jerk (:

Metatron Metabooker Boogertron Metabooker. He's like, hey, I know who you really are. You're not Ezekiel. What indeed?

Bitch (:

Met a booger. I like met a booger better than booger -a -tron. I mean, I'm not mad at him.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

what is happening. All right. So we, cut directly from that. They don't explain that. And we go back inside the bar and it is so goddamn sad. And I just want to hog Cas because he's just a little puppy dog here. He doesn't understand. The Sam doesn't know the Dean sent him away.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And like, he just feels bad about it. And then he knows and Dean's like, look, the trials messed up Sam really bad. And he's like, is this, it's, didn't you say that? And it's cast like, didn't you say Ezekiel helped him? And he's like, we just need, you know, some, little bit of space and

Bitch (:

Yeah, so he's just burying himself in lies. He can't even remember what he's told Cass and Cass is like, didn't you say this? And then he just tells them that they can't work together. And Cass again, just looks so sad.

It's also rude. It is rude. Your lies are discerning everybody, Mr. Winchester. Now we're gonna go back to our alley.

Jerk (:

I don't like it.

Mm hmm. Yeah. And that trons like, I'm not going to out you fake Ezekiel, but why are you doing this? And he's like, well, because Ezekiel was known as the good and honorable. And that is like, yeah, everything that you are not. And find out that his Gadriel.

Bitch (:

Gadriel! Who the fuck is Gadriel?

Jerk (:

Yeah. And he's like, the stories weren't true, but he just happened to be locked up in Heaven's Dungeon for like centuries. No big.

Bitch (:

You know why? Because he let the snake into the Garden of Eden. And if I had not had a family emergency, you probably would have gotten a lot more into this stuff because that's in the book of Enoch, which is one of those apocryphal not in text, anyhow, but that's what he was put into. theory, this angel was responsible for keeping evil out, which means he let the nope rope in.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

regarding the Eden of Eden.

Bitch (:

And you know, like some, you let the snake into the, we told you no, we don't want snakes in our garden. we know like what happens like, so, no. So that's why he ended up in the dungeon.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And basically, somebody had to take the blame is what it was at end of the day. So Metatron's like, well, I just want to be your friend and free you. No big. So, you know, I yeah, I caused all the angels to fall and including the imprisoned ones. So technically I've freed you already. And. Yeah. And bored. So bored.

Bitch (:

that you should thank me, thank me here. Also, I'm super lonely and so bored, and so bored. And now it's time for plan B.

Jerk (:

Yeah, I'm gonna rebuild heaven as God envisioned with just a select few with no quote anemic functionaries as like Bartholomew and no more stupid angels.

Bitch (:

Which I do love that no more stupid angels and not letting stupid angels in here anymore Which I think is a great campaign promise You can't sit with us no more stupid angels maybe some funny ones, but no stupid you can't wear pink So I he's just laying on and on

Jerk (:

It's like, you can't sit with us.

Jerk (:

not stupid.

Jerk (:


And he really wants Gadriel to help him like represent and reclaim heaven.

Bitch (:

represent yo but and he can reclaim his reputation too which is a really big lure for this this new man that we were finding this new dude so did you have any it was this a complete like what was your face doing when you when this happened

Jerk (:

I literally wrote, what the fuck? And I said, what the fuck? Repeatedly.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so you were very much surprised.

Jerk (:

But I will say I felt like I started to like, I feel like they had like kind of like hinted around this might not be who we thought it was.

Bitch (:

They were hinting. There was definitely some like, some things that were kind of like put in there that if you knew, you knew, but.

Jerk (:

Right. And that you wouldn't have noticed until after you find out and you're like, I feel like you're like, I felt like I had a reason to wonder about this, but I can't like list them. So yeah. So I thought that was interesting. I was, blew my mind a little bit and then it made me upset and it made me more mad at Dean, which is stupid because also as a person that knows that I'm watching a television show that aired a decade ago and I'm mad at a character that was written to lie to his part. But you know what I mean? I was like, motherfucker, this is even worse. He's lying to Sam now. But anyways.

Bitch (:

Well, because he put him in danger, right? that's, and that is the, yeah, he, if it is kind of like, this is the worst, worst case scenario is now you don't even know who is inside your brother. So, and that is you kind of, you know, part of the, you know, what happens when you do things without people's consent, but you know, it's, so we have worst case scenario here, but also they've just been tricking you.

Jerk (:

Yeah. I lied about it.

Bitch (:

Really Gadriel? Why? Like Dean wouldn't know who the fuck Izzy Kale was. He didn't know who Gadriel, he wouldn't know who Gadriel was. Like, he didn't know.

Jerk (:

No, no, at all. But if Dean had said to Cass that Gadriel helped him, then Cass would have blown it out of the water. So that's probably why.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Yeah, I know he's an escaped prisoner from heaven, but okay.

Jerk (:

So back to the bunker.

Bitch (:

The book.

Jerk (:

And Sam is asking Dean about CAS and he's like, yeah, he has ran off. He's going to go, you know, do his own thing.

Bitch (:

Sam's just rightfully concerned that Cass has disappeared. That is an okay feeling to have, Sam.

Jerk (:

But Sam has discovered that some stuff about our bikers and that red dog is one of the victims. And he was known as a family guy, PTA. And he, years, but years ago that the biker gang all got baptized together. So they are a born again biker gang.

Bitch (:

And you know, this is one of those don't be so judgmental cases. So we're going to have some, guess I'm going to call this lore. I don't know. Whatever is whatever I want to do. So we're going to talk about some nice things that biker gangs have done in the past. Yeah, sure. So our main sources from those are from a grunge article, the untold truth of biker games by Chandler Stark that was published in 2020 published.

Jerk (:

So lore.

Bitch (:

in 2022 and also a ranker article by Don Saylor. in full caveat, one of the reasons that I wanted to do this is because I think I have mentioned before that I have an ex who was a biker and he was a prospect for a non one percent gang. But they in order to

ride in certain states with your patches on for your non -1 % gain, a lot of them still had to support some of the 1 %ers. And one of our friends gave me a lot of shit for me judging the 1 %ers, saying that people think that all skinheads are Nazis.

and punk rockers are awful, you shouldn't be judging outlaw bikers like this. But then I'm also like, they traffic women and so I can. But we're gonna talk about those some cases where that's, sometimes they do good stuff because they're human beings and we are not black and white and there's all sorts of different shades of gray in everybody.

This reminder was good and everybody that's also positive coming from me, isn't it? So positive talking about biker gangs. All right. So according to William L Delaney, the term outlaw biker.

Jerk (:

You did. I'm like, who are you? think. Yeah.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

originally just meant a club that was not officially recognized or organized under the American Motorcycle Association, AMA. That was originally an outlaw biker, but that we all know that.

That is not what we're talking about here. We're going to mainly talk about some of the four outlaw gangs and that's it house angels, outlaws, pagans, and our and banditos. And these go ahead.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

And these are all considered one percenters, right? And then one percenter identifies that they're like a small percentage of bikers, kind of. Sorry to jump ahead.

Bitch (:

they're considered.

Bitch (:

So the AMA, is kind of the, yeah, this is the kind of the idea behind that. So the American Motorcycle Association argued that the public display at the Hollister invasion in 1947, which was when a bunch of bikers got drunk and fucked up a small town.

was only indicative of 1 % of all motorcycle clubs. The other 99 % of MCs were law abiding citizens who had no interest in drunk riots or vandalizing. And whether or not that statement is accurately attributed to him, just where it, that is one of the theories of where it comes from.

Jerk (:

which is the accepted terminology now about biker gangs.

Bitch (:

Yeah, it's just and the idea is most of us and it's honestly it's true. Most of most people who ride a motorcycle are absolutely fine. In fact, most people who have who are patched are absolutely fine. And honestly, a lot of people in out, you know, the 1 % gangs are probably fine. But there is 1 % of the 1 % or you know, whatever. We're not doing fucking math like Sons of Anarchy wasn't based on nothing. But anyways, but they all do charity work.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So the Hells Angels in Fresno hosted an annual toy drive in 2014. They bought 200 bicycles from a local Walmart and donated them all to a nonprofit, the Poverello House, which helps homeless and I think that's to say indigenous families. I have indigent families, but I think that's indigenous. Okay, well maybe that's the word. I don't know and we'll learn together.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Indigent is a word too.

Bitch (:

In 2020, a Pagan's motorcycle chapter dropped off lots of donated school supplies at an elementary school in West Virginia. The Bandinos have chapters that participate in lots of charities, including ones in Spokane that donate tons of supplies to a local Salvation Army. There was one in Florida, an Outlaw's chapter that donated more than a thousand coats.

to for during your coat drive. That's pretty good. This one is OK. Now we're to veer away from the one percent dirt because we can say like they all kind of do things like that. But they do things so they most of them do things of community because you want the community to like you. And for the most part, you know, they're not honestly they're just dudes and some of them are, you know, law. Some of them are, you know, whatever. So. We all make choices with our lives, so.

Jerk (:

Yeah, some make different choices than others.

Bitch (:

So another group that I want to talk about is bikers against child abuse and they are, you know, BACA. They are an international organization that seeks to empower abuse victims to get justice. They were founded in 1995 by John Paul Chief Lilly, a biker, social worker, and certified play therapist. Nothing.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

But from their page, I just think this is really fascinating. Okay, so they're organized with essential contact. these are bikers that are there to help kids who are being abused, right? So what they'll do is an organized with essential contact person to receive calls from referring agencies and individuals, a recognized authority. And this is right from the page. I said that a recognized authorized agency with which the child has contact determines that the child is still frightened by their environment.

The agency representative then contacts Baca or refers them, et cetera, et cetera. And then when they go through the whole thing. then, so once liaison contacts the family, an initial ride is organized to meet the child in their home or in some other location where they feel comfortable. The chapter will then ride to meet the child and he gets a vest with the Baca patch sewn on the back and the kid is free to wear the vest or not.

They're also given bumper stickers and other gifts that are generally donated by the public. These initial visits last about a half an hour. Following that contact, the child is given the name and the number of two Bakken members who are close to them and they're their primary contacts, right?

These bikers have had an extensive background check, have written with a chapter for at least a year, and have received special instructions from the licensed mental health professional assigned to the case. Anytime the child feels scared and feels a need for the presence of his new Baca family, the child may call upon these bikers to go to the child's house and provide the necessary reassurance to feel safe and protected.

VACA members and supporters also support the children by providing escorts for them if they feel scared in their neighborhoods, riding by their homes on a regular basis, supporting the children at court and parole hearings, attending their interviews, and just staying with them if they're alone or frightened.

Bitch (:

They never go to the house alone and they don't need to be permanently engaged. So the idea is just to help the families learn how powerful that they are.

and they also have other functions like barbecues and parties. So with the court appearances, if the children want extra support and empowerment during their court process and the judge allows it, they will escort them to the court. They will basically be there to help them speak up and give their voice. And I just think that's really, really, really sweet. So yeah, there's a lot of other groups that are like that.

Jerk (:

I really love that. I didn't know that I was familiar with. I was familiar with Baca, but I didn't know they did all that. That's amazing. I've seen them at events and out about and all the things, but yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so I think that's really cool. Yeah. So I just wanted to highlight those things. And I think that one especially is like, that's just a cool group. And it's like, I didn't know about the little vest the kid got with a little rocker on it. And it's just so cute. Yeah, so, and there are a lot of, know, there are a lot of other, you know,

Jerk (:

That's cool.

Jerk (:

That's amazing. I like it.

Bitch (:

biker and those things, motorcycle focused organizations. There's a lot of ones that are around to empower women, know, for people with, you know, different disabilities and veterans and all sorts of things. know, riding motorcycles is fun. Dangerous, we're not, know, but, you know, it's still a fun thing. And also it's a good way to have a community. So, kind of like being in a car club. So,

Jerk (:

Kind of like being a car club.

Bitch (:

I guess I'm just saying don't judge somebody by their rocker. I don't know. But judge them by their patch. I'm just kidding. that is, bikers can be nice. I guess that's what we'll call that. Bikers are nice too, all right?

Jerk (:

That's cool.

Jerk (:

Here we go. Bikers are nice too.

Bitch (:

So we're back to these biker sos of Boyle's Boys, which just sounds like a racist group. I know they're not. It just does for some reason. Anyway, it's not a good name. I think maybe it's the boys. Let's just not know. No, new name, new name.

Jerk (:

No, it just sounds creepy to me. Boils boys. Sounds greasy. How does it sound greasy? It sounds greasy.

Bitch (:

Did you know that words can sound greasy? Okay, so red dog was always religious, but he came home from a prayer meeting just how I'm tough on the big J

Jerk (:

Jerk (35:58.918)

big hyped up on the big J. OK, so yeah, he was filled with that divine glory, a .k .a. he's a meat suit for an angel. So, yeah.

Bitch (:

The angel was inside him. The angel filled him all the way up. So they figure out...

Jerk (:

So they're like, so Bartholomew's group is getting slaughtered. So whoever's slaughtering them has to be worse than fucking Bartholomew. So that's not good.

Bitch (:

Yeah, that's not great. That's not great. And so angels are dicks.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so we cut back to a campfire. Say back to we're not new scene. We cut to a campfire in the woods.

Bitch (:

We're at a campfire, but it looks like one we have been. Why are you doing your Bible study in the woods?

Jerk (:

At night. It was weird. our, our glee, her glee singer leader shows up and she's like, I'm going to talk to you guys. I'm going to tell you to rise and our heavenly hosts are going to be welcomed. And so we've got.

Bitch (:

And I'm just like, shit, y 'all are tripping in the woods. I get it now. Yeah, I know, I understand now what's happening. Y 'all just went to the woods and did shrubs. I got it. That makes so much more sense to me than Bible study.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Bushrooms!

Jerk (:

Yeah, but yeah. We've got swirling blue above them in the sky, which further solidifies the tripping theory. But but actually it's angels and she's like in the name of Malachi, let them in. And then she gets stabbed from behind and the Bible study get all smoked.

Bitch (:

Yeah, did the say it. Really it is.

Bitch (:

That's it.

Bitch (:

They get smoted, but like, were angels already inside of them? So yeah, so they're just smoting humans. So then what happens to the swirling angels? Where do they go?

Jerk (:

Why? No, they were still swirling in the sky. They hadn't gotten in there yet.

Jerk (:

They don't have anywhere to go. They go, they just stay swirling. They ain't got somewhere to go. Apparently, because remember that's what they're saying. There's a bunch of angels just hanging out that don't have meat suits.

Bitch (:

Do they just like hang out there? Are they just like... Yeah? But they're just like, shit, like we all got here and then like, and then you're like, well I'm glad I didn't take that one, you know? Now we're gonna go back under a bridge because that is where Metatron, the troll, likes to be.

Jerk (:

Right? I don't know. Ugh.

Ugh. Apparently they like to kick it under the un -overpass. I don't know. Annoying. At Meditrona, so annoying.

Bitch (:

and never find me parking there either. so Metatron is just obnoxious. He thinks that humans waste energy.

Jerk (:

Yeah, but they're chaotic and fascinating all this emotion though. Yeah Anyways, and he's like yeah, Godrails like yeah, Sam's just totally a mess in here I don't even know where to start so does that mean he hasn't started even trying to fix Sam? He's just being hanging out

Bitch (:

Now, I think he means he doesn't know where to start with talking about Sam's problems. Maybe. I don't know. I have no idea how Sam is physically doing right now.

Jerk (:

OK, I was very concerned.

Jerk (:

I don't know. and so Gabrielle's like, by the way, so if you're like making this like new heaven, does that mean you're going to like be God? And.

Bitch (:

and he's willing to take on the burden but he will be called... Shut the fuck up, Metatron is fucking Elon Musk.

Jerk (:

I know that. That was a long time ago.

Bitch (:

How did you predict this shit, Supernatural? Way to go. They predicted the rise of Musk. We have to like, can I start a conspiracy cult based on the fact that Eric Kripke, like, long time ago, tried to start something that foreshadowed the crypto rise of Elon Musk. No? God damn it. All right. Next cult idea. All right, we'll keep going.

Jerk (:

Jerk (39:43.432)

No, no. Well, we are back to Castiel and he is in a motel room and he is kneeling and makes the comment that he is unfamiliar with this end of the process because he's trying to pray and he's like, no one might be listening, but I do need assistance. And we show a whole like, it's actually a kind of an interesting little like.

Bitch (:

It's a fun little montage, a prayer, it's a prayer montage.

Jerk (:

series. It's really cute. Montage is the word. It is a prayer montage. You're correct. He does goes from meditation to cross legged to

Bitch (:

Yeah, he the lotus poses, you know, like he's just trying them all.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Asking for all of them and just keeps asking for help. He's desperate and needs guidance. And finally he gives up. He's like, I don't know how humans do it. And he goes to turn on the TV and it doesn't work. And we hear someone from outside the door go, try plugging it in.

And it's a forest ranger who

Bitch (:

Right? And just like, what the fuck's movie? The bear? Like, or whatever. But she's an angel. Muriel.

Jerk (:

Yeah, was. Yeah, Muriel is there because he asked for help, except she recognizes him and she's like, no.

Bitch (:

But so he was basically so he's a human he's able to disguise that he is cast. And he's like, I need some help. And this angel just shows up to be like, what you want? Like, I wouldn't show it for somebody who's not that specific about their prayer. Like you would need to, you need to tell me what you want. You can't just go like, I wish for general things, you need to be specific.

Jerk (:

Damn, I don't know. It makes no sense.

Jerk (:

Well, Kevin and Dean are researching at the bunker and Kevin is really struggling with some of the translation and he's just like, you know, remember that Crowley said this spells irreversible. So why are we even trying? But whatever it seems like this part, Metatron was trying to keep specific words hidden from the prophets.

Bitch (:

Isn't this great that I never noticed this before? And with these tablets though, I know that it's prophet world that you just can't really see that we can't tell, but it looks like 10 lines. Like how did you not notice this like hidden part that Metatron was there? I I get it's word of God and probably.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Well, Sam enters and Dean's like, by the way, there's been another angel attack this time in Utah. And the bus is identified as the same one that was leaving that bar. So they got to go.

Bitch (:

So Sam is about the kids and then sad about the kids and then Dean just puts more pressure on Kevin.

Jerk (:

Yeah, clock's ticking. He's not wrong, but.

Bitch (:

He's not wrong, but he just doesn't ask for things nicely.

Jerk (:

Well, back at Cass's motel room, Muriel's like, look, if Metatron, even if Metatron tricked you, I should still turn you in. And Cassiel's like, look, we both want no part of either of the fanatics on any of the sides. I've been warded. My grace is fucking gone. I just hope to be seen as another desperate human so I wouldn't get any attention to a bunch of militants. And she's like, I don't know. But Malachi is leading this faction against Bartholomew. There's less and less.


Bitch (:

Yeah, and then Cass is like what Malachi the anarchist is leading the opposition and look, anarchists cannot lead oppositions. That is completely an oxymoron. Sorry, guys. Look at the meaning of the word anarchist. But.

Jerk (:

Not unless they want to solidify anarchy for everybody by burning it down.

Bitch (:

Well, you can burn it down, but typically anarchists want to be part of a collective and don't really want to be having any, know, leadership isn't something that is generally, you know, loved upon in the anarchist world, just saying. So anyhow, so Malachi has become in some ways worse than Barty.

Jerk (:

Hmm because there's fewer and fewer of the neutral people are being tortured and killed if they don't pick a side But and both really just want to overflow overflow overthrow Metatron and rule heaven

Bitch (:

And I think this is a good line. Heaven under either would be hell. That sounds like a tagline for like coming this summer. Heaven under either would be hell.

Jerk (:

Bum bum bum. It does.

Jerk (:

Hell, it does. Yeah. And then a dude breaks down the door with Angel Blade.

Bitch (:

Presumable angel. Big, big, big dude.

Jerk (:

Big Angel. So Malachi has a dungeon.

Bitch (:

Tis ye, why not?

Jerk (:

And apparently he's been tracking Muriel because she's a quote cowardly holdout. And Castiel is chained up and being beaten. And by the way, Muriel is really bloody on the floor. And Castiel is trying to re -explain again that he was duped by Metatron and no one believes him. And they don't really believe him. But they're also like, well, so fine. If we do believe you, what is his weakness? What is Metatron's weakness? And Castiel is like, I don't know.

Bitch (:

I don't know nothing.

Bitch (:

No, nothing. Nothing. And the big angel we learn is named Theo.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and Theo is the torturer. Is that right?

Bitch (:

And we also learned that metatrons' pole numbers have tanked.

Jerk (:

Hmm. Yeah. So Malachi is like, think you're protecting Metatron. So, it's between it's Cassiel's life or it's Muriel's life. And Cass is like, well, she's innocent. And, so Malachi has Theo killer. Yeah.

Bitch (:

He stabs her and Theo stabs her anyway. Because Malachi is a dick.

Jerk (:

Yeah, he is. And Casio's pissed though. He's like, angels butchering angels. Is this what we've become? And Malachi is like,

Bitch (:

I kind of feel like you're asking that but like haven't y 'all been doing this like wasn't that season two like whenever the first eight when angels come out like I feel like that was the first thing that happened with y 'all I don't think this is new I think y 'all what about Lucifer like I also feel like that was probably angels torch yeah I don't agree with this

Jerk (:

a long time. Yeah.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Sorry, Cass, you got it wrong. And then Malachi calls him out too, we're like, we're following your example. Remember, Castiel killed a fuck ton of angels in heaven.

Bitch (:

And this is when we learn, yes, we learn this very important piece that Cass did also did not know. And that was when the fall happened, that not all of those meteors were happy things like the asteroid that landed in the Philippines yesterday that sadly did not take out the world. But so some of them died.

Jerk (:

and a bunch diet in the fall.

Jerk (:

Yeah, including Ezekiel.


Bitch (:

Interestingly enough though, Azrael was also named for Gadriel in the brief lore that I looked up. So interesting that that was one of the ones. So I think that was cool. But Ezekiel was dead. So we already know, now we're double double sure that whoever is in Sam is not Sam Ezekiel.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Definitely must be Gadriel. So Castiel is a little distracted by that information while Malachi is describing all this destruction that the angels experience. And then he's like, cool, now I'm going to leave you to be tortured by Theo. Bye.

Bitch (:

Honestly, like I'd rather be with you than with Malachi. I feel like I would get along with you. With you, looks less like a psychopath.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, well, and Cass is like, just give me a quick death. And Theo's like, no, no, no, no, I need you to speak to Metatron

Bitch (:

And he just completely has flipped on Malachi. He's like, no, no, no, I know whose side I'm playing on. Fuck Malachi.

Jerk (:

He's like, I'm fucking done. I'm Fuck Malachi. I know who I want to get on your horse. I want to follow you on this. And so he thinks that Castiel has influence. So he's going to try. So Theo does not have any loyalties. Theo just knows where he wants to hitch his horse.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Finn wants to survive, that is he's just playing the game to survive. But then Cas gets sneaky.

Jerk (:

And he will be a will. Well, he's going to be a willing soldier for Metatron. And yeah, I guess he was like, sure, totally. We have a working relationship. You're very, you're very clever. You'd be a very skilled soldier.

Bitch (:

Yeah! You're so smart, you're handsome, you're big, look at those big paws! Why don't we use those big paws and I'll tell Metatron how big they are, but just use them to just undo these cast -fairy things. Please, please.

Jerk (:

Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah. And... Yeah, we're gonna get some smiting.

Bitch (:

and Theo releases him and then...

Jerk (:

and Cass is gonna smite him.

Bitch (:

Well, he cuts his throat and eats his grace. Which is a thing we have just figured out that you can do?

Jerk (:

Well, it says grace, which is really weird.

Jerk (:

But like you kind of can but you kind of can't we get to that too. But either way he cuts his throat, steals his grace and smites him.

Bitch (:

Cass is back, baby.

Jerk (:

And then he's gone. And then Malachi walks down and realizes that all his guard dudes are dead. and Castiel is gone and they're all been smoked. Smited.

Bitch (:

They've all been dismoted.

Bitch (:

So I mean, it's smited, smoted, smotie, and it was asked, I feel like Reese Witherspoon has a comment on this. Yeah, that's neater, sweeter. So, but anyway, before we go to another Reese Witherspoon hole, which is just, terrible to get out of, they're not good. Okay, get us back on track,

Jerk (:

no tea.

Jerk (:

So back at the bunker, Dean and Kevin are in the kitchen and apparently Sam has gone out and Kevin points out that he's been doing that a lot lately.

Bitch (:

What? Like that's not kind of weird.

Jerk (:

And Dean's like, and Dean does not seem to have noticed, which is annoying, but.

Bitch (:

Yeah, cause Dean's probably had his head up his ass trying to figure out his lies and hasn't even noticed what this is going on, right? But while we're even thinking about that, then cast calls.

Jerk (:

Yeah, from a pay phone. And he's like, Dean, you got to know this. Malachi is the big bad guy right now fighting with Barney. I was tortured, but I got away. I did what I had to do. And they're going to want me more. Now I have grace back. It's not mine, but it's going to do because it's an angel. I don't know, by the way, if there might be a war, you need to be ready for that. And also, did you say something about Ezekiel helping Sam? Because, by the way, Ezekiel died when the angels fell. So you should probably know.

Bitch (:

And once again though, like, aren't the angels already at war? Like, why are you saying like, I feel like this is already happening. Like, and I feel like they've been at war for like the past seven seasons.

Jerk (:

Yes and no, I think that this is like an escalation of an internal battle because they were never like, yeah, when Cass was in charge, he was slaughtering them.

Bitch (:

No, I mean, we had the Raphael days, we had the Uriel days, and then we had the Nahome days. Now we're having...

Jerk (:

Yeah, but there wasn't a war during the Nahomi days.

Bitch (:

No, she will she killed a bunch of people to prevent their killed a bunch of angels to make their war but then there was war against Naomi. They were got of gathering people to go up against her. So I just feel like they're all like this isn't. It's kind of like is kind of like being our age and like us going to work again and we're just kind of like okay, because this happened so often. It's just like, all right, I guess yeah.

Jerk (:

I think it's the problem is that it's war on earth.

Jerk (:

But now, but then that war on Earth, think that was part of what the thing was to.

Bitch (:

Well, or just Dean stayed out of it. You know, so anyways, but wait, there's more. And so now like Dean has been told about Ezekiel being dead.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

And he is a little freaked. So Dean goes to Kevin. He's like, we need the fucking spell. I need and I also need to speak to with the vessel without a squatter sitting in. So let's figure this a fuck out. So Kevin finds a spell where Dean can talk to Sam without Zeke you're listening in.

Bitch (:

which seems like a very good, good spell to have, right? But still, Dean, when asked why, he fucking lies.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So met. Has to lie. Again, so Metatron and Gadriel or have another under the overpassed convo and Gadriel is like, sure, you know what? I'm going to fucking join you. Let's do this. I want to erase my reputation and restore heaven. Ta -da! And Metatron is cool, cool, Except we've got enemies to slay. Here's your first test. You got one test.

and you have to kill this person. It's the first name on your to -do list.

Bitch (:

Here's the name, decide. Also got very tired and so was just writing Sam Gadreal, not Zekiel, and then changed that to S -G -E -N -Z. So Signez is what I'm calling him now. All right, so after that, we go back to the bunker.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and Dean and Kevin have painted these sigils and Kevin's like, yeah, I found some info from the tablet. And then some of the info I actually found from the men of letters book. It was pretty cool. but what the fuck's going on? Why are we writing these sigils in the store room? And Dean's like, you just got to trust me. and Kevin's like, yeah, I always do. And I always end up getting screwed. poor Kevin.

Bitch (:

Can I be in the middle of letters?

Bitch (:

Damn right, Kevin. Damn right you have been for fucking Kevin. So, some new news has returned with a beer. I know it is, Kevin. Yes. All right, so Sam Gadriel, not Ezekiel, has returned with a beer and Dean's like, I don't wanna talk.

Jerk (:

Poor sweet Kevin or things poor sweet Kevin is something I say in my regular life more than you know I also talk about my dog. We're sweet Kevin

Jerk (:

Yeah, come with me to this not suspicious room. And he cuts his hand and touches a sigil and they get a flash. And Sam is all freaked out. And Dean's like, I need to talk to you super fucking fast. So listen up. The trials fucked you up real bad. You were dead almost. So I made a decision because you were in a coma to let an angel in. And he's like, in what? In you. And Sam's like,

Bitch (:

In you. In me?

Jerk (:

What the fuck, I didn't invite him. And Dean's like, I admit it, I tricked you into inviting him and saying yes, my bad. And Sam is big mad. And he's like, once again, you thought I couldn't handle something? And Dean's like, to be fair, that was not the right response, because he really couldn't, he would have fucking died. It's not like Sam couldn't handle it, Sam was dying. Anyways.

Bitch (:

I say it should be, right?

Bitch (:

Yeah, but still you put somebody inside of him without consent and nobody likes that. So, but then Dean's like, yo, like that's not even the bad part. So hold on, hold on here. But wait, there's more for 9 .99. You can find out.

Jerk (:

But wait, there's more And Sam's like no fuck this I need a choice Indians like no really Unfortunately that angel that I let in you lied and it's not who he said he was and they could end you at any time I need you to dump him I need you to expel him right fucking now and then it'll be fine. You should be well enough. You should be fine. Just get out and Sam

Bitch (:

Just poop him out, just poop him out. Expella, just get him out. But then, no.

Jerk (:

Sam goes, Sam is like, no, I'm going to the door and punches Dean in the face and goes to Kevin.

Bitch (:

and looking really intent at Kevin.

Jerk (:

And Kevin's like, is everything OK? Things seem a little off. And Gadriel tells Kevin, don't worry about Dean. And Dean walks in as Sam's Gadriel smites Kevin.

Bitch (:

Kevin Tran is down. Kevin Tran is down and there is no more Sam.

Jerk (:


But I played him.

Bitch (:

Because you dumbass Dean, you just in the beginning of this thing said that somebody could eavesdrop whenever they wanted to, including just hiding around the corner and eavesdropping like the traditional word for eavesdropping.

Jerk (:

And so Sam heard the plan and he touched and smeared a sigil the second they walked into the store room. And so that's why. So the spell never worked. And he played Sam convincingly the whole time that they were in there. And he's apologized for Kevin, but it's for the best. And he did what he had to do. And he drops the card from Metatron on on the ground. And it is says Kevin Tran.

Bitch (:

says says kevin trans

Jerk (:

and grabs a backpack and walks away as Sam cries looking at Kevin's dead body and saying his name. I'm sorry, Dean cries. Sorry.

Bitch (:

Not Sam cries. Actually, and he doesn't, he just says Kevin twice and a single man tear. One single, trust me, I was gonna say this and someday you're gonna thank me for saying this, Diana. Dean single man tear cries down his cheek. All right, falls down his cheek. Just remember that for one day. One day, okay? So on that, let's put a pin in this.

Jerk (:

He has a tear. He gets a tear. It's crying.

Jerk (:

I know. All right. Here we go.

Bitch (:

and give some deep breaths about what just happened. I know none of us like it, but we'll come back and we'll talk about this. I like I'm still in crisis management mode. Okay, we'll come back to this. But first, let's talk about the people that we saw. Who are the people in our castahood?

Jerk (:

I know, I don't like it.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

All right. So our cast this week, we had Malachi played by Steven Monroe Taylor. He's been in episodes of E .R. Heroes, CSI Miami, True Blood a couple of times, NCIS, NCIS LA, Criminal Minds, Queen of the South, Lucifer, Walker Independence, a couple of episodes. And The Cleaning Lady. He was oats in the movie Mr. Woodcock. He was a sailor in the Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Bitch (:

Hello sailor.

Jerk (:

He was weighed in Water for Elephants and he was Gator Davis in Texas Rising, which is a miniseries about Texas, and Dwight in the Connors as a recurring role. Muriel was played by Britt Irvin. She's been was in episodes of Aliens in America multiple times, V multiple times, Smallville multiple times, Beauty and the Beast, I, Zombie and Altered Carbon.

done a lot of Hallmark movies. She's done a lot of voice work from Madeline to the animated Sabrina series in Yasha, X -Men Evolution, Bratz, Barbie and Lego animated series. She was Cathy in the movie Hot Rod, Lena in The Vow, and most recently, was an ongoing character, Danielle, in the series Chesapeake Shores. Then our

choir lady, aka the Glee club leader was Lisa Derpt, D -U -R -P -T, Derpt? I don't know.

Bitch (:

Derps, I don't know, good on you, Lisa, for keeping that name.

Jerk (:

And she's been episodes of Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce and more lot of Hallmark. And then she was Mr. Kavinsky's wife in All the Boys I've Loved Before, Always and Forever. Theo was played by Sage Brockbank. He's been in episodes of Smallville 4400, Fringe Arrow, Once Upon a Time, A Couple Times, Supergirl, a couple episodes of series of unfortunate events and Peacemaker.

Bitch (:

Good times. Those are some good people's. All right, so how you doing?

Jerk (:

That's it. That's all I got.

Jerk (:

I was upset. I was mad. I didn't like it. Yeah. Going through the stages of Kevin grief. Yeah. Bullshit. And I want to ask questions like, is he really gone? Because it's supernatural. But I'm also like, I don't want to ask. I figured that's a yes, he's really gone.

Bitch (:

mad, sad.

Bitch (:

The grief? Yeah, the grief for Kevin Tran.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so I feel like, I feel like...

Bitch (:

His eyes are burnt out. So we'll get to this in a minute, but kind of is he dead? mean, but that's kind of the thing you have to, you have to suffer, you have to suffer through like the rest of us, the SP and family did as we first learned Kevin Tran's demise. And being smoded by Sam too, like, which is even worse, because now we're gonna have this, I mean, not predicting, but.

Jerk (:

It's like smote.

Jerk (:

I know.

I know, and smoothing I don't feel like there's a coming back from.

Jerk (:

trust issues.

Bitch (:

We have Sam like, who was already having a non consensual person inside of him is now now he's also murdered his his friend. His family. Yeah, so and all because Dean kept this lie, not all because they definitely contributed to this, right? And yeah, right. Is it Dean had come out with what he had known? And this is, you know, we're also only on episode nine of the season. That's what I remind you of that.

Jerk (:

and now it's murdered his friend.

Yes! This is fucked. Fucked.

Jerk (:

Bitch (01:01:15.216)

No, he's not. He's not in the season. I will tell you that. so and I do have something from Osric that I want to read at the end. So I just want any. So the Gadriel thing. So we have that as a new surprise.

Jerk (:

Jerk (01:01:32.398)

shook shook. I will say that the Bartolomew and Malachi thing was a little like, I got it, but a little eye roll -y. The biggest driver of this episode is the Metatron Gadriel stuff.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

for sure. All right, so to close this out, want to, and again, I don't need to tell you my feelings. So, Osric tweeted this on December 4th, 2013 when the episode aired and said, three characters might be enough to sum up everything going through my head right now, but I gotta do what I do and vomit. This is from Twitlogger, this is why he's not just doing, and this is back when there was that literal.

the litter, the limit on Twitter before Metatron took it over. three characters might be enough to sum up everything going through my head right now, but I've got to do what I do and vomit over my keyboard hoping for feelings.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

to come out with the rest of the gloop. As I was filming this last scene, I could not help but feel a deep sadness for what was to come. It was inevitable after all, of course it was. Kevin Tran, advanced placement of neighbor Michigan was supposed to die a less than heroic death by the end of Supernatural 7th season. Sam and Dean would take a moment to sigh and regret and then move on as they should and we would have done the same.

The show was supposed to be nothing to me, but it became everything. It's weird to stop and think just how far Kevin has come since I first met him and how much he's been able to accomplish in such a short time. He's lost everything and everyone he's ever known, forced to run and hide at such a young age. You kind of wonder how else he was ever going to rest in peace. They said every prophet was supposed to have an archangel tethered to them for divine intervention should there be danger.

Chuck had Raphael to protect him from Lilith, but by the time Kevin had become the prophet, the archangels were either dead or locked away. I like to think that the Espen family had been Kevin's angels all along and the biggest reason for his survival. I thank you for that. These thoughts were swimming through my head as I lay there on the floor in darkness. I had prosthetics on my eyes so I couldn't see, nor could my eyes be seen.

That was for the best because where I spent that was for the best because it was in those moments that I said my farewells to the studio, the houseboat, the men of letters bunkers where I spent so much time to craft services, the caterers and the candy tray where I spent even more time to the faces. I've gotten so used to seeing over the last two years. I had to say, see you later because I couldn't just bring myself to say goodbye.

all the while hoping that the glue holding my eye pieces in place were in jeopardy of dissolving. It's been an amazing ride and I knew it was coming. It's still the strange sensation that I can't quite readily describe in this mindset. I've met so many wonderful people and I've made so many memories I'll cherish for a lifetime. But it's that time where I say my thanks and take that last step into the fandom and let that world envelop me as I continue to support the show and the fans that have changed my life.

Bitch (:

Thank you for everything you've done, everything you're doing, and everything you continue to do. Thank you, and yes, I do think, hashtag KevinLibs, and all our hearts, smiley face. Isn't that sweet? I just think it's just like the sweetest thing. Yeah.

Jerk (:

I have a question. Does he do like any of the cons and stuff? I haven't seen him at any of ones we've done.

Bitch (:

I know he used to, I was just thinking that he used to do them. I'm not sure, maybe he's filming something right now. I haven't checked up on him. I will take a note to see what Osbert Chow is doing. But you know, he definitely was part of them before and he will be fun. So maybe one day I will accidentally bite. It was just, yeah, it was just well written and it was a very nice thank you to the fans and just, yeah, it sweet.

Jerk (:

He's three years on his career or what he's doing. don't know. Yeah, you never know. It's crazy.

Jerk (:

I mean, I said two, but that's good.

Jerk (:

That was a really, well, it really well written and very cute.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it was. I appreciate that. Well, yeah, I'm pretty sad about it.

Bitch (:

It is sad. All right. And so if there's nothing else to say beyond, we're sad. Cheers, jerk.

Jerk (:

Cheers bitch.

Show artwork for Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast

About the Podcast

Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
A Supernatural fan show where longtime fan Liz “trapped” Diana, into watching for the first time. Come along for a spoiler free watch with crafty urban fantasy enthusiasts.
We're going back to the beginning of the road and watching Supernatural from the beginning. For your host Liz, it's probably her fifth time through. For your other host Diana, it's her first. She claims she was scared. Naturally as a supportive friend, Liz will attempt to exploit this fear as much as possible. We also dive into the spooky spook in the show in whatever way we want - occult, folklore, true crime, shopping, GAME SHOWS?

Watch the videos on you tube @devilstrappodcast
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About your hosts

Elizabeth Waddell

Profile picture for Elizabeth Waddell
Liz spends her time in Dripping Springs, TX crafting and binge watching shows.

Diana Cox

Profile picture for Diana Cox
Diana lives in Dallas, TX and spends her time seeing/making music, going to car shows, drinking, and caring for 3 large dogs (+ the husband).